"Young man, don't be too arrogant. There are many people who are more powerful than you these days. People should be introverted!" Ouyang Zhentian had to come out to help. The boy was really smart. He Wenbing and Sima Zhengping were choked by him.

Zhao Chengfeng glanced at Ouyang all day and opened his mouth and said, "you..."

"What are you doing? Go ahead. " Ouyang Zhentian light way.

"Well, nothing."

Zhao Chengfeng shook his head and said, "it's just that I almost called you a fool."


When Ouyang Zhentian heard this, his eyes were as wide as those of Niu lingdang. He had an impulse to strangle Zhao Chengfeng. He was paralyzed. He just advised him casually. He didn't scold you or humiliate you. Why should he scold me as a fool?


Zhao Chengfeng took a puff of smoke, his mouth opened slightly, shrugged and said: "I'm sorry, I still can't help it. You idiot, I'm arrogant. What does it have to do with you?"


Ouyang Zhentian felt his chest and felt the rising of Qi and blood.

"Well, well, what a arrogant guy. It's really daunting. I didn't expect that Sima's family and Ouyang's family would be humiliated by a nobody. It seems that we have to show some skills today. Otherwise, how can Sima's family and Ouyang's family get a foothold in Jiangzhou city?" Sima Zhengping is not angry but smiles. However, Sima Zhengping's smile is a bit distorted, which is particularly ferocious.


Zhao Chengfeng disapproved and said, "it's like your family is powerful. Open your eyes and see clearly. The Qing Dynasty is dead. No matter how big your family is, is there a big country?"

"You..." Sima Zhengping is suffocating in his chest again. At this time, Sima Zhengping needs quick acting heart saving pills. Otherwise, Sima Zhengping is really afraid that he won't see the sun tomorrow. This son of a bitch is too cunning.

"All right!"

At this time, Ouyang Mengmeng couldn't listen any more. He said in a loud voice, "cut the crap. Let's start the competition in the third inning. Xia Muxi, don't forget our agreement. If anyone loses, get out of Jiangzhou city!"

Ouyang Mengmeng is really afraid of Zhao Chengfeng's sharp tongue, which is much more powerful than iron teeth and copper teeth. Ouyang Mengmeng really doesn't understand how a man's mouth can be so unruly?

"Why should we get out of Jiangzhou? Is Jiangzhou your home?" Xiamuxi quit and let her go. Xiamuxi can bear it, but why should she let her man go?

"Since it's a bet, naturally there's a bet. Why not?" Ouyang Mengmeng asked.

"Then why don't you dare to compare your grades with me? Why don't you dance like me? " "Summer wood Xi forces to ask a way," you are a loser

Smell speech, Ouyang Mengmeng's complexion is some ugliness, but didn't accept this words stubble.

"That's to say, let people get out of Jiangzhou city. Why?" Li Ruo, no matter what Ouyang family or Sima family, must stand beside his good sisters at the critical moment. He snorts at Ouyang and has no good way: "I'm just jealous that others are more beautiful than you. I'm afraid I'll take away your Sima shangyun? I can tell you that our Muxi is not interested in Sima shangyun at all. It's not our Muxi's favorite style at all! "

"Shut up

Ouyang Meng's mask color changed greatly, like a cat who had been trampled on its tail. He was so angry that he pointed to Li Ruo angrily and growled: "if you talk nonsense again, do you believe me to tear your mouth?"

"Cut, I am not nonsense, you have no point to force the number?" Li Ruo is not afraid of Ouyang Mengmeng. He doesn't care about the influence behind Ouyang Mengmeng. I'm not in Jiangzhou city. How can you drop me?

Anyway, Li Ruo just can't stand it. This group of rich second generation bully others. Is it great to have money? After death, you and I don't know each other?

Since he came to this world, Li Ruo didn't intend to leave alive. Instead of being bullied, he had better resist strongly. Maybe he will come out in the future.

"You Ouyang is so angry that his body is shaking, but he has nothing to do with liruo.

That's right. Li ruo's words are like a sharp knife in Ouyang Mengmeng's heart. What she says is the truth. Ouyang Mengmeng is jealous of xiamuxi, and is afraid that xiamuxi has robbed his male god Sima shangyun.

"Don't talk nonsense. Don't brag by having two bad money. We are not better than you at all?" If Li rushes to the white, no matter whether he has money or not, he must not lose in momentum.

"Well, well, I've really learned a lot."

Ouyang Zhentian saw that his daughter had been robbed and humiliated for several times. He couldn't keep calm for a long time. Instead of anger, he said with a smile: "I've lived for so many years, but I've seen such a sharp mouthed person for the first time. You three really share the same bad taste. Otherwise, how can we go together?"

"That's to say, when I'm young and have no ability, I know how to use my tongue. I don't think I'll make any great achievements in the future." Sima Zhengping followed suit and glared at Zhao Chengfeng.


Zhao Chengfeng took a puff of his cigarette and said with disdain, "I don't have much ability, but whose son was beaten by Laozi and can't get down now?"


Zhao Chengfeng's words are like a knife in Sima Zhengping's heart. It hurts so much that you don't want it. But Sima Zhengping can't refute it. It's true.

"Well, you are so brave that you dare to fight with Sima shangyun. You're tired of it, aren't you?" After listening to this, he Wenbing realized the trickiness and had to admire Zhao Chengfeng's courage. What's the difference between this and the hanging of the birthday man?

Of course, this is also an opportunity for he Wenbing to perform.

"Yes, I'm tired of living. You can give me a ride. Come on." Zhao Chengfeng is not angry at all, but smiles at he Wenbing.

Zhao Chengfeng never cares about mad dogs, especially those who don't know where to fight.

"I..." he Wenbing stepped up, but he came back.

He Wenbing is not stupid. He even beat Sima shangyun. His strength must be not low. He doesn't know Taekwondo. Isn't he going to beat him?

"Well, I don't like to see people the same way." He Wenbing took it back, snorted and said, "you'd better make a direct bet with Miss Ouyang. Don't you want to be rich? Take out your bank card and the bank will find out as soon as it checks. "

Without waiting for Zhao Chengfeng to speak, Ouyang Mengmeng has taken out his bank card and handed it to he Wenbing, "uncle he, this is my bank card. Please take it and check it."

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