"Let's go and see if Li Ruo opens the door. We have to help. We can't eat for nothing." Zhao Chengfeng directly ignores passers-by's murmur, pulls Xia Muxi to walk past.

Zhao Chengfeng doesn't really can't hear or care. He just thinks that this kind of show off is more exciting. What can you do if you're not happy? Lao Tzu is the goddess in your mind to bubble!

What's wrong with loser? Can't a loser have love? Lao Tzu is so angry with you!

"NIMA, all of a sudden, I find that I've read for nothing all these years. I'd better wear a rag to carry bricks."

"Yes, look at that boy. He's not as handsome as the brick boy."

"Our school flower's eyes don't work well."

A passer-by sigh more than, even if envy Zhao Chengfeng also have no way, can only dry stare, dry anxious.

"What did he come for?"

After a few steps, Xia Muxi also finds Chen Shaolong, clubbing at the door of the small restaurant, just like the door.


With a twist of his brow and a heavy complexion, Zhao Chengfeng strode past. His eyes were full of aggression. He stared at Chen Shaolong and asked in a cold voice, "Why are you here?"

While talking, Zhao Chengfeng looks inside the restaurant for fear that Li Ruo will be bullied by them.

"I..." when Chen Shaolong saw Zhao Chengfeng's murderous look, he felt his legs softened and didn't know what to explain.

"Say it

Zhao Chengfeng eyes a stare, the volume suddenly increased a lot.


Chen Shaolong couldn't bear the pressure. He knelt down to Zhao Chengfeng and begged for mercy: "brother, no, I'm wrong. I'm... I'm here..."

"Brother Feng, you are here." At this time, Jiang Biao in the Land Rover also came down.

Jiang Biao was in the car to make up for his doze, but he didn't know that Zhao Chengfeng's voice was too loud and frightening, and he was suddenly awakened. Jiang Biao got out of the car and came to say hello.

"What are you doing here?" Zhao Chengfeng brow is a twist, there is a feeling of being hit in the face.

When he came back last night, Zhao Chengfeng patted his chest to guarantee that Chen Shaolong would not appear in this street, but now

"Brother Feng, don't get me wrong. We have no malice. We mainly come to apologize and visit you." Jiang Biao is very good at talking and gives Zhao Chengfeng a bunch of car keys directly.

"This is..." Zhao Chengfeng did not understand.

Jiang Biao said quickly: "brother Feng, I don't think you have a car to drive, and there's nothing to give you when you think about it. No, I just picked up a car some time ago, did I give it to you? It's a good car. There's no problem driving out to buy a dish or something. It's absolutely enough. "

"How to buy vegetables?" After hearing this, Xia Mu Xi shakes her head. This force is really not a common force. It's enough to go shopping.

However, Xia Muxi felt that her face was bright, especially the passers-by who just looked down upon her man. Now they were all silly. They never expected that Chen Shaolong, the bully in the whole street, knelt down to Zhao Chengfeng in public. What does that mean?

Xia Muxi is not a vain person, but in order to find face for her men, it's nothing.

"Well, you do."

Zhao Chengfeng is slightly stunned, immediately takes the car key, shoves it into his pocket and enters the small restaurant.

Jiang Biao quickly followed in, thinking that Zhao Chengfeng would be very happy.

"What are you doing in here?" Who knows, Jiang Biao a foot just stepped in, Zhao Chengfeng suddenly a turn head, black face way.

"This..." Jiang Biao Leng in situ, do not know what to say.

"You can all go away!"

Zhao Chengfeng waved his hand and said, "don't let me see you in the future, and don't come here to find fault. If something happens to the restaurant in the future, don't blame me for being rude to you!"

"This..." Jiang Biao's smile suddenly froze on his face, embarrassed.

How can I forgive myself? It's faster to turn over my face than to turn over my book. There's no room for moderation.

"Go away!"

Zhao Chengfeng eyes a stare, directly under the guest order.

"Yes, we're going. We're going." Jiang Biao's heart trembled when he was roared. He quickly packed up his things and left, and then stayed. In case he annoyed him, what would he do if he slapped himself?

In this way, Jiang Biao and Chen Shaolong left, leaving passers-by surprised.

"Damn, our goddess didn't find a loser, but a fierce man. Even Chen Shaolong knelt down for him. My God, what's wrong with the world?"

"Chen Shaolong is nothing! Do you know who the man with Chen Shaolong is? "

"Who is it?"

"Jiang Biao, the leader of Qinglong club!"


"My God, that's the overlord of the underground world in Jiangzhou city."

"Our goddess is different."

People's voices more or less spread to xiamuxi's ears. Xiamuxi's heart is more comfortable. How can his man be bad? Even now Zhao Chengfeng, you only see the tip of the iceberg.

"Well, you're here. If you don't come to my shop, you won't want to do business." Li Ruo came out from the back kitchen and was relieved to see Chen Shaolong and Jiang Biao gone.

To be sure, it's a great honor to let Chen Shaolong kneel at the door of the restaurant. However, if Li doesn't want to be surrounded, he just wants to do business quietly, and he doesn't want to interfere with anything else.

"I'm sorry, but I didn't expect that this son of a bitch made such a move, which scared me. I thought they were going to bully you." Zhao Chengfeng repeatedly apologized, this matter really did not do well.

Zhao Chengfeng is not a swagger. When he kneels down in the daytime, he thinks he is a kind of cruel man. His reputation doesn't matter. But what about Xia Muxi?

Yes, maybe no one dares to bully Xia Muxi at that time, but Xia Muxi doesn't want to have friends. Who dares to tangle with those who are connected with the underworld?

"I'm fine. What can they do with me? I'll call the police and so many people are watching me on the street." Li Ruo shakes his head, disapproving. It's still a little palpitating to say that.

"OK, Muxi, you can go to class. Don't be busy sweeping the floor. Study hard and make progress every day." See summer wood Xi is mopping the floor to wipe the table, Li if stops a way in a hurry.

Xia Mu Xi said with a smile: "I have classes in the afternoon, but I don't have classes in the morning."

"Oh, that's it." Li Ruo thought about it and said, "then don't stay in the restaurant. With that wind, you can go to school for a walk."

"Zhao Chengfeng!"

"Zhao Chengfeng!"

Zhao Chengfeng and Xia Muxi corrected with one voice: "ah, just your memory, can you make the account clear?"

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