"It's OK." Zhao Chengfeng nodded at ease, and his eyes fell on Wang Jian again.

A long shirt, long hair, and with a sword, the whole body is full of fairy Qi, should be as Guan Yan'er said, out of thin air out of the peerless master. It's true that he has some strength. Zhao Chengfeng initially concluded that his strength should be in the later stage of Lingwu realm. He only needs an opportunity to break through to the fantasy realm,

"Hua Xiaobao, this is your so-called master?" Wang Jian is also looking at Zhao Chengfeng, and the sneer and smile in the corner of his mouth is more and more obvious.

killer? Tall fart, it doesn't look like Xiaobao has strength.

"Hua Xiaobao, Hua Xiaobao, you really lose our inner door's face. You even think that this kind of rubbish is the boss. If you had known that, you might as well think that I am your Lao Tzu. At least you can ensure that you are not bullied by others in the inner door. Maybe you can pull you into the limitless gate, the rotten mud that can't support the wall!" Wang Jian sneers and looks at Zhao Chengfeng like a joke.

In Zhao Chengfeng's body, Wang Jian can't see any strength fluctuation. How can he be a strong one? Bullshit!

"Do you know each other?" Zhao Chengfeng didn't start immediately. Instead, he looked at Hua Xiaobao. He felt that the way they talked was a little strange. Obviously, they were acquaintances. Since they are acquaintances, how can Hua Xiaobao be hurt by each other?

"It's an acquaintance!"

Hua Xiaobao ran to Zhao Chengfeng, gritted his teeth and said, "this guy's name is Wang Jian. He is the core disciple of Wuji sect. His strength is probably in the later stage of Lingwu realm. He is good at using sword. Boss, you should be careful. This guy is not a good thing, but his strength is good. "

In fact, Hua Xiaobao hates Zhao Chengfeng from the bottom of his heart. If it wasn't for Zhao Chengfeng, Hua Xiaobao didn't know how smart he was when he was on Hong Kong Island. Zhao Chengfeng beat Hua Xiaobao to death. Now he has to work as a coolie for Zhao Chengfeng. Who would he be.

However, Zhao Chengfeng rushed to save himself at the first time. Hua Xiaobao was so moved. In the inner gate, Hua Xiaobao was an orphan without father or mother. He was bullied when he was young, no matter in the village or in the clan. No one ever helped himself, or even said a good word for him.

Even in the clan, they were almost bullied by other martial brothers, and they were almost killed. At most, the master or uncle said, "don't fight. Who will do the rough work after killing?"

This is the first time that Hua Xiaobao has been really valued and cared about.

"Well, I know that!"

Zhao Chengfeng nodded, looked up at Wang Jian and said, "did you hurt my brother?"

"I hurt it. What can you do with me?" Wang Jian said with a smile that Zhao Chengfeng and Hua Xiaobao are just a big joke. The two dishes force him to talk nonsense about "my brother" and "my boss".

"You are arrogant."

Smell speech, Zhao Chengfeng eyes a narrow, showed a smile, but that a smile deep, with a trace of fierce gas. When the boss, Zhao Chengfeng never let his brother be bullied!

"Arrogance, that's because I have the capital of arrogance!"

Wang Jian looked at Zhao Chengfeng provocatively and said: "if you have the strength to win me, you also have the capital of arrogance. But are you my opponent? "


Zhao Chengfeng shakes his head slightly, suddenly makes a mistake at his feet, and the whole person disappears in front of him.


Wang Jian's reaction was fast enough. The moment he noticed the strong wind, the sword suddenly came out of its sheath and stabbed forward


However, Wang Jian's action is fast, and Zhao Chengfeng's action is faster. At the moment when the long sword stabs Zhao Chengfeng, Zhao Chengfeng's fist has hit Wang Jian's chest.


Wang Jian fell back on the wall and immediately fell on the ground. He opened his mouth and spat out blood. His face was very pale. His previous arrogant smile disappeared without a trace. He stared at Zhao Chengfeng with a trace of panic in his eyes.

At this moment, Wang Jian finally understood why he didn't notice the flow of strength on Zhao Chengfeng, why he couldn't see through Zhao Chengfeng's strength, because his strength was much stronger than himself.

"You, you are a master of magic martial arts?" Wang Jian's eyes widened and his face was covered with incredible words.

How is that possible? How is that possible?

There is no aura in this broken place. How can he cultivate to the realm of magic martial arts? It's too unrealistic.

"As a failure, what qualifications do you have to ask me?" This time, it's Zhao Chengfeng's turn to pretend to be forced, his eyelids turned up, lit a cigarette, and smoked happily.

Wang Jian's face became more and more ugly. He was paralyzed. It's really the account of the twelfth lunar month. It's still fast.

"What's on your lips? Is it possible to absorb aura? " Wang Jian asks. He thinks that the thing that can smoke on Zhao Chengfeng's mouth is magical. Thinking about Zhao Chengfeng's expression of enjoyment, it should be something good.


On hearing this, Zhao Chengfeng almost didn't choke and absorb aura? Fool, I don't even know about cigarettes. As you can imagine, the inner door is backward enough.

"Stupid, it's called cigarette. It's not something to absorb aura. It's everywhere on earth. Do you want to take a sip?" At this time, Hua Xiaobao is proud again. When he sees that Wang Jian is beaten by Zhao Chengfeng and vomits blood, he is very happy.

Of course, Hua Xiaobao also admires Zhao Chengfeng more in his heart. What can the inner door experts do? Doesn't Zhao Chengfeng still blow away with one fist?

"I really don't know how the boss practices. How can he be so powerful?" Hua Xiaobao is also curious.

"Hua Xiaobao, you want to die, don't you? How dare you humiliate me? " As soon as Wang Jian heard this, he was not happy, especially when it came from Hua Xiaobao's mouth“ Believe it or not, I'll slap you to death, I'll... "

In Wang Jian's opinion, Hua Xiaobao's existence is to be bullied. What qualification does he have to call himself a fool!


Who knows, Hua Xiaobao came forward with a big slap on Wang Jian's face. This slap took Xiaobao a lot of effort, as if he wanted to smash all the grievances he had suffered in recent years.

Wang Jian's face turned red and swollen quickly, and two teeth fell off the ground.

"You, you, Hua Xiaobao, how dare you beat me? Are you crazy? Do you know who I am? I... "Wang Jian touched his red and swollen face and looked at Hua Xiaobao strangely.

Wang Jian didn't feel much pain because he felt more shame. He was beaten by a smelly boy who had bullied him for most of his life. Wang Jian couldn't accept it. He didn't even think that there would be such a day!

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