Obviously, Wang Dazhuang doesn't look up to Zhao Chengfeng, and even suspects that Gao Yunlong has been cheated by Zhao Chengfeng, just like a chief? Bullshit!

"Is there any evidence of what you said?" Wang Dazhuang asked.

Zhao Chengfeng's pupils shrunk. "Do you mean I'm making things out of nothing and slandering your people?"

"There's no reason to talk."

Wang Dazhuang said solemnly, "we police officers are all justified in handling affairs. If there is no substantial evidence, it is useless to say anything."

"Wang Dazhuang, are you crazy?" Even if Gao Yunlong is stupid, he can see that Wang Dazhuang doesn't intend to give himself face. For Huang Fei's sake, he directly offends Zhao Chengfeng to death.

If Zhao Chengfeng is really in a hurry, let alone Wang Dazhuang, he is afraid that Wang Dazhuang's immediate superior and the people of the public security department can't bear it! Not only did I not make any contribution this time, I was afraid that I would be criticized by the above.

It's good to say that it's criticism, but bad to say that it's abuse!

"Do you know who is standing in front of you, you..." Gao Yunlong must stand firmly on Zhao Chengfeng's side, even if he has some friendship with Wang Dazhuang in private.

"Commander Gao, you don't have to interfere in this. I'll deal with it." However, Zhao Chengfeng stopped Gao Yunlong.

Zhao Chengfeng didn't want to worry too much about Wang Dazhuang and others. Now it seems that he can't.

"You want proof, don't you?" Zhao Chengfeng stares at Wang Dazhuang and asks.

"There must be evidence. How can a case be settled without evidence?" Wang Dazhuang doesn't want to give Gao Yunlong face at all. Instead, he cares about Gao Yunlong. Damn it, he doesn't say hello in advance when he starts beating his own people. Look at Huang Fei. His face is covered with blood and his words are full of wind.

It's not that Wang Dazhuang must stand out for Huang Fei and others, but he must stand out for his own face!

"Wang Dazhuang, you will die." Gao Yunlong angrily scolds him. He just wants to take up his submachine gun and kill Wang Dazhuang. It's so simple minded and full of limbs. It's so stupid.

"Chief Gao, keep your mouth clean!"

Wang Dazhuang had no good temper, and said coldly, "as the director of Jiangzhou Public Security Bureau, shouldn't I act impartially? I can't even question it? "


On hearing this, Gao Yunlong almost lost his nose and was paralyzed. This guy is absolutely stupid. He has said his own words, but he hasn't responded. I really don't know how the director of the Municipal Bureau became such a fool!

"Well, well said, well said!"

One side of Zhao Chengfeng heard this, his face actually showed a smile, just a careful observation, smile is more indifferent.

"Better said than done."

Wang Dazhuang straightened his back and said, "didn't you just complain? I'll give you justice as long as the evidence is solid. But if I can't get the evidence, I can't say it! "

"I have no proof." Zhao Chengfeng is also very calm, in their territory, how can they have evidence? What can I do to prove that the video recording equipment is not on?

Zhao Chengfeng is too lazy to argue. Wang Dazhuang doesn't believe in himself. Someone will make him believe it.

"You're talking nonsense without proof?" Hearing this, Wang Dazhuang became more courageous and angry.

Well, I really don't take myself seriously. It's too shameful to slander and beat my own people without evidence.

"Commander Gao, you can hear clearly. This is your so-called chief. You can see for yourself. If you don't have evidence, you can hit people. You..." Wang Dazhuang points the gun directly at Gao Yunlong.

In Wang Dazhuang's opinion, Gao Yunlong is just looking for trouble. What is it? It's all bullshit!

"Wang Dazhuang, Wang Dazhuang, you are a pig. I don't want to scold you." Gao Yunlong shakes his head. He really regrets meeting Wang Dazhuang. If they don't have any friendship in the past, Gao Yunlong will be able to handle affairs and solve problems directly by force. How can Wang Dazhuang be as good as him?

"Commander Gao, what do you mean by this? You make it clear to me, I..." Wang Dazhuang was black and unhappy.

However, before Wang Dazhuang finished his work, his waist phone rang first. Wang Dazhuang didn't intend to answer it. However, after seeing the caller ID, he quickly picked it up, and the whole person suddenly became serious.

"Hello, director Yang, what instructions do you have?" Wang Dazhuang seems very polite, no way, who let director Yang's own boss?

"Director Wang, where are you now?" There was a strong male voice on the other end of the phone, which sounded anxious.

Wang Dazhuang didn't dare to neglect him. He said, "Hello, director Yang. I'm dealing with something in Chengxi police station now. It's almost the end. If you have anything to do, it's OK to say."

"Are you in Chengxi police station? Good, great

On the other end of the phone, director Yang was very happy and said in a loud voice: "director Wang, I order you to make sure that chief Zhao Chengfeng is safe and sound. You must not make any mistakes. I'll give you a great credit for doing this well."


Director Yang on the other side of the phone was very happy, but Wang Dazhuang couldn't help looking at Zhao Chengfeng after listening to this sentence. Did Gao Yunlong not introduce himself just now?

——Zhao Chengfeng, chief Zhao, chief from Beijing!

Seeing that Zhao Chengfeng was dressed in ordinary clothes and young, Wang Dazhuang didn't take it for granted. Wang Dazhuang only thought that Gao Yunlong's friend had committed a crime and came to help out. He didn't know that Zhao Chengfeng was really the head of the Department, and it was the director of the Department who called and asked about it in person, which was enough to show the importance of Zhao Chengfeng's identity.

"Ah, what?"

Director Yang zhengse said: "Wang Dazhuang, I once again remind you that Zhao Chengfeng is the leader of the capital, a high-ranking official. If he is wronged, I will take off your head and use it as a chamber pot. Have you heard me?"


Smell speech, Wang Dazhuang took a cold breath, only feel the cold wind on his back, heart also sank to the bottom.

"In this way, you wait at the police station in the west of the city, and I'll bring people here right away. Remember, don't offend chief Zhao, that's all." No matter what Wang Dazhuang's reaction, director Yang put the phone down.

Putting down the phone, Wang Dazhuang seems to be ten years old in an instant, and he can't stand up in front of Zhao Chengfeng.

"You, are you really the chief from the capital?" After a long silence, Wang Dazhuang boldly asked.

"Don't you think I'm very different?" Zhao Chengfeng asked.

"No, I'm just..." Wang Dazhuang said "clapping" again in his heart. It's over. This time, it's over. He offended the leader from the capital. It's more difficult to go further in the future.

"I've come back now, but it's too late!"

Gao Yunlong said with a sneer: "Wang Dazhuang, open your eyes and see clearly. Standing in front of you is chief Zhao Chengfeng. About the legend of the chief in the past, you should inquire for yourself."

"..." Wang Dazhuang doesn't have time to inquire about the origin of Zhao Chengfeng. Director Yang will come right away. Zhao Chengfeng's mouth will be crooked and he will say something about his future

"Well, chief Zhao, I'm sorry, just now I have eyes that don't know Taishan, so..." Wang Dazhuang is much higher than Zhao Chengfeng, but at this time, he has to bow his head and grovel, and his fate is in Zhao Chengfeng's hands.

"No," he said

Zhao Chengfeng repeatedly waved his hand and said, "what's wrong? Don't you want evidence? Why don't we look for evidence first? "

"No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no Wang Dazhuang even waved his hand, but he couldn't decide whether his flattery was appropriate.

"That's not necessarily. What if I insult your subordinates and your intelligence?"

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