"Yes, this bastard is too arrogant!"

Ouyang Meng had a fierce face and said: "this guy is Xia Muxi's boyfriend. He's hateful and arrogant. It's said that the guy is not afraid of the people of Qinglong club, and his means are very fierce. Even King Kong, the founder of Taekwondo, called him "Mr. Zhao", but he didn't want to talk about it


On hearing this, Sima Zhengping frowned and asked, "so, this guy has an extraordinary origin?"

"I don't know." Ouyang Mengmeng shook his head and said: "anyway, no matter how powerful he is, I have to make a good calculation with him. Sima can't be bullied casually."

"Well, I'll arrange it later."

Sima Zhengping thought about it, and then said, "Mengmeng, you're old enough to keep up with Yun. When are you going to get married? Although you are still studying, you can get married first in universities now. "

"I don't know about that either." Smell speech, Ouyang Mengmeng face suddenly ruddy up, rare shy up.

Ouyang Mengmeng has long wanted to marry Sima shangyun. Unfortunately, Sima shangyun doesn't care about himself. Sima shangyun's heart is only xiamu.

"Ha ha, what's the age? Why are you embarrassed? When a man marries, a woman marries. " Sima Zhengping said with a smile, "why don't you go home later and discuss with your father. Let's have a meal together at noon tomorrow and have a good talk about it. What do you think?"

Sima Zhengping is an old fox. At a glance, he can see Ouyang Mengmeng's friendship with his son. He just makes use of this to let them get together early. When the couple are tied together, the interests of the two families are naturally linked together.

"Well, I'll go back and talk to my father." Ouyang Meng's face is more red, and his heart is like eating honey.

Are they going to be together at last? It's exciting to think about it!

"Well, well, I'll be waiting for you at Haotian hotel tomorrow." Sima Zhengping said with a smile, but he was already thinking about the next step.

It is not particularly important for Sima Zhengping to get married and have children in the younger generation. When he was born in a big family, he had to sacrifice for the sake of the family. Moreover, what's wrong with Ouyang Mengmeng? Her skin is white and tender, and her skin is typically white and beautiful.

"Tomorrow, it seems that uncle Qian is coming. I'm afraid the time is not right." Ouyang Mengmeng is in a bit of a dilemma.

Ouyang Mengmeng thinks that Sima shangyun and Zhao Chengfeng still have a final gamble - who is richer than! Ouyang Mengmeng thought before, let father and money more together, nothing else, just listen to Uncle Qian's name, more money, more style.

But tomorrow, if the two parents want to meet to talk about their own affairs, there may be a little conflict in time.

"Boss Qian, that's just right. There are so many people. Let boss Qian be a witness by the way." On hearing this, Sima Zhengping's face was almost red.

What a coincidence.

"Well, well, I'll go back and talk to my father." Ouyang Mengmeng doesn't know Sima Zhengping's mind. He just thinks that he will marry Sima shangyun soon. He is so excited that he doesn't want to, so he quickly agrees.

"Well, well, it's late that day. Go home as soon as you can." Sima Zhengping urged that he was more excited.

After sending Ouyang Mengmeng away early, Sima Zhengping had to go home to discuss how to meet qianduo. That's a huge customer. The only way to enter the real estate industry is through more money, otherwise you will die!

"But Uncle Sima, how shall we deal with Zhao Chengfeng tomorrow? I can't forget it. " Ouyang Mengmeng suddenly thought of something.

We must teach Zhao Chengfeng a lesson, and then drive Zhao Chengfeng and Xia Muxi out of Jiangzhou city. In this way, Sima shangyun's heart will be on him.

As long as Xia Muxi does not leave, Ouyang Mengmeng's heart will not be stable.

"Hey, aren't there just two students? There's nothing to make a fuss about. "

To this, Sima Zhengping a face of disapproval, light smile way: "well, let's get down to business tomorrow, we'll go to your school, let that boy to apologize to you, to the cloud apology, you see how?"

"It's not enough just to apologize. We have to let them leave Jiangzhou city forever. Otherwise, it's hard for me to get rid of my hatred." Ouyang Mengmeng gritted his teeth, especially thinking of Zhao Chengfeng's broken mouth, Ouyang Mengmeng would like to bite Zhao Chengfeng's flesh.

Ouyang Mengmeng really didn't expect that a man's mouth could be so vicious.

"Yes, do what you say." Sima Zhengping said: "it's too late now. Let my driver take you back."

"No, uncle Sima, my car is just outside. I'll just drive back by myself." Ouyang Mengmeng is also excited at this time. He thinks Sima Zhengping gives himself face.

On the one hand, he arranged his marriage with Sima shangyun, and on the other hand, he helped to clean up Zhao Chengfeng at school. What a face.

"Oh, look at my memory. I haven't paid yet." Ouyang Mengmeng just ready to leave, suddenly said with a smile.

Sima was waving his hand and said, "Hey, how can I make you pay? You're still a student. You're still at school. I'll do it. I'll do it. " With that, Sima Zhengping stopped Ouyang Mengmeng.

"Uncle Sima, I'm so sorry." Ouyang Mengmeng road.

Sima Zhengping pretended to be angry: "what's the shame? Isn't it going to be a family sooner or later? You're going to be Sima Zhengping's daughter-in-law. Can't I buy you a cup of coffee? "


When Ouyang Mengmeng heard this, he had a red face and was so shy that he didn't want it. He muttered in a low voice, "thank you, uncle Sima."

"What do you want to thank me for?" he asked Sima Zhengping said, "OK, you'd better go home. It's too late."

"Goodbye, uncle Sima." Ouyang waved and left the cafe, followed by Sima Zhengping. Sima Zhengping will have to discuss something about tomorrow.

On the way back, Ouyang was so excited that he didn't want to.

"Hum, Xia Muxi, you smelly woman, what do you want to fight with me? Only I, Ouyang Mengmeng, am worthy to be the woman of Sima shangyun! " Ouyang Mengmeng thought so in his heart, and suddenly a phone call came.

Ouyang Mengmeng answered the phone, "hello", the smile on his face became more wonderful.

"Well, well, let's give them some color to see. Don't worry. I'll show up. You don't have to worry. Well, that's it." Put down the phone, Ouyang Mengmeng's face wiped a smirk.

"This time, I'll see how I can kill you, huh!"

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