The inner gate Dabi has nothing to do with Hua Xiaobao. Even if he returns to the inner gate, Hua Xiaobao is just a little disciple of Huazong. The reason why they knew Wang Jian was that they were playmates of a village before they went to the mountain gate.

At that time, Wang Jian's talent was good, and he was taken away by the people of Wuji gate. Hua Xiaobao had no talent, so he entered Huazong. I'm not good at Huazong. I'm not good at Kung Fu, so I'm often bullied and humiliated by other senior brothers.

Before arriving on the earth, Hua Xiaobao didn't want to be forced on Hong Kong Island. At that time, Hua Xiaobao thought that he was the top expert on the earth. He wanted to stay on the earth all his life. He wanted beautiful women and status. How comfortable he was. However, Zhao Chengfeng appeared. Because of the appearance of Zhao Chengfeng, Hua Xiaobao just knew what is genius and what is niuren!

The aura on the earth has almost dried up, but Zhao Chengfeng is powerful. He doesn't want it. He also has the boss of heaven and others. They are all the best.

Just when Hua Xiaobao was determined to work for Zhao Chengfeng, he didn't know that Wang Jian suddenly came out again. It was really damned! This feeling of being bullied makes Hua Xiaobao very unhappy!

"It doesn't matter if the passage is damaged. Some sect elders will come to repair it, and I'm not the only one who has been trapped in this broken place this time. What can I worry about?" Wang Jian doesn't care about Tao, but his eyes are turning around and looking around.

After driving for a long time, you can gradually see the buildings in the city. Wang Jian is very novel about the tall buildings in the city. But in front of Hua Xiaobao, he can't be too backward. He can only pretend to be calm.

"You mean, there are still many people in this world?" Hua Xiaobao was surprised and worried.

Wang Jian's strength is not particularly strong. Even if he hurts himself, Hua Xiaobao doesn't think Wang Jian can do any harm to his boss; But if a large number of inner door experts enter the earth, there will be many strong people on the earth in a short time, whose strength is comparable to that of Wang Jian Qi Gu. But if the inner door's several talented disciples come in, it will be troublesome.

"Not much. It's estimated that there are only about ten. There's a strange treasure in the sky of Yanshan, and then everyone scrambles for it. There's a space shaking, and then everyone disappears." Wang Jian said casually.

"Yibao? What kind of treasure? " Smell speech, flower small treasure is suddenly came to interest, baby who don't like?

"Ha ha, do you want to cheat me?"

Wang Jian's eyes flashed a cold light, full of aggressive eyes, staring at Hua Xiaobao.

"I'm just asking. I'm just curious." Hua Xiaobao couldn't help shivering and said.

Being bullied too much in the inner door, Hua Xiaobao has been used to recognizing counsels. He also studies how to be bullied and get less beating. That is, he takes the initiative to recognize counsels and pretend to be poor.

Those who are strong like to force, especially like to show off in front of the weak. As long as they satisfy their vanity, everything is OK.

"Yes, you are only curious. Don't you dare to compete with me?" Wang Jian's face is full of pride. Looking at Hua Xiaobao with a low eyebrow, he feels very happy.

Weak, only be bullied, let alone be bullied, even if it is killed, how can it be?

"No, No." Hua Xiaobao shakes her head, but in her heart, she greets Wang Jian's ancestors one by one.

"I dare you."

Wang Jian said complacently, "forget it, I'd better tell you. If you meet them in the future, you'll be a man with your tail between your legs, so that you won't be killed accidentally. I still expect you to tell me about the world."

"Yes, yes." Hua Xiaobao nodded and bowed to compensate for a smile, a trace of hate intended to take root in the heart.

"As for what the baby in Yanshan is, I don't really know. It's the people in longhumen who told me that Ouyang long and Ouyang Hu took me to Yanshan. But when they got to Yanshan, there were another two groups of people who didn't give up. Then they started fighting. When the fight was hard to separate, Yibao suddenly burst into infinite golden light, And then the space is broken. "

But Wang Jian didn't hide it. He told everything that happened that day.

"So it is." Hua Xiaobao couldn't help nodding and suddenly asked, "what about Ouyang long and Ouyang Hu? Are they not in Baiyun Mountain? "

"I don't know."

Wang Jian frowned and shook his head, and said: "the power of space tearing is too great. I don't know where they have gone. It's estimated that they are also in this world."

Wang Jian's biggest worry is here. If Ouyang Hu and Ouyang long are not in this world, but they are unlucky to meet other two groups of people in this world, what can they do? And this is one of the reasons why Wang Jian drags Hua Xiaobao. At least he has an extra helper.

"Oh, that's it." Hua Xiaobao answers. Yu Guang looks at Wang Jian and frowns. He doesn't dare to ask any more questions. He drives the car wholeheartedly. Soon, the car enters the snow city.

Snow city is the only city near Baiyun Mountain. It's a city rather than a small county. Because it's close to Baiyun Mountain, the whole snow city is more like an ice cellar. The temperature is very low all the year round. It's too wet and cold. Naturally, few people want to live here. Of course, some people are willing to stay in Syracuse because Syracuse is easier to make money.

For example, Hua Xiaobao is entering the snow hotel now. There is a five-star brand on the outside. In fact, it looks like a three-star hotel. There are not many people in the hotel, but it's very expensive. A portion of shredded potatoes costs 188 yuan. An ordinary standard room costs 2000 yuan or 3000 yuan a night. It's said that she whores here, a young lady of mother's level, It's three or five thousand!

"Paralyzed, it's like a pit father." Hua Xiaobao cursed secretly and led Wang Jian into the hotel.

"This is..."

Entering the hotel, the waiter was frightened by Wang Jian's dress. Where is this from? Why are you still wearing long clothes and pigtails? The most important thing is that you have a long sword. Are you crazy?

"Oh, beauty, don't be afraid. This is the crew. We are here to shoot." Hua Xiaobao quickly explained.

"Oh, well."

The waiter nodded, patted his chest and said, "I thought there was a psycho coming out."

"What's the matter? Let's open another room for me as soon as possible. We are cold and hungry. We need a rest urgently." Hua Xiaobao smiles and says, "isn't Wang Jian a psychopath?"?

Otherwise, how can you bully yourself?

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