"You have to marry Mengmeng. She is the daughter-in-law recognized by our Sima family. In the past, it was your nature, but now it is not you! Hum Sima Zhengping snorted heavily and left.

When he got to the door, Sima Zhengping took a look at his subordinates and said with a black face: "look at the young master. If you have anything, call me the first time."

"Yes, sir." The servant answered with fear.


Sima Zhengping took two steps, then turned his head and said, "by the way, which direction did miss Ouyang go?"



Sima Zhengping nodded and left with a straight face. After entering the elevator, Sima Zhengping made another call to Ouyang Mengmeng. As soon as the phone was connected, the haze on Sima Zhengping's face disappeared and he said with a kind face: "Mengmeng, where are you? No, my uncle has something to do with you. Well, it's not that I have something to do with you. The main reason is that the child in shangyun asked me to take a message for you. Do you think it's convenient for you? "

"OK, OK, let's meet at the cafe on the street behind the hospital. OK, OK, I'll be there in 15 minutes at most." After laughing and hanging up the phone, Sima Zhengping's face became ugly again.

As an elder and a junior, Sima Zhengping felt that he had no face. However, at this time, Sima Zhengping had to give up his face, because Ouyang Mengmeng was the apple of Ouyang family's eye. Although Sima family and Ouyang family had the same strength, Ouyang family knew a super tycoon in the real estate industry - qianduo. You need to know Qianlong group, No one in the country is unaware of it. What's more, it is said that the reason for the soaring house prices in China is due to the large amount of money.

The name of "gongdilong" is not in vain. Qianduo in the real estate industry is definitely the first person in China!

Sima's family has been engaged in the transportation industry for many years, from land to sky, and then to the sea. Now the pressure of the transportation industry is too great. Express delivery and logistics occupy a large market. Now Sima's family has felt the pressure. If they don't transform, they will be eliminated sooner or later. This is the information age, and they can't keep up with each other step by step.

At present, the real estate industry is extremely hot, especially in the first tier cities. Often a house shelved for a year and a half, at least two or three hundred thousand increase.

What about that building?

Even if you don't build a house, you can make a lot of money by taking a piece of land. We all know that real estate makes money, but not everyone can enter real estate. If no one leads the way, no one helps, you will die.

But Sima's family must have more money to help them enter the real estate market, but they need Ouyang's help to get on the line of more money. Although the relationship between Sima family and Ouyang family has always been good, in the face of interests, no matter how good your relationship is, the only way is to get married.

"I hope shangyun doesn't be too stubborn." Sima Zhengping sighed, turned out of the elevator and went around to the coffee shop behind the hospital. Ouyang Mengmeng waited here early and waved to Sima Zhengping from a long distance.

Ouyang Mengmeng was really surprised. They left the hospital with their feet in front and behind. Why did Sima Zhengping meet him this evening?

"Uncle Sima, tell me what you want to drink and I'll help you." In front of Sima Zhengpian, Ouyang Mengmeng put away the lady's temperament and appeared gentle and sensible.

"I'm not picky, just a glass of boiled water." Sima Zhengping waved his hand. For coffee, Sima Zhengping was not particularly cold.

It's said that coffee is bitter, which can refresh you. Sima Zhengping thought, bitter can refresh you. Why don't you eat Coptis? Take a bite of that thing and keep it. It keeps you mentally locked up all day. You want to kill people.

"That can't do. I really want you to drink boiled water. My parents can't say that I'm not sensible." Ouyang Mengmeng smiles and orders a cup of valuable Starbucks for Sima Zhengping.

Sima Zhengping just laughed and didn't stop him. Whether he likes coffee or not, Ouyang Mengmeng's kindness must be paid.

"Uncle Sima, don't worry too much about Sima's injury. I asked the doctor. It's OK. Just take a few days off." Two people chatted two, Ouyang Mengmeng led the topic to Sima shangyun.

Ouyang Mengmeng thought that the common topic between himself and Sima Zhengping should be Sima shangyun.

"Well, I'm not worried about the cloud."

Sima Zhengping nodded, lit a cigarette, took a puff, and stared at Ouyang. Mengmeng said, "Mengmeng, there's a reason why I'm so late. I hope you don't mind too much."

"Where?" Ouyang Mengmeng smoothed the bangs in front of his forehead with a smile and said with a smile: "Uncle Sima has something to do, but it doesn't matter. Sima's thing is my thing. As long as I can do it, Ouyang Mengmeng will never refuse."

"I'm relieved to have you."

Smell speech, Sima Zhengping in front of a bright, heart said that this Ouyang Mengmeng is really unusual, he did not speak, she knew what she wanted to say. It's the people from the big family who have extraordinary knowledge.

"Mengmeng, I can't hide what you said to my uncle. Today I'll give you some information." Sima Zhengping leaned forward slightly, lowered his voice, and said: "our Sima family has long regarded you as their daughter-in-law, just like you did your marriage earlier. It's just that shangyun is injured now. Look... "

"I'll be waiting for Sima all the time." Ouyang Mengmeng's expression was firm, but his face was suddenly ugly.

According to Sima Zhengping, Ouyang Mengmeng should be happy. At least he has been recognized by Sima's elders, but there is only one person in his sweetheart's heart, that is Xia Muxi!

Until now, Ouyang Mengmeng didn't want to understand, what on earth can't compare with xiamu?

"That's good, that's good." On hearing this, Sima Zhengping was more and more happy.

As long as Ouyang's heart doesn't change, everything is easy to discuss.

"Oh, by the way, Mengmeng, who hurt shangyun child?" Mentioning this matter, Sima Zhengping's face was smeared with a trace of fierce color.

When he received the call, Sima Zhengping was completely confused. He didn't expect that anyone would dare to beat his son in Jiangzhou.

"It's a guy named Zhao Chengfeng!"

Referring to Zhao Chengfeng, Ouyang Mengmeng gritted his teeth and said, "this guy not only humiliated me, but also injured Sima. I was just about to find trouble with him. I didn't expect that uncle Sima called you, so I..."

"This account must not be settled like this!"

Sima Zhengping took a beating fiercely, and his face was ugly again.

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