"My meaning is very simple. Since you look down on King Kong and Bangzi people, you don't have to pay attention to them? Why get angry with them? " The summer wood Xi counter asks a way.

Smell speech, Zhao Chengfeng brow twist more tight, don't understand a way: "what do you mean? I don't seem to quite understand. "

"I mean, you take Bangzi people for one thing."

Xia Muxi explained: "it's like Bangzi people steal our Dragon Boat Festival, Qingming Festival and Spring Festival, and they say our scientists are from Bangzi country. These things are really annoying, but we don't need to be angry. We have already made a conclusion in our heart. No matter what he says, we just ignore him."

"Now our country is so strong, do we need to be angry with some Bangzi country guys? I don't think it's necessary. As you said, the mad dog barks at you. Do you have to bite it? "

On hearing this, Zhao Chengfeng suddenly nodded his head. He seemed to have given Vajra too much face. He wasted so much saliva to scold him. It's too wrong.

"A story says that a mad dog blocked the way of the lion king and wanted to fight with him. But in the end, the lion king not only refused the challenge of the mad dog, but even met the mad dog and walked around directly, which made many people not understand. So the little lion asked, ah, the lion king is so powerful, why is he afraid of a mad dog? Why don't you accept the challenge of mad dog and slap him to death? "

Zhao Chengfeng said strangely, "what about the lion king?"

"The lion king said," I'm going around not because I'm afraid, but because I don't want to worry about mad dogs. Winning a mad dog is no honor to me; But if I'm embarrassed by winning a mad dog, I'll be ashamed. " Xia Muxi explained.

"It makes sense." Zhao Chengfeng can't help nodding and suddenly finds himself the lion. Is it necessary to have the same understanding with King Kong? Is it necessary to have the same understanding with Bangzi people?

There's no need at all. It's a compliment to the Bangzi people.

"Once a famous person said," never wrestle with a pig. The pig will enjoy it, but you will be in a mess. " Xia Muxi continued.


Zhao Chengfeng turned back and gave a thumbs up to Xia Muxi, praising: "you are worthy of being a scholar. You don't use a dirty word when swearing. It's powerful!"

"Come on, don't make fun of me." Xia Mu Xi blushed and said: "I don't want to curse people. I just think, Chengfeng, don't be too angry. It's no big deal. There are so many people in the world who are unhappy. Do you want to beat them all one by one? "

"It's a harmonious society now. If we don't do it, we should try not to do it. I'm really afraid that something might happen to you." In the end, Xia Mu Xi's face was a touch of worry.

Whether it's a duel with Sima shangyun today or a conflict with Chen Shaolong and others last night, Xia Muxi doesn't want a man to do it. What if she hurts herself?

"All right, I'll listen to you." Zhao Chengfeng is so smart that he knows what's going on in a woman's heart.

Women's heart must be accepted by Zhao Chengfeng. As for how to do it in the future, it's another matter. Zhao Chengfeng is very clear about the nature of his profession. Sometimes he doesn't want to do it himself, but he can't do it without doing it. He was born to fight!

"Well, that's OK. Let's go to see Li Ruo and them. It's almost dinner time now. They are busy. Let's go and help them." Xia Muxi said, pulling the man quickly to the back door of the school.

Sure enough, when they arrived at the restaurant, Li ruotang's boss was as busy as a waiter. He was busy serving food, pouring water, collecting money and cleaning the table.

Zhao Chengfeng and Xia Muxi rush to help, and no one comes to dinner until 8 pm.

"Oh, my old waist." Li Ruo held his waist and sat down with a long sigh of relief.

"It's over. I feel bad today. I can't lift my hand." The Little Fat Chef also threw his arm. He was so tired that he wanted to lie down.

Too tired!

If Zhao Chengfeng and Xia Muxi hadn't come here in time, I'm afraid Li Ruo and little fat man would have collapsed directly!

"Wow, today's turnover is more than 5000, and the net profit is 3500." Summer wood Xi is not so tired, helped clear account.

"It's more than three thousand five."

Li Ruo waved his hand and said, "this is only part of it. I estimate that the net profit should be more than 5000. Well, it's true. How can business get better all of a sudden? It's so strange that I want to invite two more people. I've been to the vegetable market three times just today! "

"Isn't it good to have business?" Zhao Chengfeng can't laugh or cry, but he knows what's going on.

Most of them cleaned up Chen Shaolong and Jiang Biao yesterday. They took care of the restaurant secretly. It doesn't matter. After all, the small restaurant charges fairly and tastes good. It's not a rip off.

"Yes, but tired."

Li Ruo waved his hand and thought for a while. He said, "no, I have to recruit talents. Otherwise, I have to be tired to death. So what. Muxi, you help to make a recruitment notice, saying that we need to recruit two waiters, who can work part-time. The students are fifteen, so we can have food! "

"Recruitment is OK, but the small restaurant is so big, I'm afraid it can't accommodate too many people." Zhao Chengfeng reminds a way.

"That's it."

The little fat man took a puff of his cigarette and said, "Sister Li, don't say the restaurant is so big, and I can't cook by myself. You're recruiting people. Can't I cook one by one?"

"Then what? Do you want me to fight in person? " Li Ruo frowned.


Zhao Chengfeng snapped his fingers and said, "here, isn't the front beside empty? Why don't you just make it? Another chef and two waiters will take care of you and collect money every day. "

"Another show?" Li ruo's mind moved with him.

Business people don't think money is too little, and if Li wants to graduate successfully, he must make money. Now Li Ruo has only saved hundreds of thousands of dollars, which is far from the school regulations.

Once you expand your presence, your business will be better and your money will be more.

"It's really good." Xia Muxi also followed: "let's open two stores first. If the business is good, we'll make another one. If we don't do anything else, we'll cook well."

"Yes, Sister Li, when your business is big, I will become a chef." The little fat man on one side also joined in.

"OK, listen to you. Let's put down the front of the next door." After a little meditation, Li Ruo made a decision.

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