"I can't say that. What if there's a great young talent coming from somewhere?" Ouyang shook his hand modestly, but he looked scornful.

I'm looking for death!

It's not really Ouyang's boasting force. Ouyang's assets are more than 10 billion, and they can kill people with money!

"Young talent? Well, I think it's the ignorant generation. " He Wenbing was filled with indignation and said: "Meng Meng, don't worry. I'll make the decision for you. After a while, the boy will come. I don't know how to teach him!"

Ouyang Mengmeng and so on is this sentence, hastily expresses thanks, the way: "thanks uncle he."

"Thank you or not. I just can't stand arrogant guys. It's too arrogant." He Wenbing looked angry, as if he wanted to deal with his father's enemy.

"With the help of president he, I don't think it's time for that boy to cry." Sima Zhengping also said with a smile. Although he had a smile on his face, his eyes were full of fierce spirit.

Son of a bitch, it's too cruel. He sent his son to the hospital. It's not getting better now. Today, let's frustrate his spirit and avenge his son!

"Ha ha, I'll be in charge of the theatre today." Qian duo also holds his arms and laughs. I think these people are making a fuss, right?

It's really a pain of idleness. It's nothing. Who is richer than others? Isn't that bullshit? Now people are smart. The poor pretend to be forced, and the rich pretend to be poor. Rich people will also say that they have no money. Nowadays, low-key is the most powerful show off.

"Qian is always joking. If you want a horse, you can stab him with a finger." Sima Zhengping flattered.

"Yes, yes, money is always here. Who dares to say that he has money? Isn't this a big knife in front of Guan Gong? " Ouyang Zhentian followed.

Although it's flattering, it's also true. No one can tell exactly how much money there is in Qianlong group. However, if you think about the current housing prices, you can see that Qianlong group is the largest real estate company in China!

Almost all the landmarks of the whole country and even some other countries in the world are made by Qianlong group!

"Oh, please don't praise me. Isn't it killing me?" Qian more embarrassed smile, also want to say what, just when the phone rings, to everyone apologized: "sorry, I go to answer a phone."

"Money always helps."

Qian duo pleaded guilty and got into the toilet.

"Mr. Qian is really busy with business, and there are a lot of phone calls during lunch." Sima Zhengping said with emotion, "I don't know what big business Qian has done."

Ouyang Zhentian is also a human spirit. What Sima Zhengping said is not to give more money, but to himself. Ouyang Zhentian said: "Mr. Sima, we are all from our own family. I'll give you some information. The land in the western suburb of Jiangzhou city is made by the three of us. The money accounts for four points. You and I each have three points. What do you think?"

"Of course, it's the best. Fight tiger brothers, fight father son soldiers. We have been friends for so many years that we have to work together. " On hearing this, Sima Zhengping had the bottom of his mind.

At present, Sima Zhengping does not dare to expect how much money he can earn when he enters the construction industry. He will make more money after he reaches the threshold. The main reason is the successful transformation. There are too many transportation industries nowadays, and the competition pressure is too great. There is only one dead end to unchangeable transportation.

"Come on, let's wish our cooperation a success..." Sima Zhengping held up the tea cup.

"Here comes the fellow!"

However, at this time, Ouyang's eyes fell on a Land Rover outside the bank. A man and two women stepped down from the car. Are they Zhao Chengfeng, Xia Muxi and Li Ruo?

Enemy meet, especially red eyed, a see Zhao Chengfeng, Ouyang Mengmeng silver teeth bite cackle straight ring! Damn bastard, actually said that he was taken care of by godfather, do you need to be taken care of?

"Oh? Is that the boy? " He Wenbing glanced at it and sneered, "a loser, I don't know where to rent a Land Rover. He really knows how to pretend."

"What if it's a Lufeng X7?" Sima as like as two peas in the same sentence, the two cars are quite similar, and the appearance is almost the same, but the actual price is far from the sky.

"Go and have a look."

Ouyang Zhentian put down his tea cup and got up first. My daughter's face must be given, no one can bully my daughter in Jiangzhou city! This is also the face of the Ouyang family.

"Oh, here it is." Out of the VIP room, Zhao Chengfeng and Xia Muxi just walked into the bank. Ouyang said with a sneer, "how can you come here empty handed? What about your money? "

"Where's your money?" Zhao Chengfeng asks, for Ouyang Mengmeng, Zhao Chengfeng doesn't want to say even one more word. He thinks it's a waste of time to say one more word. Although Ouyang Mengmeng does have some beauty, Zhao Chengfeng really can't show any interest in such a woman.

"Boy, open your eyes and see that almost all the money in this bank belongs to miss Ouyang. Don't look ugly. Just admit defeat and go away. What qualifications do you have to compete with Miss Ouyang?" He Wenbing pointed to Zhao Chengfeng with a sneer on his face.

In front of Zhao Chengfeng, he Wenbing also gave Ouyang a full face, saying "Miss Ouyang", which virtually promoted Ouyang's status.

"Mad dogs come every year, especially this year."

Zhao Chengfeng took out his ear and said suspiciously, "Ouyang Mengmeng, is your family a mad dog shelter? Why are there so many mad dogs around you

"Smelly boy, who are you calling a mad dog? Believe it or not, I'll let the security guard kick you out? " When he Wenbing heard this, he turned pale and his nose was almost crooked. Son of a bitch, he called himself a mad dog. It's not a thing!

You know, although he Wenbing is just a small bank president, he is always in contact with high officials and rich people. When was he so humiliated?

"I'll scold whoever agrees!" Zhao Chengfeng answered.


He Wenbing was so angry that he just wanted to hit Zhao Chengfeng with his fist, but he still held back.

"Boy, did you hurt my son?" Sima Zhengping took a step forward and stared at Zhao Chengfeng. His eyes narrowed into a crack and he looked at Zhao Chengfeng carefully.

I can't see what a master he is, let alone a rich man.

"Your son? Sorry, I've beaten too many people. I don't know who you're talking about. " Zhao Chengfeng shakes his head and doesn't care about Sima Zhengping at all.

In fact, Zhao Chengfeng knows very well that this man is Sima shangyun's Lao Tzu. They look so much alike that Sima shangyun is not the seed of the old Wang next door.

"You..." Sima Zhengping trembled with anger, and his eyes glared.

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