"Are you threatening me?"

Huang Fei's face became more and more ugly when he heard this, and his face was full of ferocity.

"Did I threaten you? This is to remind you, to remind you not to make mistakes! " Zhao Chengfeng was not afraid at all. Instead, he said, "it's not impossible for you to arrest me today, but I want to make a phone call."

Zhao Chengfeng is not afraid. He just wants to get rid of some moths that lurk in the people's police force. Zhao Chengfeng knows that he is not so great, and it is impossible to get rid of every moth in the police force, but as long as he meets them, he will never let them go!

Huang Fei is so arrogant in front of us. There must be backstage. Huang Fei is so shameless. Isn't his backstage more presumptuous?

"We're going to move the soldiers, aren't we? All right, whatever you want! "

Hearing this, Huang Fei was relieved. What he was most afraid of was that the people next to him would take photos and make videos, and it would be a big trouble if they were posted to the Internet. Moreover, monitoring was also a problem. Now the network is too developed.

Now, with Zhao Chengfeng's active cooperation in handling the case, he will have less trouble. There are fewer conflicts. After all, this guy's foot is strong enough. If he resists, he will not be caught. How shameful it will be. Will he mix up in the future?

"Help me? Is that necessary? "

Zhao Chengfeng shakes his head and doesn't respond. He originally wanted to call the top leader, but after thinking about it, he directly sent a short message to Tang Wei. Today, Tang Wei is from Guoan. How many little policemen do you want to investigate? Not at all.

"All right? We police don't have much to do. We don't have time to dally with you. " Huang Fei impatiently urged.

Zhao Chengfeng turned his eyelids up and put his mobile phone in his pocket. He didn't have a good way: "do you think I have time to linger with you? Do you really think of yourself as a dish


When Huang Fei heard this, his nose was almost crooked. He was paralyzed and almost a prisoner. He was so arrogant that he didn't know what to do. However, Huang Fei still swallowed this tone, did not get angry with Zhao Chengfeng on the spot, first put the boy into the Bureau, and then slowly clean him up. As long as you get into the Bureau, no matter how bull you are, you will be forced to beat him.

"Don't you, my, hurry up and go. I'm not in the mood and have no time to chat with you." Said, Zhao Chengfeng incomparably calm to the police car.

"Chengfeng, don't go..." Xia Muxi was worried, and her heart suddenly raised to her throat.

Summer wood Xi really don't understand, Zhao Chengfeng so shrewd person, how can follow foolishly to the bureau? It's unusual.

"It's OK. You don't have to worry. No one can do anything to me." With that, Zhao Chengfeng glanced at Huang Fei and said, "I know what you want to do, but I'm not afraid.".

"Take it away!"

Huang Fei waved his hand and was very angry.

"Brother Fei, you must avenge me." Zhao Chengfeng just got on the bus, fat woman Wang Fen climbed out of the canal, and vomited two mouthfuls, almost choked to death.

Wang Fen really felt like a dog day today. It's his mother's bad luck. He was thrown into the canal twice a day in a row on his own site. Especially for the second time, he was beaten in front of his cousin. Do you want to face?

"Well, let's talk about it."

Huang Fei looks at his cousin with a frown and a cold air coming out of his nostrils. His hatred for Zhao Chengfeng is two more points. Son of a bitch, it's really cruel to kick my sister.

"Take it away!"

With Huang Fei's order, the police car roared away.

"Hum, Xiao Sao hoof, you just wait to die. If you offend my mother, you'll have a good look." Wang Fen said to Xia Muxi and Li Ruo, "see, director Huang is my cousin. Hum!"

With that, Wang Fen shakes his fat body and staggers away, but he's a bit embarrassed and covered with water stains.

"Muxi, what should we do now?" Li Ruo looks at Xia Muxi. Xiumei turns into a knot in one's heart. He is worried and blames himself at the same time.

Li Ruo didn't expect that because of his own affairs, he brought Xia Muxi's boyfriend to the Bureau. When he got to the Bureau, let alone the bad guys, even if the good guys went in, there would be no benefit.

"I'll give it a try by phone first." Xia Muxi is silent for a long time, dialing Shangguan Yan'er's phone.

At the beginning, after Xia Muxi saved Zhao Chengfeng, Shangguan Yan'er privately said that if there is any trouble that can't be solved, call her. This time, I hope Shangguan Yan'er can work, otherwise Zhao Chengfeng may be in trouble.

"Hello, you are..." the phone is soon connected, there comes Shangguan Yan'er's voice.

"Sister Yan'er, I am Xia Muxi." Xia Muxi's face turned red, and there was a feeling of being found cheating.

Xia Muxi never thought she was a bad woman, but this time there was always a feeling of robbing other men.

"It's you, Muxi." On the other end of the phone, Guan Yan'er's tone relaxed and asked, "what's the matter with calling me?"

"I'm fine, but Chengfeng has something to do." When talking about Zhao Chengfeng, Xia Muxi can't take any shame into consideration. She says: "Chengfeng has been taken away by the people in the police station. Maybe he will suffer a loss. Look..."

"What's the matter with Chengfeng? Taken away by the police station? "

On hearing this, Shangguan Yan'er's voice suddenly became more dignified and said in a deep voice: "what's the matter? Where are you

"It's like this. Chengfeng sent me back to school, and then taught two people a lesson. As a result, that person..." Xia Muxi didn't dare to neglect. She told Shangguan Yan'er everything that happened recently. In the end, Xia Muxi said anxiously: "sister Yan'er, Chengfeng has just been taken to the police station, and will definitely suffer losses. You can think of a way, or he will be beaten..."

"I don't think it's a big deal."

How do you know, Shangguan Yan'er, with a smile, said: "don't worry, Muxi, if Chengfeng doesn't want to be bullied, then no one can bully him, no one can bully him!"

"But they..." Xia Muxi was deeply shocked by these words. He said that his man was like a God. How could no one dare to bully him? Didn't he get hurt before?

"Muxi, put your heart in your stomach, I said, no one can bully him, you believe me." Shangguan Yan'er said again: "of course, it's the ability to believe in Chengfeng."

"Well, what should I do now?" Summer wood Xi a little muddled, a face of at a loss at a loss.

"You don't have to do anything. Just wait. Don't worry. He will be home soon." Shangguan Yan'er's tone is particularly relaxed. If he can't even clean up a few thieves, what qualifications does he have to fight?

"Well, well." Summer wood Xi should a, put down the phone.

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