"This is it, Feige. You see, that smelly boy threw me into the canal. You must avenge me today, son of a bitch." The first person to get off the Jetta is Wang Fen.

Wang Fen went back to change his clothes, but the water on his head was not dry, and he was still in a mess. Looking at Zhao Chengfeng, his eyes were full of resentment, gnashing his teeth, and his face was full of fat, which made him very fierce.

Next to Wang Fen stood a middle-aged man, about 40 or 50 years old, in a police uniform. He was not tall, but he was very fat, especially with a big stomach. He walked like a balloon full of water.

With a big China in its mouth, it is not a good bird at all.

"Come on, arrest this boy for me. He's paralyzed. He dares to bully my sister Huang Fei. I don't think you're impatient. I'm Pooh!" Huang Fei didn't say a word. He ordered people to go up.

In this area, Huang Fei is the local emperor, and no one dares to disobey him.


At the critical moment, Xia Muxi suddenly stood up and stood in front of Zhao Chengfeng. Like an old hen protecting a chick, she glared at Huang Fei and others and scolded, "do you have any royal law? In broad daylight, you want to arrest people without evidence, don't you? "

"Oh, beauty saves the hero." Hearing the speech, Huang Fei laughs, and his face is full of ridicule. After seeing Xia Muxi's beauty, Huang Fei's face is full of lewdness.

Nowadays, who doesn't like beautiful women?

Huang Fei is the same, some people like money, some people like power, some people like beauty. Huang Fei is greedy. He likes all three. Especially in recent years, with the rise of status, people below have given too much money, because some money can be spent openly, and even if some money is put there, they dare not move it casually.

Then there's the last one left - lechery. Many people change the way to send beautiful women to play, but the characteristics of the beautiful women are too obvious, playing for a long time will be bored. How can xiamuxi be so pure and beautiful.

"Hum, Xiao Sao hoof, I think you are looking for death. Do you know who you are talking to? I tell you, you stinky woman, get out of here, or I will... "Wang Fen embraces her hands and stares at Xia Mu angrily.

Wang Fen hates Zhao Chengfeng as well as Xia Muxi, because the girl is so beautiful. What if her cousin takes a fancy to her and lets Zhao Chengfeng go?


Just, Wang Fen hasn't finished a word, Zhao Chengfeng behind Xia Muxi suddenly step forward and kick in the past. The huge Wang Fen, like the same flying pig, once again flew to the canal!


Water splashed, Wang Fen fell "ouch", the whole person quickly submerged in the water, immediately floated up, too much fat, buoyancy is huge.

"Chengfeng, you..." Xia Muxi was startled. The man's action was too fast to stop.

This one foot in the past, the heart is happy, can't give people left a handle?

"Blame yourself!"

Zhao Chengfeng a cold hum, no regret. Zhao Chengfeng doesn't beat women, but Wang Fen's words are too ugly. He scolds himself. Zhao Chengfeng tolerates it, but the fat woman insults Xia Muxi. Don't blame Zhao Chengfeng.

In the past, Wang Fen was not so simple as falling in the water, and might even die!

"How dare you do it in front of me! Come and arrest me, damn it Huang Fei recovered after a long time. He waved his big hand and growled, "arrest this boy for me. If you resist, don't be polite to me!"

Huang Fei has a feeling of being beaten in the face. He was paralyzed. He wanted to show his ability in front of beautiful women. He didn't know that Zhao Chengfeng didn't give him face at all. He beat his cousin in front of his face and kicked him off with one kick. NIMA, this kick is much more powerful than Foshan shadowless foot.

"Wait a minute, you are not allowed to arrest people!" Xia Muxi has to protect Zhao Chengfeng.

Although Xia Muxi seems to be gentle and weak, she shows her strength and toughness beyond imagination at this time.

"Chick, I advise you to get out of the way, otherwise, don't blame me for not being compassionate." Huang Fei's eyes glared and hummed coldly: "shouldn't this boy be arrested for committing a crime in front of our police officers?"

"You..." Xia Muxi's words stopped for a moment, which is also the most worrying thing for Xia Muxi.

Zhao Chengfeng started in front of the police, which is equivalent to sending the evidence to others.

"Officer, please take a step."

At this time, Li Ruo pulls Huang Fei aside and takes out a pile of grandfather Mao from his pocket. It is preliminarily estimated that there are at least more than 10000. Li Ruo directly shoves the money to Huang Fei and lowers his voice and says, "officer, please hold your hand high. We have recorded this sentiment, and there will be human sentiment next time."

If Li is much smoother than Xia Muxi, who doesn't love money now? If you want to do something, you must be willing to spend money, otherwise you can't do it!

"Well, you're on the way."

Huang Fei put the money into his trouser pocket, but still said: "but, your friend deliberately hurt people, this is an indisputable fact, we must seriously deal with it, take it away!"

Voice down, Huang Fei a wave, a few small police swarmed up, surrounded by Zhao Chengfeng.

"You..." Li Ruo was stunned. He didn't expect that Huang Fei was so shameless. He took his own money, but he didn't do anything.

"What are you doing? I'll sue you for obstructing official business! " Huang Fei's eyes glared and turned away.

What's the reason for the money you put in your pocket?

"Ha ha, I've seen it. I can do it." On one side, Zhao Chengfeng takes a panoramic view of everything, with a sneer on his lips.

"That's not what you can do. You're a bull if you attack in front of the people's police." Huang Fei joked that he didn't pay attention to Zhao Chengfeng's sarcasm.

What's this? I ate a little money?

"It's a big crime to commit murder in front of the police. Can you show me the evidence?" Zhao Chengfeng asked: "is what your eyes see the truth? If I remember correctly, you are related to Wang fennai. When investigating the case, should you avoid it? "

Smell speech, Huang Fei brow a frown, this kid door son is clear, still know everybody to handle affairs of this set of flow.

"In addition, I would like to remind you that there is a camera here, and the money in your pocket..." Zhao Chengfeng pointed to the surveillance not far away.

In order to protect the safety of the students, almost every vendor in the whole street has installed monitoring devices. The scene just now should have been photographed.

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