"Oh, Chengfeng, you..." Xia Muxi's pretty face is slightly red, just like the red glow in the sky, shy and moving.

Xia Muxi, after all, is a little girl. She is not the kind of woman who has no shame and no bottom line. She is not annoyed to be kissed by Zhao Chengfeng, but she is a little embarrassed to be so kissed by him in public.

"What's the matter? I kiss you. You don't think it's fair, do you? It doesn't matter. You can kiss me, too. Come on, whatever you like. " Zhao Chengfeng had the cheek to put his face together.

"Oh, you hate it!"

Summer wood Xi's face is more and more red, bashful so that want to find a ground to crack to drill in, have no way, who let the man's face is too thick?

"Do I hate it? Where do I hate it? " Zhao Chengfeng pretends to ask.

"I don't care about you!" Xia Mu Xi turns her eyes and says that she doesn't care. She feeds Zhao Chengfeng and nestles up beside him like a little daughter-in-law.

However, Xia Muxi feels at ease, and Zhao Chengfeng feels happy, but Sima shangyun and others don't think so, especially Ouyang Mengmeng can't stand Sima shangyun getting angry for that smelly woman.

"Hum, a couple of dogs and men don't know their integrity in public." Ouyang Mengmeng scolds, and some people in the crowd follow him and scold Zhao Chengfeng and Xia Muxi one after another.

Especially the women behind Ouyang Mengmeng hate Zhao Chengfeng. The mouth of a son of a bitch is too poisonous. The women who scold her are still suffering. What is a female dog?

This time, Xia Muxi has learned a lot from Zhao Chengfeng. She is not angry with these women at all. Yes, being angry easily means that her self-cultivation is not in place.

If you are right, is it interesting for you to fight with the wrong person?

"Here you are at last. I've been waiting for you for a long time." Sima shangyun couldn't see any more. He slowly stood up and stared at Zhao Chengfeng and walked over.

The air suddenly solidified for a few minutes, and everyone looked at it.

"This boy is really brave. He dares to accept the challenge of Mr. Sima. Doesn't he know that Mr. Sima's Taekwondo is very powerful?"

"Next, let's see a good play. I can't wait to see him beat on the ground now!"

"That's right. This guy is a bad loser. What's his qualification to be with Xia Muxi?"

"Master Sima, kill him!"

"Yes, kill him, don't save face for me!"

For a moment, the whole Taekwondo Hall was boiling up, and almost everyone was hostile to Zhao Chengfeng. The female students hated Xia Muxi, who was beside Zhao Chengfeng, because this woman was so beautiful that as long as she was there, the boy's eyes would not fall on him;

And the boy is angry staring at Zhao Chengfeng, paralyzed, a smoking world show, wearing washed white clothes, what qualifications with Jiangzhou first people's University flower together?

He doesn't deserve it!

"Now if you give up, I can let you go. I won't be lenient if I move my hand later." Sima shangyun waved his fist demonstratively.

Zhao Chengfeng wiped his mouth and looked at Sima shangyun with a smile. He suddenly felt funny, "admit defeat? Have you forgotten what I just said? In my dictionary, there is no word "admit defeat". It's you. If you lose this game, then... "

"I won't lose!"

Without waiting for Zhao Chengfeng to finish, Sima shangyun almost roared out, and the green veins on his forehead appeared.

"Didn't you just say that you won't lose? But what happened? " Zhao Chengfeng asked.


Sima shangyun is suffocating in his chest, almost not angry to death. However, there is nothing wrong with Zhao Chengfeng's words. That's right. When he was on the basketball court, Sima shangyun was too confident and challenged basketball rashly without knowing Zhao Chengfeng's details. Sima shangyun thinks that he is the son of heaven and will not lose.

However, the fact is that Zhao Chengfeng is much more talented than Sima shangyun. At least, the shooting is much more powerful than Sima shangyun. Although the shooting posture is ugly, the scoring ability is very strong. Facts speak louder than words. Sima shangyun really lost!

"Am I not right?" Zhao Chengfeng asked.

"Well, it's just a good shot. What's the point?"

Ouyang Mengmeng saw that his male god was depressed. He came up and angrily criticized Zhao Chengfeng. He said: "shooting does not mean playing basketball must be powerful. Although the shooting won Sima, but does not mean that taekwondo competition will certainly win Sima, so, don't be too arrogant. The higher you climb, the worse you fall

"Ouyang Xuejie is right. Didn't she just win a game? It's up to heaven, too. "

"That's to say, if you win a game, you'll have to lose it. As for?"

For a moment, Ouyang Mengmeng and Sima shangyun's dogleg echoed and ridiculed Zhao Chengfeng.

"A group of barking dogs, ah, the first people's University of Jiangzhou City smashed its own brand. Why did it recruit such things?" Zhao Chengfeng shook his head and sighed bitterly.

Zhao Chengfeng's voice is not big, but almost all of the people present heard it. They are so angry that they really want to rush up to fight with Zhao Chengfeng. They are paralyzed. Their mouths are too poisonous and damaged. Don't you know what it's called under mouth Jide?

"Don't be too arrogant. Let's start now."

Sima shangyun said coldly: "I'm still saying that. It's too late for you to admit defeat now, or you'll be..."

"Long winded!"

Zhao Chengfeng doesn't like Sima shangyun's tone very much. Admit defeat? And give up? I'm really taking myself as a dish. You're a good motherfucker, but brother Feng, I'm not a vegetarian, OK?

Everyone is the first time to be a man. Who is afraid of who?

"Stubborn, then I'll give you three minutes to prepare. In three minutes, let's start." Sima shangyun was suffocating in his chest. He was so angry that he didn't want to.

In Sima shangyun's opinion, Zhao Chengfeng is not only arrogant, but also crazy and lawless!

"Three more minutes? I don't have time to compete with you. " Zhao Chengfeng was very impatient and said, "don't you just fight? Chirping and hawing for a long time, but also pull so many people to help, interesting? Fight and fight, not so many twists and turns. "

"You forced me to do that!"

Sima shangyun was dizzy again by Zhao Chengfeng. His pupils suddenly shrank and burst out: "look at the move!"

Voice down, Sima cloud on the foot of a stamp, like a strong wind rushed to Zhao Chengfeng.

"Stop it

However, at this time, King Kong, who had been sitting on the side drinking tea and watching the excitement, strode forward.

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