"Well, it's too cold outside. Why is the room so warm? What's this? How does it feel like the sun? " After entering the hotel room, Wang Jian points to a heater beside the bed with a puzzled look on his face. He even clenches the sword conditionally. He thinks Hua Xiaobao wants to count himself.

"Fool, what you don't see!"

Hua Xiaobao scolded in his heart, but said: "the room is warm, because the hotel uses a kind of thing called floor heating, to put it bluntly is heating equipment, this is called heater, also used for heating."

"Oh, I see!"

Wang Jian was relieved when he heard that.

"By the way, where do I sleep and where are we going?" Wang Jian asked again.

"Of course, it's on the bed. Here, that's the bed. Simmons, it's too comfortable to sleep on." Hua Xiaobao pointed to the side of the luxury bed, finally a little proud of the heart.

At the beginning, when I just came to the earth, I didn't know nothing about it, and I became familiar with it gradually. It is true that the inner gate is really powerful. There are many experts and strong people everywhere. Many of them come to the secular world, which is absolutely a myth.

However, the secular world is not nothing. They may not be so powerful, but they have studied a lot of powerful things, such as shooters, mines, and even weapons like missiles. Even the super strong in the inner door may not be able to withstand the fatal blow. You know, there is another thing on earth called the atomic bomb!

Once that thing explodes, it will turn into ashes for hundreds of miles. If it doesn't, think for yourself.

"Well, it's really soft and warm. You have a heart." Wang Jian sat down on the bed with a satisfied smile, reached out and took out a pill, handed it to Hua Xiaobao, and said, "take it. It's good for your injury. Take a break, and then show me around to see what else is new in this place. "

"Well, you can rest early. I'll go to bed, too." Hua Xiaobao didn't swallow the pill given by Wang Jian immediately. What if it wasn't a wound healing medicine, but a chronic poison to control people?


Who knows, Hua Xiaobao just walked two steps, Wang Jian a calendar drink, called Hua Xiaobao.

"Anything else?" Hua Xiaobao doesn't understand and worries about it.

Strong people have a strange problem, that is, they will beat people if they don't agree with each other. Wang Jian is just like a psychopath. God knows what he wants to do?

"Where are you going? Live here, and never go anywhere Wang Jian's voice is very cold. He's joking. What if Hua Xiaobao runs out of this door?

Wang Jian knows very well that he is an idiot in this world. He is good for nothing except force. But leaving Hua Xiaobao is different. He is his own eyes.

"I'm in the next room. You don't have to worry about me running away. I won't run away. And in front of you, do you think I have a chance to run away?" Hua Xiaobao frowned.

Hua Xiaobao is not used to sleeping in the same room with a big man.

"No way!"

Wang Jian cut off the railway: "I said, you are not allowed to go anywhere, just stay in this room."

"All right." Hua Xiaobao can only nod his head and agree. He is depressed and paralyzed. If two men sleep in the same room, will they be laughed at and say what they are

"By the way, Hua Xiaobao, how did you get to this world? How long have you been here? " Wang Jian suddenly thought of a problem.

Hua Xiaobao sat down slowly and said, "I don't know how long I've been here. I don't know how I came here. After being bullied by my elder martial brother in zongmen, I went out to relax and breathe. Unexpectedly, a strange force suddenly came. When I wake up, I'll be in this world. However, I am not in Baiyun Mountain, but in Jiulong Mountain on Hong Kong Island. "

"Hong Kong Island? Where is that? " Wang Jian is not ashamed to ask questions. There is no way. For this new world, Wang Jian is just a little white. He doesn't know anything and can only ask.

"How to say, it's an island, a city, a very prosperous city. I don't know how to describe it to you. Anyway, it's a beautiful city." Hua Xiaobao scratched his head. He really didn't know how to explain it.

Don't you want to be ignorant when you were in the secular world?

"Is there any school in this world?" Wang Jian asked again: "you said before that there are powerful experts in the world. Is that true?"

"Do you think I have to lie to you?" Hua Xiaobao asked.

"No way!"

Wang Jian still could not believe it. He shook his head and said, "in this world, there is no aura at all. How do they become masters? Even if there are experts, I think it's also a strong one coming out of our inner door. "

"The inner door is really powerful, but don't underestimate the world. Let me remind you again that there are really experts here. Believe it or not." Hua Xiaobao shakes his head, a face of noncommittal.

Wang Jian was too arrogant. He was so arrogant and arrogant because he was a disciple of Wuji sect. But in fact, in this secular world, where the aura is so thin that there is almost no aura, there is an expert, an expert that Hua Xiaobao has to be convinced of - Zhao Chengfeng! Zhao Chengfeng's existence makes Hua Xiaobao understand that many things are not impossible, but very possible.

"Master? How high can it be? Is it better than you or me? Is there another unknown elder martial brother of Wuji sect? Is it more powerful than the huagongzi of your Huazong? " Wang Jian still didn't believe it. He hummed coldly: "that is, you are too weak. You have lost the face of our inner door."

Hua Xiaobao looks a little ugly. Yes, her strength is too weak. Otherwise, how can she be bullied by Wang Jian? However, Hua Xiaobao said: "he is really better than me. Even if he is better than Mr. Qihua, he is not inferior to me."

"Yes? How come I haven't met such a master? It's so funny. There are so many experts in this poor place? " Wang Jian's face was full of sarcasm.

"Don't you meet it now?"

However, as soon as Wang Jian's voice fell, the door of the hotel room suddenly opened, and at the door stood a young man with a cigarette dangling from the corner of his mouth.

"Boss, you're here at last!" As soon as Hua Xiaobao saw the comer, his tears almost fell down. He was looking forward to the stars and the moon.


Zhao Chengfeng nodded, looked at Hua Xiaobao and asked, "are you ok?"

"Well, I'm fine. I can't die." Hua Xiaobao's heart is warm. For the first time, she was so concerned. Her feeling is very complicated.

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