

Sima shangyun was not polite again. He raised his hand for two extra long-distance midfield three points and threw them out. Without exception, all the balls went into the net. Immediately won the applause, not only Sima shangyun and Ouyang Mengmeng's followers applauded, even the distant physical education teacher also showed a smile of approval.

Jiangzhou first people's University, the first shooter, really worthy of the name ah!

"Oh, a little bit of ability, three goals, good." Zhao Chengfeng was also a little bit surprised. It seems that Sima shangyun is really not an ordinary person. It's one thing to have money at home, and he is quite capable.

As for the shooting percentage of this force, he may be able to enter the CBA in the future. As for the highest Hall of basketball, NBA can't think about it. His physical quality is too poor.

"Now it's your turn. It's not too late if you give up and turn around." Sima shangyun didn't pay attention to the cheers of others. As the son of heaven, Sima shangyun has long been used to compliments and cheers.

What's more, I'm so excellent, shouldn't I be applauded? Sima shangyun thinks that he should get all this. Including Xia Muxi should be her own woman, but unfortunately, she chose Zhao Chengfeng!

"Give up? You think too much. " Zhao Chengfeng shook his head with a smile and walked to the basketball court.

"Chengfeng, don't..." Xia Muxi was worried,

Zhao Chengfeng gave the woman a faint smile and said, "don't worry, just sit and watch. I'll be fine soon."

The woman opened her mouth and said nothing, but her eyebrows and eyes were all worried.

"Brag, I'll see how I humiliate you later!" Ouyang Mengmeng sees Zhao Chengfeng on the stage, with a delicate sneer on his lips.

"This guy doesn't shed tears when he doesn't see the coffin. Is he worth it?"

"If I had, I would have given up and left."

"Maybe this guy has a thick skin."

All the people with guns and sticks abuse Zhao Chengfeng, let summer wood Xi mood more nervous up. Because Zhao Chengfeng has no helper, he even has to pick up the basketball himself.

At this moment, Xia Muxi suddenly has a strong hatred for her classmates, which is too heartless.

"Ah, you say, what kind of posture will he use to shoot? I don't think he is a basketball player. The way he takes basketball is unprofessional. I think..."

"You all shut up!"

At this moment, Xia Muxi broke out and yelled at the crowd: "you have the ability, you go up. Do you really have the ability to be doglegs for others? "

"A bunch of cowards!"

Summer wood Xi thoroughly erupted, pointed to a guy way: "my man again poor, he at least has courage, do you have?"? A group of cowards, a group of cowards who only know how to chirp


The scene was as silent as death, and everyone's face turned white. Xia Muxi's words stabbed their biggest weakness like a steel knife in their heart, but they didn't expect that Xia Muxi would break out.

You know, Xia Muxi has always been a submissive person. In the face of the bullying of Ouyang Mengmeng and others, it's also a peaceful and humiliating burden. But this time, Xia Muxi broke out for a man.

This roar is equivalent to offending all the students!

"Muxi, have you forgotten what I told you? Let them bark at the mad dog. Don't tell the same thing about dogs In the distance, Zhao Chengfeng stood under the basket and said something leisurely.

This sentence is not so good, anyway, everyone's face is not good-looking. A few people even want to give Zhao Chengfeng some color to see.

"Don't say anything. Let him shoot." Sima went up to cloud to drink, in the heart very not taste son.

Looking at Xia Muxi's attitude towards men, we can see that Xia Muxi's heart follows him.

"Hum, let you cast it, see how you can't cast it for a while..." Ouyang Mengmeng snorted coldly. Although the voice was very small, Zhao Chengfeng still heard it.

Zhao Chengfeng directly hit Ouyang Mengmeng in the face with his action. He threw the basketball from the bottom line, crossed the midfield and went straight to the opposite basket.


Fuckin 'in!


"It's all in?"

The crowd once again chirped up, Zhao Chengfeng cast a three-point, and into, what is this technique? What kind of quasi heart is this?

Sima shangyun's face suddenly looks ugly. Is he a hidden master?

"Luck, it must be luck!"

"Yeah, shit broke out. I can't stop it."

Some people in the crowd are making excuses for Zhao Chengfeng.

"Your mouth really stinks!"

Summer wood Xi quit, staring at those humanitarians: "you are not convinced, also use your luck to throw in a try?"

In a flash, everyone shut up!

At this time, Zhao Chengfeng slowly went to the other side, picked up the basketball and threw it into the sky. People's eyes fell on the basketball, looking at the ball eagerly.


It's in again!

"I'll go, this..."

"Can you get in this way?"

This time, no one slandered Zhao Chengfeng, more surprised, but Sima shangyun's face became more dignified.

The first time can be luck, the second time is also luck?

"Husband, come on!"

Now it's Xia Muxi's turn to be happy. Zhao Chengfeng's shooting distance is twice as far as Sima shangyun's. After scoring two three-point goals in a row, Xia Mu Xi's worries were swept away.

"Husband, I love you!"

Xia Muxi also let go and gave Zhao Chengfeng a kiss. Sima shangyun almost didn't live to death.

"Well, with my wife's support, I will definitely work harder to shoot." Zhao Chengfeng also responded.

The couple sing a song, almost did not put Sima shangyun and Ouyang Mengmeng and others alive to anger, paralysis, when are still show love? Can you be normal?

"Husband, come on!"

Summer wood Xi cried again.

"Got it!"

At this time, Zhao Chengfeng had already stood under the basket. However, Zhao Chengfeng suddenly made a very strange move. He turned his back to the basket and threw the basketball back.

"Damn it, it's forced to pretend..."

In the crowd, I don't know who yelled, but before the words were spoken, I heard a "Shua". The basketball entered again, with its back to the basket.

Sima shangyun's heart sank to the bottom of the valley, this, how is this possible? Can you get in this way?

"Oh, my husband, we won. My husband is really good!"

Xia Muxi jumped up excitedly and rushed to Zhao Chengfeng. She put it on Zhao Chengfeng's neck and gave him a big kiss.

"That's necessary. I'm your husband. How can I not be powerful?" Zhao Chengfeng smiles and raises his chin to Sima shangyun.

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