"Oh, the first people's University of Jiangzhou is the first university in Sichuan Province. Why didn't you look at it carefully when recruiting people?" Zhao Chengfeng took out his ear and doubted: "how can so many neuropathy come in?"


Xia Mu Xi can't help laughing when she hears this. This guy is really smart. With a few words, Ouyang Mengmeng and his party became very popular. Each of them was so angry that they had a big cup.

"You, you, who are you calling insane? You... "Ouyang Mengmeng pointed to Zhao Chengfeng, and he was so angry that his silver teeth clenched.

"You can scold anyone who agrees with me!"

Zhao Chengfeng looked back at Ouyang Mengmeng and asked, "are you so eager to take your seat?"


Just this sentence, almost didn't make Ouyang Mengmeng angry. He wanted to say something and swallowed it back. It's a move, isn't it?

"Muxi, let's go. Class is coming soon." Zhao Chengfeng directly ignores Ouyang Mengmeng and others, and pulls Xia Muxi to walk directly, walking along the road“ Muxi, see? In the future, when you clean up these mad dogs, you just ignore them. They bark and go away on their own. Do you understand? "

Xia Mu Xi nodded and said, "I'll listen to you!"

"Son of a bitch!"

Zhao Chengfeng and Xia Muxi left a long way, Ouyang Mengmeng just scolded out, that originally beautiful face, angry some ferocious. Ouyang Mengmeng has never been so insulted.

How dare someone call herself a bitch!

"I will show you the color!" Ouyang Mengmeng felt out the mobile phone and dialed a phone to go out.

"Yes, elder sister, you have to clean up this smelly boy. It's not a thing!"

"Yes, and Xia Muxi, that slut, you can't spare her lightly. You must give her some color to see!"

"The best thing is to let her fall into disrepute. She has no face to stay in school all her life."

Ouyang Mengmeng didn't pay any attention. He went to the side and whispered something. When he put down the phone, a cruel smile appeared on his face.

As for Zhao Chengfeng, he doesn't worry about the Revenge of Ouyang Mengmeng and others. In Zhao Chengfeng's opinion, if it wasn't for Ouyang Mengmeng's being a woman, he would have slapped her twice.

However, even if Ouyang Mengmeng is a woman, Zhao Chengfeng doesn't have no way to deal with her. He doesn't want to use violence until he has to. In his heart, brother Feng is still a peace loving man.

When Xia Muxi was in class, Zhao Chengfeng just sat and watched. He had to say that whether it was dance major, boys or girls, their bodies were perfect, and some of them even did not lose to the current popular fresh meat.

In the crowd, Zhao Chengfeng also saw Ouyang Mengmeng. Ouyang Mengmeng glared at Zhao Chengfeng fiercely, but he was directly ignored by Zhao Chengfeng. He quarreled with the mad dog because of his lack of self-cultivation.

There is also an acquaintance, that is, Sima shangyun, whom I met in the dormitory downstairs yesterday!

"Well, that's all for today's class. Let's move freely. We should gather before class is over." After 20 minutes of training, the PE teacher announced the dissolution directly.

After hearing the words, the crowd dispersed. Basketball players played basketball and football players played football. What's more, they went directly to the commercial street in the school. There are billiards and computer rooms in the commercial street. It's much more convenient for them to fall in love.

"Chengfeng, let's go there and sit down." After the dissolution, Xia Muxi directly found Zhao Chengfeng.

Zhao Chengfeng handed the water to the woman and said, "you'd better have a rest. I think it's impossible to leave now."

"Why?" Summer wood Xi don't understand, eyebrow suddenly twisted up.

Zhao Chengfeng smiles at Xia Muxi's back and reaches out his hand to protect the woman behind him, because Zhao Chengfeng sees Ouyang Mengmeng, Sima shangyun and other people coming over with bad looks.

"Sima shangyun, what do you want to do?" Xia Mu Xi looked back, and the whole person became nervous.

Sima shangyun joined hands with Ouyang Mengmeng. It's shameless!

"Muxi, it's none of your business. I'll find him." Sima went up to the cloud and looked at xiamuxi. There was a soft flash in his eyes and some heartache.

Sima shangyun really doesn't understand why Xia Muxi chooses the man in front of him. What's better than him?

"He's my husband!" Summer wood Xi protect in front of Zhao Chengfeng, pretty face full of firm.

"Don't be shy, return husband, hum!" Ouyang Mengmeng held up a pair of towering arms and snorted.

"Female dog, spring is coming. The cage can't hold you, can it?" Zhao Chengfeng a word to accept back.

Smell speech, Ouyang Mengmeng face proud smile instantly disappear, almost alive to die, this son of a bitch don't open mouth is good, a mouth let you can't refute.

"Muxi, don't worry about men's affairs." Zhao Chengfeng pulled the woman back and said to Sima, "tell me, what can I do for you?"

"Chengfeng..." Xia Muxi worried.

Zhao Chengfeng shook his head and motioned to the woman not to speak.

"I'll challenge you!"

Sima shangyun stares at the two people who are close to each other. His heart seems to be pricked by a needle. His goddess just follows other men. Sima shangyun can't accept it!

If Zhao Chengfeng is the son of heaven, that's all. But is he? No, he is a loser, a slick loser!

"You're going to challenge me? Hehe, why? " Zhao Chengfeng began to laugh. He found a world show and lit it. He thought it was funny. "Just because you are handsome, so you come to challenge me?"

"Because of the wood!"

Sima shangyun pointed to Xia Muxi and said, "I like Muxi. Before you appeared, I chased Muxi for two years, but now you are standing beside her. I'm not convinced. I'm not reconciled!"

At the end of the speech, Sima shangyun's face looked a little ferocious.

But Ouyang's face became ugly. He was so ashamed that he wanted to find a way to get in. As we all know, Ouyang Mengmeng likes Sima shangyun, but Sima shangyun tells us in public that he likes Xia Muxi. Doesn't he hit himself in the face?

"What does it have to do with Chengfeng that you are not willing to? Don't you think it's funny? " Xia Muxi said, "Sima shangyun, please don't make trouble out of nothing. My relationship with my husband is very good!"

Sima shangyun doesn't speak, but stares at Zhao Chengfeng.

"Well, tell me. What do you want to challenge? Or, how can you reconcile yourself? " Zhao Chengfeng said with a smile, holding Xia Muxi, the woman is a little impulsive.

In other words, Xia Muxi doesn't know about men. Now Sima shangyun wants to fight for a breath! If he can't get along with this tone, the contradiction will always exist.

"Chengfeng, you..." Xia Muxi was a little worried.

Zhao Chengfeng shook his head, said: "men's things, women do not interrupt, obedient, do not make a sound." With that, Zhao Chengfeng pinches Xia Muxi's face in public, showing a light smile.

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