
Sima shangyun saw Zhao Chengfeng holding his beloved woman's face, and his teeth almost broke.

It's so irritating.

Not only Sima shangyun was angry, but all the boys nearby were angry. Xia Muxi is recognized as the first school flower of the first people's University of Jiangzhou City, and is also the goddess in everyone's mind. Her own goddess has been desecrated by a loser. Who can not be angry?

However, to everyone's dismay, the school flower did not resist at all, but showed a faint smile.

"Come on, what do you want to challenge me with?" After calming Xia Muxi, Zhao Chengfeng looks at Sima shangyun again, and suddenly feels that the goods are quite interesting.

At least, a guy of integrity!

Zhao Chengfeng once met many rich second generation people. What they did in school was not human affairs. With some money in their family, they did evil. What Zhao Chengfeng remembers most is a rich second generation surnamed Yang, who likes a girl in school. The girl doesn't agree. The rich second generation doesn't have so much patience to chase her, so they directly ask someone to tie her up. In the end, the girl is raped, and then she can't stand humiliation and jumps off a building to commit suicide.

Although the rich second generation was later castrated by Zhao Chengfeng and then thrown into prison, the innocent girl could never come back.

However, Sima shangyun in front of him is different. He has been pursuing for two years, but he hasn't changed his mind. From this point of view, Zhao Chengfeng thinks he is quite good.

"If you want to be Muxi's boyfriend, first of all, you must have excellent skills, at least have the strength to protect her, so I want to challenge you Taekwondo. If you can win me, you will prove that you have the ability to protect her. Do you dare?" Sima shangyun road.

"Well, yes, I agree. Any more? " Zhao Chengfeng nodded faintly.

Sima shangyun said: "and I want to fight with you one-on-one, do you dare to play basketball?"

"That's no problem." Zhao Chengfeng also agreed.

"In the last game, I want to compare my ability with you and who can make more money in the shortest time. I don't want to be so vulgar, but I have to have money to give Muxi a comfortable life. Do you dare?" Sima shangyun continued.

Zhao Chengfeng nodded and said, "yes, I promise you. But how? It's not a day or two to make money. "

"You win me the other two first." Sima shangyun sneered: "if you lose one of these three items, you don't deserve to be with Muxi. Do you dare to gamble?"

"What do you dare to gamble on?"

Zhao Chengfeng raised his eyebrows and said, "it's just that I won't gamble with my own women. Don't worry, I'll make you lose

"That boy has a big voice!"

"I think his feet are stronger!"

As Zhao Chengfeng's voice falls, the followers behind Sima shangyun scoff at Zhao Chengfeng one by one, and their faces are full of disdain.

"Sima is the captain of the school basketball team. With this, he can't win Sima!"

"He can't win Taekwondo either. You know, our Taekwondo teachers have said that Sima is a rare genius in a hundred years!"

"Isn't it? It is said that Mr. King Kong, the founder of Taekwondo, is in our school. He is going to take Sima to Bangzi country for further study. "

"I won't go. Don't you want a big industry like Sima's?"

"Also, Sima's family has so much money, do they need to go to Bangzi country? It's boring

As soon as Sima shangyun waved his hand, the voices of the people behind him stopped and said, "no matter how much, if you lose, you have to leave Muxi. Can you do it?"

"I won't lose." Zhao Chengfeng shakes his head and his face is full of unprecedented confidence.

Lose? Is this word in brother Feng's dictionary? No,

"But you lost. What are you going to do?" Zhao Chengfeng asked.

"I lost? Ha ha. "

Sima shangyun felt as if he had heard the best joke in the world, but still said: "I still lost, I will disappear forever in Jiangzhou city."

"It's a deal!"

"Chengfeng..." Xia Muxi's face is full of worry. Although his man is very capable, can he really play basketball or something?

Although Xia Muxi doesn't know much about basketball, she knows that Sima shangyun is really good at playing basketball. She remembers the last time she played with other schools, but Sima shangyun defeated the enemy alone!

That battle also became the battle of Sima shangyun's fame!

"Don't worry, I have a good idea. I won't export you." Zhao Chengfeng stretched out his hand and scraped the bridge of Xia Mu Xi's nose. His smile was still so gentle, just like the warm sun in winter. It was very comfortable to shine on people.

Xiamuxi doesn't speak any more. For men, xiamuxi has almost blind trust and worship. Because he is his own prince.


Seeing that Zhao Chengfeng was intimate with Xia Muxi in front of him, Sima shangyun was so angry that he snorted coldly: "OK, let's start the competition now. Now we are on the playground. How about we compete basketball first?"

"No problem."

Zhao Chengfeng took the woman's hand and walked to the court. As he walked, he said: "I think we should stop playing empty games. In order to save time and have fun, we might as well compare shooting directly. Each person throws three balls, whose distance is far, and then throws it, who wins, how? "

"You want to compete with me?" After hearing this, Sima shangyun suddenly began to smile, with a strange smile.


Ouyang Mengmeng didn't have a good airway, and the smile on his face was a little more.

"Hahaha, did I hear you right, better than shooting?"

"Idiot, doesn't he know that Sima is the God pitcher in our school?"

"What? Can't I? " Zhao Chengfeng asked, completely ignoring the irony of the people.

People are like this. Once God is established in their mind, they think that their God will not be defeated. Obviously, Sima shangyun is the God in their mind, and they think that Sima shangyun will not be defeated.

"You're going to die yourself. I'm not to blame." Sima shangyun said, holding the basketball to the center of the court, "you really don't regret it?"

"Long winded!" Zhao Chengfeng shook his head.


Sima shangyun asked for no fun, raised his hand to throw, the ball in the air across a beautiful arc.


The ball is hollow!

"Oh, yes, the ball is in!"

"It's a good pitcher in our school. What a bull!"

"Sima is the most handsome!"

"Sima, I love you!"

After the goal, all the fans of Sima shangyun were crazy, especially a few girls, who almost didn't rush to hold Sima shangyun.

"Don't pretend to push. Keep throwing. You still have two balls." However, Zhao Chengfeng is a face of disapproval, just into a ball, what's great?


Sima shangyun sneered.

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