
Sima shangyun's pupil is scarlet, just like a wild animal. He pours at Zhao Chengfeng in the roar of the beast.


However, Zhao Chengfeng is not in a hurry to start, in the fist to touch his face, a kick in the past, to a late first!


Sima shangyun fell to the ground like a kite with broken thread. He opened his mouth and spat out a mouthful of blood. His face was as white as paper. His head and neck turned to one side and he fainted!


Ouyang pounced on him, and his pretty face turned white with fright. Ouyang Mengmeng really didn't expect that Zhao Chengfeng solved Sima shangyun with only one foot in that moment.


How cruel!


Yang Fan saw this scene, subconsciously touched his chest, stepped back two steps, this foot also absolutely can't take down.

"Where is this guy pretending to be a bully? He's a real bully!"

"Even Sima shangyun is not his opponent. I don't think anyone is his opponent."

"Forget it, let's not provoke the murderer. It's abnormal!"

For a moment, the whole Taekwondo Hall whispered, one by one looking at Zhao Chengfeng's eyes full of fear, no one dare to underestimate Zhao Chengfeng.

"I'll tell you, how can our school flower be taken for granted?"

"That is, are the men of school flowers ordinary people?"

"This guy is so powerful that I feel relieved about the safety of our school flowers."

Hearing the public's comments, Xia Muxi's face appears a red cloud. She is happy, not to mention happy. Isn't it a good thing that her man is praised?

"Well, you're not Mr. Zhao's opponent. You don't listen. Do you know how powerful you are now?" At this time, King Kong stood up again and rushed to Sima shangyun, who fell on the ground, sneered: "it's your fault! Little trash


Ouyang Mengmeng almost died of anger when he heard this. Vajra is not a damn thing. He just wanted Sima shangyun to be his close disciple. It's a long time. It's too shameful to be able to bury his sweetheart.

"Am I not right? If you don't measure yourself, you can take the blame for it Vajra's eyes glared and looked arrogant, as if he had just kicked it out by himself.

"I..." Ouyang is so angry that he can't help it.

What makes Ouyang Mengmeng feel more tragic is that the "sisters" and "best friends" standing beside him on weekdays are all silent, pretending to hear nothing and see nothing. Even Sima shangyun's younger brother doesn't come forward to help him now.

Obviously, now they are more convinced of Zhao Chengfeng!

The gap between heaven and hell is too big! Ouyang Mengmeng's heart filled with a sense of sadness.

"He's beyond his ability, so you're very good?"

To our surprise, Zhao Chengfeng stood up at this time and stared at King Kong. He said with no expression: "you are so powerful. Let's fight. If anyone loses, he will kneel down and call his grandfather. Do you dare?"

"Ah, I..."

King Kong's face changed again. He opened his mouth and said in a low voice: "I dare not."


Zhao Chengfeng seemed to have expected that King Kong would not dare to fight. He couldn't help sneering: "they are weak, but they have the spirit of fighting to death. What do you have? What else can you do besides chewing your tongue? "

"I..." as soon as King Kong heard this, he really wanted to find a way to get in, but he couldn't come out.

King Kong didn't expect that he would help Zhao Chengfeng speak, but he hit him in the face in public and made him unable to get off the stage. Isn't it plain and ugly?

"If you don't dare, don't be blind. If you don't have the courage, just stand aside and don't talk nonsense!" Zhao Chengfeng glanced at the latter and said: "Sima shangyun's strength is really limited, but at least others have the courage to let go. You don't even have the courage to fight. What qualifications do you have to make fun of others?"

"..." King Kong lowered his head and didn't speak. His face changed several times, red and white, white and green. Don't be ugly.

"Sima shangyun is OK. Take him to the hospital."

Zhao Chengfeng ignored King Kong and said something to Ouyang.

"Don't be complacent too early. Let's settle the account later." Ouyang Mengmeng doesn't show gratitude for Zhao Chengfeng's counterattack against Vajra, but his hatred for Zhao Chengfeng is more intense.

If it wasn't for Zhao Chengfeng, how could his sweetheart be hurt? If not for Zhao Chengfeng, how could Sima shangyun fall from the cloud? All this is thanks to Zhao Chengfeng.

"Anytime." Zhao Chengfeng is also lazy to pay attention to Ouyang Mengmeng, and turns around to leave.

"Mr. Zhao, I..."

Seeing that Zhao Chengfeng is going to leave, King Kong has the cheek to drive him up again. It's not easy to see Zhao Chengfeng. King Kong doesn't want to miss it. It's a great opportunity to ask Zhao Chengfeng for advice.

As long as you learn from Zhao Chengfeng, won't it be more powerful in the future?

"Don't follow me, I'm not familiar with you!" Zhao Cheng did not return to the limelight, scolded a straight away with Xia Muxi.

King Kong's face was as ugly as paper. He was stunned in the same place. He only felt that his face was hot and ashamed! King Kong didn't expect that Zhao Chengfeng didn't give himself any face!

"Chengfeng, why don't you talk to people?" Out of the Taekwondo Hall, Xia Muxi asked curiously.

Zhao Chengfeng shook his head and said directly, "I don't like Bangzi people, let alone the style of King Kong."

"Why?" Xia Muxi frowned slightly.

"Because they are so arrogant."

Zhao Chengfeng said: "Sima shangyun's strength is too different from mine. It's nothing to me. But in King Kong's eyes, Sima shangyun is not even a fart. I just want to ask, he is a little bastard of Bangzi country. Why do you look down on us Chinese


On hearing this, Xia Mu Xi covered her mouth and said, "do you hate the people of Bangzi country like this?"

"Yes, I hate them!"

Zhao Chengfeng didn't hide his disgust. He said, "it's a big country. It's nothing to ask for. It's so hateful to steal the culture of our Chinese nation. What can they do? Just a blanket of pickles? What's so strange? "

"You, this mouth can make people angry." Xia Muxi has no choice but to shake her head.

"Am I not right?"

Xia Mu Xi shook her head and said, "it's not a question of right or wrong. It's just that we are a country of etiquette. Don't be rude, OK? Although the Bangzi people are shameless, is it necessary for us to have a common understanding with them? "

"What do you mean by that?" Zhao Chengfeng is puzzled.

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