Jiang Biao also had a hard night. Jiang Biao has countless subordinates, countless ruthless people, many people have killed people and seen blood, but Jiang Biao did not dare to fight back.

You can't fight back, you can only obey. This is Jiang Biao's survival law. Can the actual strength crush, will not let the opponent raise head absolutely, if otherwise, honestly pretends grandson.

"I don't know where Mr. Zhao is now? I want to meet Mr. Zhao. Look... "Jiang Biao said with a smile.

"I don't know."

Li Ruo shook his head and said, "they went to the hotel after dinner last night. As for the hotel, I don't know. I don't know when they will come."

"Oh, well, it doesn't matter. We'll wait here." Jiang Biao didn't dare to be angry. He kicked Chen Shaolong at his feet. He didn't have a good way: "what are you doing? Why don't you pick up the car and help carry the vegetables in? "

"Oh, I'm coming!"

Chen Shaolong suddenly stood up and went to work.

"This..." if Li hadn't come back, Chen Shaolong had already pushed the car over with a smile on his face.

"What kind of wind is really not an ordinary person. Even the boss of the green dragon club rushed to apologize. I don't know what he did last night." Li Ruo came back to his senses and began to calculate in his heart.

No matter what the origin of Zhao Chengfeng is, Li Ruo is sure that from now on, Xia Muxi's hard life has come to an end. At least, she has found a man who can protect her, which is the greatest luck of a woman's life.

"What are you standing for? Is the floor taken off? Has the table been wiped Entering the restaurant, Jiang Biao roared at Chen Shaolong again.

Chen Shaolong is miserable. He doesn't say anything. Ma liuer moves. If he is a little slower, he will be beaten again. Chen Shaolong is really depressed now. He doesn't dare to provoke Li Ruo. You should have known that if Li had such a strong backing, if you killed Chen Shaolong, you would not choose to break up, let alone bully Li Ruo.

"No, how can I do business like you?" Li Ruo has a headache.

It's true that seeing Chen Shaolong serve himself like a grandson, Li Ruo has a sense of revenge. But how can he do business with these two evil spirits?

"Well, let's go out and wait." Seeing that Li Ruo was angry, Jiang Biao went out of the restaurant and sat in the car waiting.

This is a brand-new Land Rover, worth more than 1.5 million yuan. Jiang Biao is very good at being a man and has made a special trip to give it to Zhao Chengfeng. Maybe once Zhao Chengfeng is happy, he won't trouble himself in the future.

Frankly speaking, Jiang Biao is not willing to give away such a big industry as Qinglong club.


Although they left, the people who came and went still couldn't help looking at the small restaurant and listening to the comments of the roadside people. Who dares to come in for dinner? Fortunately, there is little business in the morning. After all, it is a Chinese restaurant. Most of the business is concentrated in the noon and evening.

"Now why do I think the underworld is so weak?" Li Ruo suddenly has an idea in his mind. I don't know if Jiang Biao and others will be angry to death if they hear this.

Nima, the underworld is also a person. If you are beaten, do you know the pain?

Li Ruo can't manage too much. After eating something casually, he goes into the back kitchen to work. Although it's just a small restaurant, his income is still very high. His daily net income is more than 500 yuan, and it's more than 10000 yuan a month. If the business is better, it can exceed 20000 yuan!

In addition, Li Ruo also bought some stocks. After all, he is from the financial industry and has a strong idea of making money in his mind. As a result, Li Ruo has no classes now, and he spends most of his time in a small restaurant. After the restaurant is busy, he thinks about stocks. I made a little money in the past two years.

Time passed quickly. At eight in the morning, there were more and more students on the street. Most of them were eating steamed buns and preparing to go to class.

However, when we passed by Li ruo's small restaurant, we stopped to wait and see, and our eyes were filled with surprise.

Chen Shaolong, who used to be in the back door street of the first people's University in Jiangzhou City, how can he stand in front of the restaurant with a black face? Dejected, like a deflated ball.

"I'll go. What's the situation?"

"Yes, it's not right at all. In the past, these goods were always looking for trouble? Why did you become a door god today? "

"Look, that's Land Rover. Damn it, there won't be big people sitting here, will there?"

"Forget it, don't look at it. I'd better go to class as soon as possible. It's going to be roll call."

The comments of passers-by make Chen Shaolong feel ashamed. But today, Chen Shaolong dare not go wild, and even dare not stare at him. He has a feeling of being bullied by dogs.

"Damn it, when I get worse, I will deal with you one by one." Chen Shaolong thought about it in his heart, but just after he had this idea, Chen Shaolong's heart suddenly came up to his throat.

Because, Chen Shaolong saw a person he didn't want to see in his life - Zhao Chengfeng!

Zhao Chengfeng and Xia Muxi came from the street hand in hand. They also attracted the attention of many people. Of course, Xia Muxi attracted more attention. After all, Xia Muxi is very beautiful and is recognized as the first university flower of the first people's University of Jiangzhou.

"My God, what's the matter today? What do I see? My God, our school flowers are off the list! "

"Yes, the school flower has taken off the list, but is the man beside her a little too bad? I'm not as handsome as I am?"

"Ah, what's the world? School flower doesn't love handsome guys, but losers."

"Loser, counter attack

The appearance of Xia Muxi makes the whole street lively. People talk about it one after another and point at them.

Xia Mu Xi's eyebrows frowned. She was in a good mood. When she heard people saying bad things about Zhao Chengfeng, her pretty face suddenly came down. People can't judge their appearance. Don't you understand that?

"Don't be angry!"

However, Zhao Chengfeng took Xia Muxi and said with a smile, "be generous and tolerant. Don't care too much about other people's eyes. How to live is our own choice, so why care about other people's eyes? We live for ourselves, not for others. Why do we care? "

"I just can't stand it. These guys don't have a good class all day. They just know how to chew their tongue. They have no business to do?" Summer wood Xi still a pair of breathing appearance.

"Don't be angry, don't be angry, it's not a big deal, because other people's words hurt your heart, is it worth it?" Zhao Chengfeng doesn't think so.

Xia Mu Xi looks at Zhao Chengfeng in doubt, and is puzzled.

This man who can be crazy for his woman, how can he get up casually to himself?

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