"What did you say?" Xia Muxi put down the phone, Li Ruo couldn't help asking.

Xia Muxi said weakly, "she said we don't have to worry about it. It will be OK in a moment."

"Your friend doesn't want to help, does he?" Li Ruo looks suspicious.

It's OK to enter the Bureau. What's the matter? What's wrong with dead people? Pull the calf!


Hearing the speech, Xia Muxi hesitated, carefully pondered Li ruo's words, combined with her relationship with Zhao Chengfeng's women, it was really possible. Who can guarantee that Shangguan Yan'er doesn't hate herself? Don't be jealous?

"It's better to rely on yourself than on others."

Li Ruo saw Xia Muxi's indecisive expression and gritted his teeth: "go, get on the bus, let's go to the police station."

"What are you doing?" Summer wood Xi don't understand, oneself and Li if in the police station can all have nothing to do with, went not also in vain?


Li Ruo explained: "if 10000 yuan is not enough, we will send 100000 yuan. If 100000 yuan is not enough, we will get 200000 yuan. I don't believe it. If I have money, I can't get anyone."

"Well, let's go and get the money from the bank first." Xia Muxi thought that money can make the ghost push the mill. As long as the money is enough, is there anything else she can't do? Although it's a little dark, but now the situation is urgent, and Xia Muxi doesn't care much about it.

"You have money?" Li Ruo was a bit surprised.

In Li ruo's opinion, what money can Xia Muxi have if she can't even collect enough money for her tuition? This time, I want to go to the police station to get people. I'm sure I can't get down without a hundred thousand. This is an astronomical number for Xia Muxi.

"I don't know if my card is rich or not. It's a bank card given to me by Chengfeng. Let's go to the bank first and hurry up." Xiamuxi can't wait to pull liruo into the car.

Li Ruo didn't say much. For the sake of insurance, he took his bank card with him. What if Zhao Chengfeng didn't have any money on the card? After all, even now Li Ruo doesn't think Zhao Chengfeng is rich.

Today's rich people are very particular about food, clothing, housing and transportation. How can they be like Zhao Chengfeng? The clothes are so ordinary that they look shabby. If Li doesn't know about food and accommodation, it's inconvenient to comment, but he doesn't dare to compliment his smoking. What's the age of smoking?

However, when it came to the bank, Li Ruo was completely surprised.

"Mu Xi, how many, how many zeros, how can I feel that I am dazed?" Li Ruo glanced at the balance of his bank card and was completely confused.

Seven or eight zeros!

"Well, it's like, it's like 20 million." Xia Muxi is relatively calm, because Xia Muxi knows that Zhao Chengfeng has a lot of money. Otherwise, can she just take a plane to Tianxing village?


Li Ruo took a cold breath and murmured to himself, "it's true that real people don't show their faces. Muxi, you've caught the fifth king of diamonds this time. It's your turn to enjoy yourself in the future."

"Don't talk about it. We'd better get the money quickly and go to the police station as soon as we get it. If it's too late, we'll lose a lot." Summer wood Xi is anxious, which tube is not diamond Wang Lao Wu.

"Yes, hurry to get the money, little rich woman. I envy you now."

"Dead girl, when is it? Are you kidding?" Summer wood, white eyes.

After a discussion, the two women decided to take 100000 yuan. Although Jiangzhou city is very developed, the 100000 yuan is not a small amount for the head of a police station. It's a salary for more than a year.

"Who are you looking for?" At the gate of the police station, the second daughter was stopped by the guard.

"Handsome, let's find director Huang. Come on, smoke." Li Ruo is a businessman after all. He gives a bag of Greater China to the doorman.

"Well, you go in and don't disturb the director's office."

The guard glanced at the two girls and said that they were the prey they had sent to the door. Director is really a good life, two watery cabbages, are they going to be arched by him again?

"Thank you." The two women said thanks and walked into the office building.

The police station in this area is not big, and the office building is only three stories small. As the director, Huang Fei's office is on the top floor. The two women went directly to the third floor and found Huang Fei's office after sweeping around.


Li Ruo pulls Xia Muxi to walk past. However, the door of the office is open and there is no response after knocking for a long time.

"This..." Li Ruo was a little silly. He didn't expect that Huang Fei was not in the office at all.

"Now what?" Xia Muxi was a little worried and said, "they won't take Chengfeng to other places, will they?"

"Wait a minute. Maybe I'm taking a statement." Li ruo's eyebrows also twisted, but no matter how anxious, there was no good way.

Most of the grassroots work in a simple and crude way. If they don't agree with each other, they just kick and punch. Zhao Chengfeng kicks Huang Fei's cousin. This hatred will definitely not be over.

It's inevitable to suffer losses. I just hope to send some money out to make peace and get people out as soon as possible.

"All right." Xia Muxi was worried, but she was just in a hurry.


In the interrogation room of Huashan Road police station, Zhao Chengfeng sits upright on a chair and lets himself be cuffed and chained. He looks at Huang Fei and others in front of him calmly. These guys turn off the audio and video recording equipment directly and hold electric batons in their hands. It's obvious that they want to use violence! Just careful observation, found that Zhao Chengfeng smile with a trace of cold.

Abuse of lynching!

"What's your name, son of a bitch? Why hit my cousin Wang Fen? " Huang Fei's face was full of flesh and blood, and he stared at Zhao Chengfeng with a sneer, "be honest with me, maybe you can suffer less from flesh and blood!"

Instead of answering directly, Zhao Chengfeng asked, "is that how you enforce the law impartially?"


Huang Fei has no good way: "how can I enforce the law? What's your business?"

"Director, don't talk nonsense with him. If you don't give him some color, he doesn't know how powerful he is." Next to a small police waving electric batons, a face of ferocious.

However, Zhao Chengfeng is not afraid at all. He just looks at a group of people in front of him, and his eyes are chilly. Is that how to serve the people in police uniform?

"Boy, do you see? I'm very patient, but my brothers don't have much patience. They tell me the truth and say, "why do you want to beat my cousin?" Huang Fei laughs and says that if you enter the police station, you will enter the palace of hell and see how I deal with you.

"Because her mouth is not clean, are you satisfied with the answer?" Zhao Chengfeng asked.


Huang Fei was so angry that he hummed coldly, "if you don't clean your mouth, you'll hit people. Do you want to scold you again, and you'll kill people?"

"Director Huang, I'd like to ask, don't you know that vicious words hurt people? Don't you know that there is a "libel" in Chinese law Zhao Chengfeng asked repeatedly.

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