
King Kong just like a thunderbolt, blocked in front of Zhao Chengfeng, raised his hand and slapped the fist of Sima shangyun. Sima shangyun was caught off guard and nearly fell to the ground.

"Ah... This..."

"What is this? How can you beat your own people? "

"Mr. king, you..."

Yang Fan is also a face forced, King Kong how to start on Sima shangyun? It doesn't fit.

However, it has to be said that King Kong is really fierce enough. Sima shangyun's thunderous strike makes many people think that even if Sima shangyun can't break Zhao Chengfeng's fist, at least he won't run away.

However, he was easily patted away by King Kong. It has to be said that King Kong is a tough guy, worthy of being the founder of Taekwondo. This skill is extraordinary.

"What are you doing?" Sima shangyun was also dissatisfied and roared at King Kong.

Although King Kong is the founder of Taekwondo, Sima shangyun is not afraid of King Kong. After all, the Sima family is also a rich family. They want money and influence. Frankly speaking, it's not a matter of glorifying their ancestors that Sima shangyun is King Kong's close disciple.

Sima shangyun also knows the people of Bangzi country. If you have the ability, the people of Bangzi country will try to get close to you; If you don't have the ability, he will become sour and mean, but his strength will bury you. Isn't it because of his potential that he takes a fancy to himself?

At such a critical time, King Kong actually blocked his attack, which made Sima shangyun very unhappy.

"Bastard, what qualifications do you have to fight with Mr. Zhao?" How do you know, King Kong changed his friendly face before, turned back and glared at Sima shangyun. He was so angry that he blushed and his neck was thick.

What a son of a bitch! He dare to shout at himself. Don't you know that the Taekwondo you are learning is created by Laozi?

"Mr. Zhao, this..." the Yang Fan of one side hears speech one Leng, in the heart gush quite a lot of doubts.

Not only Yang Fan was surprised, but also Ouyang Mengmeng and others who were watching the battle nearby were also surprised. Their hearts beat with a drum. King Kong, a noble man, actually defended Zhao Chengfeng in such a way that he should even be called "Mr. Zhao".

Does he look like "Mr. Zhao"?

Ordinary clothes make no difference with beggars. Oh no, today's beggars don't expect to smoke five yuan a bag.

"What's the matter? Does president Jin know that bastard? " Ouyang Meng frowned and looked a little unhappy.

Damn, just a little bit, just a little bit can hit that bastard's head, but Vajra was stopped, it's disgusting.

"I want to challenge him. Why am I not qualified to fight him?" Sima shangyun clenched his fist and didn't give him any face. "Get out of the way, it's none of your business!"


Hearing this, King Kong blushed with anger and said to Yang Fan, "is this the student you taught? Do you know what respecting teachers means? I'm not polite at all. I'm so disappointed! "

Smell speech, Yang Fan face suddenly a white, pulled Sima cloud a horse, "don't hurry to apologize with president Jin?"

"Why should I apologize?"

Sima shangyun's face was iron green and angry. He glared at Yang Fan and roared: "I'm challenging him. What's the relationship with you? Get out of the way

Sima shangyun, who was in a rage, obviously lost his usual calmness. Moreover, Sima shangyun could not even give face to King Kong, not to mention a taekwondo instructor?

"You..." Yang Fan was so embarrassed that he was almost angry. He pointed to Sima shangyun and didn't fart for a long time.

"What qualifications do you have to challenge Mr. Zhao?" Jingang Leng snorted: "do you really think that after practicing taekwondo for two years, if you have some talent, you will forget yourself? I tell you, as far as you can do now, it's not suitable to carry shoes for Mr. Zhao! "


As soon as King Kong said this, everyone was in an uproar. Ouyang Mengmeng and a group of dogs behind him were more shocked when they heard this. Sima shangyun didn't deserve to lift Zhao Chengfeng's shoes. What's the origin of him?

"Chengfeng, you..." not only other people were confused, but also Xia Muxi, who was beside Zhao Chengfeng, didn't come back.

Yes, Xia Muxi admits that her husband is very powerful, but he doesn't have the qualification of Sima shangyunti shoes. But he is so serious that he doesn't seem to be telling lies.

"I'm not qualified to carry his shoes?" On hearing this, Sima shangyun's mouth could not help twitching. He felt as if he had been beaten two big mouths, which was extremely uncomfortable.

No shoes!

Who the hell is he?

Sima shangyun is really angry, but Sima shangyun is not completely irrational. As the founder of Taekwondo, King Kong is not joking, which proves that Zhao Chengfeng is really outstanding!

It's not hard to see that Zhao Chengfeng is really a practitioner when he thinks of his two followers yesterday.

"Of course!"

Vajra stood up with his hands in the air, glared at Sima shangyun, and said with a black face: "boy, if you want to start with Mr. Zhao, you'd better go home and practice well, but I don't think you will be Mr. Zhao's opponent even if you are old enough!"


Sima shangyun's face is white again. Is there such a big gap between himself and him?

"Xiao Jin, you are exaggerating. In fact, I am still very weak." At this time, Zhao Chengfeng behind King Kong spoke slowly and said: "if you flatter me like this, what if you scare people? Let's have a competition. Don't mix it up. "

"Yes, Mr. Zhao said so." King Kong turned his head and bowed his head to Zhao Chengfeng. What's more, there's no such thing as Gao Qi ang.

The stillness of the scene, especially Zhao chengtui's "Xiaojin", made people gape.

In Zhao Chengfeng's eyes, King Kong is a "little gold"!

"Shit, what's going on here? Has Xiao Jin got it all Yang Fan was stunned on the spot and didn't know what to say.

"What the hell is this asshole? Why do you know King Kong? " Ouyang Mengmeng in the distance is gnashing his teeth. He wants to eat Zhao Chengfeng's meat.

Today, there are too many accidents. Sima shangyun, the school's God pitcher, was defeated by Zhao Chengfeng; Now it's the turn of the second round, I didn't expect that this guy not only knew King Kong, the founder of Taekwondo, but also made people feel that King Kong was just like Sun Tzu in front of Zhao Chengfeng.

Now it seems that what was once a sure thing is up in the air.

"No matter who you are, I said, I must challenge you today, I must challenge you!" Sima shangyun, regardless of the people's panic, still points to Zhao Cheng.

The arrow is on the string, we have to send it!

Sima shangyun will never be a turtle!

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