"Don't make a joke if you have nothing to do. In case Xiao Pang is concerned, how can we meet in the future? Xiao Pang has helped me a lot. " Summer wood Xi reminds a way.

Zhao Chengfeng nods and understands what Xia Muxi means. Not everyone can afford to make fun of him, especially Xiao Pang, who comes from the poor countryside and has a strong self-esteem. Don't be too thoughtful at that time. It will affect his future.

"I see. I'll have a good talk with him later." Zhao Chengfeng said.

Xia Mu Xi opens her mouth and wants to say something. But at this time, the customer comes to the door and swallows the words.

Today's business is surprisingly good. Li Ruo can't help buying some more vegetables and meat. Fortunately, Xia Muxi and Zhao Chengfeng are both in the store. Otherwise, Li Ruo and little fat man are really busy.

"My old waist, it's over at last." Li Ruo stretched his waist, sat down and raised his wrist, "my God, it's almost two o'clock in the afternoon. No, why is business so good today? "

While wiping the table, Zhao Chengfeng joked with a smile: "you boss are not competent. Are you not happy with your good business? It's a good thing. It's a great thing. So you can develop quickly. "

"Good business is really a good thing, but the turnover at noon today is more than twice that of the past, which is not normal." Li Ruo looked at the account book and said suspiciously.

Smell speech, Zhao Chengfeng slightly a Leng, but soon Zhao Chengfeng will understand.

There are two reasons. One is that their relationship with Xia Muxi has been exposed. Just now, many people look at themselves intentionally or unintentionally when they are eating. It is estimated that everyone wants to see who robbed their school flowers;

Second, it should be that Jiang Biao and Chen Shaolong have made some moves. In order to please themselves, what's the point of finding a few students to eat?


At this time, Xia Muxi came out from the back kitchen and gave a cry.

The little fat man then brought out two dishes, both of which are home-made dishes. But the little fat man's craftsmanship is really good, and it makes people feel very excited.

"Oh, good taste!"

Zhao Chengfeng tasted it and praised it: "little fat man, your cooking skills will be great in the future. If you go into a hotel at will, you can make 200000 yuan a year."

"Don't make fun of me if there's something wrong." The little fat man is embarrassed to smile, if in the past, the little fat man must boast, but after knowing that Zhao Chengfeng is not simple, the little fat man does not dare to be arrogant.

"I'm not kidding you!"

After a pause, Zhao Chengfeng said, "Oh, I'm sorry about what happened just now. I have to tell you something. I like to make a joke. Don't take it seriously. It's not that you're going to die. Where can we eat such delicious food in the future?"

"Actually, I just said something wrong. Don't mind." The little fat man is very embarrassed. If he didn't look down on others before, would others need to hurt him?

"Well, don't talk about it. Let's eat. I've been busy for a while." Zhao Chengfeng laughs.

Xia Muxi and Li Ruo look at each other, and the two girls look at each other and smile. They are all friends. If they have a bad relationship because of joking, what will happen in the future?

Li Ruo looks up at Zhao Chengfeng. He is a very capable and rich master, but he has no airs in his words and deeds. He can also put down his position and apologize to a little fat man. That's what ordinary people can't do.

"Eat, eat, eat. I have to go to class after eating." Summer wood Xi also urges a way.

"I'll go with you." Zhao Chengfeng followed.

Zhao Chengfeng also wants to take this opportunity to contact Xia Muxi's classmates and see who bullies Xia Muxi. Now that we are in Jiangzhou City, we must solve the problem. In a word, we can't let Xia Muxi be bullied!

"You're going with me? I'm in PE class. What are you doing? " Summer wood Xi doesn't understand, also quite worried.

Xia Muxi is not afraid of being bullied by others. She's just afraid that those people's bad words will hurt Zhao Chengfeng's heart. It's better to worry about her classmates than to worry about her. Zhao Chengfeng is really going to be angry, but he will beat others, and it's not easy.

"I'll come to see you in class and guide you by the way." Zhao Chengfeng doesn't think so and laughs. He says that he has decided this lesson by himself.


"It's nothing, but let's have dinner. After dinner, I'll accompany you to class. That's settled." Zhao Chengfeng decided directly.

Summer wood Xi pie pie pie mouth, but also have no what method, the man is to say one not two of temperament, oneself can take him how? I just hope my classmates don't go too far.

After dinner, Xia Muxi and Zhao Chengfeng leave the small restaurant and go straight to the playground. As for the little fat man, he also goes back to class, leaving Li Ruo to clean the restaurant and clean up.

After finishing everything, Li Ruo has to close the door and go to the market to buy another batch of ingredients to deal with the afternoon guests.

Jiangzhou first people's University is very big. There are only three playgrounds, football courts, basketball courts, indoor tennis courts, basketball courts and badminton courts. It is said that some provincial competitions are held in the first people's University.

"There are a lot of beauties in your school. I almost lost sight of them." Zhao Chengfeng takes Xia Muxi by the hand and laughs as he walks.

Summer wood Xi rolled a big white eye, have no good way: "your family so many beauties, you still see not enough?"

"Ha ha, little girl, are you jealous?" Smell speech, Zhao Chengfeng is to smile first, originally summer wood Xi still can be jealous, rare ah.


Xia Muxi snorted and ignored Zhao Chengfeng.

"Oh, isn't this our school flower? Bring your boyfriend to fall in love. " However, at this time, Ouyang Mengmeng appeared with a group of people, blocking the way of Zhao Chengfeng and Xia Muxi.

Ouyang Mengmeng's eyes are burning when he sees Xia Muxi, especially when he thinks of the slap last night. He wants to tear Xia Muxi's face to pieces. Ouyang Mengmeng hates her. She's a poor girl. How can she be more beautiful than herself? Why is she the first school flower and she can only be the third?

"Tut Tut, how can our university flower fall in love with a migrant worker?" A woman beside Ouyang Mengmeng said with a smile that she was very happy to see Xia Muxi find a poor boy.

In this way, I despise it.

"You When Xia Muxi heard the speech, she was furious, so she had to come forward to make a theory.

"Don't be impulsive!"

However, Zhao Chengfeng grabbed Xia Muxi and said with a faint smile, "a few bitches are barking. What are you doing with them? Forget what I told you? Don't be a mad dog

"Asshole, who are you calling a bitch?"

"Make it clear to me!"

Zhao Chengfeng voice down, the opposite Ouyang Mengmeng and others are not happy, chirp up.

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