"Chief, are you ok? These bad elements didn't hurt you?" Gao Yunlong couldn't hear the sadness and joy in Zhao Chengfeng's words. He frowned and asked. Sweep to Huang Fei and others eyes is also very fierce, hate gnash teeth!

Son of a bitch, it's a disgrace to Jiangzhou city. If Zhao Chengfeng makes any mistakes and peels these bastards alive, he can't vent his anger!

"They want to hurt me, but they don't have that ability." Zhao Chengfeng lit up a cigarette and said plainly: "you have worked hard. Now these people will be handed over to you. Not only these people will be handed over to you, but also the whole police system of Jiangzhou city must remove all the moths within three days. None of them will be left!"

At the end of the speech, Zhao Chengfeng's voice was a bit more serious and murderous!

When will the police system really protect the country if the moths are not removed? For example, in this area, Huang Fei, as the director of the police station, should have set an example, but he did not want to be the leader of the moth, to commit crimes and abuse lynching.

"This..." Gao Yunlong looks embarrassed. After all, the police system is not his own business.

"What? You can't do it? " Smell speech, Zhao Chengfeng brow a frown, some displeasure.

If you don't have this ability, why do you come here? For fun or for fun?

"No, chief, the main reason is that we don't manage the police system, so..." Gao Yunlong was a little embarrassed.

"You don't understand the military and police family?" Zhao Chengfeng asked.


As soon as Gao Yunlong gritted his teeth and stamped his feet, he answered.

"Hurry up, I'll go first." With that, Zhao Chengfeng walked outside the interrogation room while smoking.

As Zhao Chengfeng used to be, he mostly wanted to make trouble with the whole police station and even the whole public security system of Jiangzhou City, to find out all the forces behind Huang Fei and strangle him one by one. However, Zhao Chengfeng doesn't plan to do it himself. After all, he doesn't have much time to meddle in his own business. That's why Zhao Chengfeng calls Tang Wei. Tang Wei's identity is different now. He just needs to make a phone call. The leaders of Jiangzhou city and even the whole Sichuan Province must pay attention to it.

Moreover, Zhao Chengfeng also gave the local government a face, and they managed it by themselves. At least they saved face.

"Arrest them all..." Gao Yunlong roared, pointing to Huang Fei and other humanity. He hated Huang Fei.

Originally, I stayed well in the army. I didn't know that when I gave an order, I rushed over with people. It doesn't matter if I was busy. This time, I offended a lot of people.

Although the military and civilian families speak well, it's actually not so easy to handle. How can others snore on the side of the couch? To put it bluntly, it's over the line.

To be a leader and a ruling party, many people are not for money or for the people, but for one breath. This is also the reason why everyone wants to be the top leader, because the top leader has the right to speak.

However, now Gao Yunlong is forced to deal with the local borers. He can't make sense of the situation. But Gao Yunlong dare not violate Zhao Chengfeng's meaning. For the sake of the word "military God", Huang Fei and others have to deal with a group of talented people by shooting at Zhao Chengfeng today!

"What's going on?" However, just at this time, a middle-aged man came outside the interrogation room. His skin was dark and his figure was big. Looking at the epaulets, he was the director of Jiangzhou Municipal Bureau.

Wang Dazhuang, director of Jiangzhou Municipal Bureau, is a typical northerner. He is tall and strong, just like a bull. At that time, he was also a fierce man who had been on the battlefield. After he retired from the army, he entered the public security system and cracked several major cases. In less than eight years, he took the position of director of the Municipal Bureau. It has to be said that Wang Dazhuang is quite capable.

"Director Wang, you are here." Gao Yunlong is a little angry, biting "director Wang" three words, very unhappy“ It's very difficult for you to invite

In fact, they have some personal friendship. Before they set out from the army, Gao Yunlong gave Wang Dazhuang a boost. That is to say, he let Wang Dazhuang solve the problem by himself. How could Gao Yunlong feel comfortable when he came here from 20 miles in the suburbs and lived in the city?

"Chief Gao, what do you mean by that?" Wang Dazhuang was a little surprised. Who was it that needed Gao Yunlong to come to a small police station to rescue him?

The most surprising thing is that Gao Yunlong actually arrested his own people.

"By the way, what's wrong with my people? Why do you arrest them?" Wang Dazhuang saw that Huang Fei had been beaten into a fool, and his eyebrows were twisted into a knot in one's heart.

No matter what their own people have committed, they can't do it casually, can they?

"Director Wang, you are here. Help me." As soon as Huang Fei saw his boss coming, his courage suddenly strengthened again. He pointed to Zhao Cheng and said, "this guy doesn't obey the rules. We just ask him to come back and do a simple investigation. But without saying a word, he wanted to attack the police and took my gun. He almost killed me. Look at the bullet cases all over the floor."


On hearing this, Wang Dazhuang's face became more ugly. He glanced at Zhao Chengfeng, then turned back to Gao Yunlong and said, "commander Gao, you've done something wrong. My people were beaten in the police station. How can you arrest my people? That's a bit of a bully. "


Gao Yunlong almost didn't get angry when he heard that Wang Dazhuang was still protecting his weaknesses? Long brain does not think about the problem, if it is ordinary people, they need to personally bring people to kill it?

"Director Wang, I'm afraid you don't know the situation. I'll introduce you first. This is chief Zhao from Beijing!" Gao Yunlong introduced to Wang Dazhuang.

Wang Dazhuang glances back at Zhao Chengfeng. He doesn't even have a clip on his eyelids. He really doesn't see what makes Zhao Chengfeng brilliant. How can a young man look like a leader?

"Your people illegally imprison chief Zhao..." what else does Gao Yunlong want to say, but he is stopped by Zhao Chengfeng.

Zhao Chengfeng went straight up to Wang Dazhuang and said, "Hello, director Wang, it doesn't matter who I am. Now I just want to reflect to you a situation. Huang Fei, your subordinate, abused his power for his cousin Wang Fen's selfish interests. He caught me in the Bureau and forced me to sign my name. If he didn't, he would make a move. Finally, he changed his gun, It's up to you. "

"I'll take care of it? Ha ha. " Wang Dazhuang gave a noncommittal smile, his face full of strong irony.

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