"Mr. Sima, this is Mr. King Kong, the founder of Taekwondo. I came here today to inspect you." Yang Fan goes over to introduce a way, just, Yang Fan discovers Sima shangyun's face to seem not so good-looking however.

"Oh, hello." Sima shangyun was stunned, and he bowed to King Kong to show his respect.

It's not that Sima shangyun is not excited enough, it's just that Sima shangyun thinks there's nothing to be excited about. The reason why he is strong in Taekwondo is that he relies on his own efforts, which has nothing to do with King Kong.

The most important thing is that Sima shangyun is depressed. At this moment, he only wants to revenge and beat Zhao Chengfeng down. The bastard robbed his goddess. How can he not be angry?

"I'll go. This is the founder of taekwondo!"

"It must be very powerful."

"Bullshit, can't you be the founder?"

"On the contrary, I think Sima is even more powerful. He can get the investigation of the founder. In the future, he will be forced to have a developed rhythm."

For a moment, the whole Taekwondo Hall began to whisper. It was either a compliment to King Kong or a praise to Sima shangyun.

"Well, it's a good one!"

Vajra hands behind a back, do not live to nod, but even so, Vajra or maintain a pair of arrogant posture. This is a common fault of Bangzi people. Bangzi people just look down on people.

In the face of Sima shangyun's ability to squeeze out a little smile, frankly speaking, it's not only Sima shangyun's ability, but also the power behind Sima shangyun, the extremely powerful economic power.

To be sure, nowadays, bangziguo Taekwondo has built branches almost all over China. It also charges a lot of tuition fees and makes a lot of money. But part of the money has to be handed over to one person. Even though he had not seen the man for more than a year, King Kong was still full of awe. In front of that man, no matter how high his Muay Thai is, it's rubbish.

Therefore, King Kong can only pay him the protection fee. Otherwise, taekwondo will not be promoted in China.

"Are you willing to leave and learn from me?" Vajra negative hand and stand, a pair of superior momentum, directly asked.

In King Kong's opinion, as long as he proposed to accept people as apprentices, some people sharpened their heads to make do with him. This has already given Sima a lot of face.

As long as Sima shangyun becomes his apprentice, how can the Sima family not support the promotion of Taekwondo?

"I, I don't want to go to Bangzi country for the time being." Sima shangyun thought for a while, then refused the invitation of King Kong.


King Kong was stunned when he heard the words. His proud smile disappeared instantly. Unexpectedly, Sima shangyun refused his invitation, and the refusal was so simple!

King Kong has a feeling of being beaten in the face. He thinks he has put on a posture and has given him enough face, but he didn't expect to give himself face!

"Mr. Sima, you have to think it over. The president is a close disciple this time. Don't be silly!" Yang Fan is also a face change, quickly advised.

This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Yang Fan is a little moved, but Sima shangyun refuses. Is this guy brain sick?

"I think about it very clearly."

Sima shangyun said, while finishing his clothes, he said to King Kong, "I'm sorry, I don't respect you, but I have a very important thing to do now."

"Very important? How important is it? Is it important to have your future? " Yang Fan was a little angry in the end.

King Kong's mouth twitched slightly, took a deep breath, forced his anger, and said to Sima shangyun, "if you miss some opportunities, you just miss them. What's more important than being my apprentice?"

King Kong is very depressed and paralyzed. After making trouble for a long time, he and Taekwondo don don't have too much weight in Sima shangyun's mind.

"I'm going to challenge someone!"

Sima shangyun said: "after a while, if I win him, I can think about going to Bangzi country. If I lose, I don't need to. I think if I lose this time, I have no face to stay in Jiangzhou city."

"Challenge a man?" The King Kong hears speech brow a wrinkly, looked at Yang Fan of the side.

Yang Fan is also a face muddled force, asked: "who do you want to challenge?"

"You don't have to worry about that. If you win him, I'll go to Bangzi country. If you lose, there's no need." Sima shangyun's expression is firm, with an unquestionable flavor.

Sima shangyun is also very clear in his heart. If he still wants to lose in this contest, there is no need to stay. What qualifications do he have to pursue xiamuxi?

"With your strength, not to mention ordinary Taekwondo students, even I am not necessarily your opponent." After listening to this, Yang Fan was very happy. "I'll congratulate you in advance for your teacher."

With that, Yang Fan said to King Kong with a smile: "Mr. President, don't worry. Sima will win this challenge. I believe in his ability."

"Well, I'll just wait." King Kong's face is still not very good-looking, there is a feeling of being selected.

Paralyzed, I am the founder of Taekwondo. Where can I not be praised? But Sima shangyun didn't give himself much face. He was so depressed.

"Sima classmate, then you first prepare, warm-up or something, the teacher wishes you success, beat the opponent in one fell swoop." Yang Fan patted Sima shangyun on the shoulder with a smile on his face.

"Thank you, Miss Yang." Sima shangyun nodded politely.

"Yes, Sima, don't worry. Don't you know your strength?"

"That is, we are not your opponents together. You can kick that boy."

"Sima, don't be nervous. I believe you. Come and drink water." Ouyang Mengmeng incarnates himself as a cute girl and gives Sima shangyun a bottle of water.

Sima shangyun took it and said "thank you". When he unscrewed the bottle cap and was about to drink water, his pupils suddenly shrank and stared at the entrance of the Taekwondo Hall.

A man and a woman appeared at the door, holding a snack in her hand. The man took a bite and said, "Muxi, you are so kind to me. I want to love you all my life. Bo... "

With that, the man gave another kiss on the woman's pretty cheek.


Sima shangyun's fists clattered and his eyes flamed. He wanted to jump on Zhao Chengfeng and kill him. He actually kisses his goddess in public!

Yes, it was Zhao Chengfeng and Xia Muxi who came in. They walked around the commercial street, bought some snacks, ate while walking, and then went to the Taekwondo Hall unconsciously.

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