
Without waiting for Wang Jian to finish, Hua Xiaobao slapped his backhand again. This time, Hua Xiaobao's strength was a little stronger, his voice was clear and moving, and Wang Jian's face was even bigger.

"You..." Wang Jian touched his face and opened his mouth. He stared at Hua Xiaobao, but he couldn't speak.

Until now, Wang Jian couldn't believe it - he was beaten by Hua Xiaobao, and he was still in the face.

"Damn you!"

Hua Xiaobao put his hands on his waist and scolded, "what do you dare not fight? Damn, after so many years, you know how to bully Laozi and rob Laozi's cultivation resources. "

"Now that you've become a prisoner, why can't I beat you? You really think of yourself as a dish, don't you? " Hua Xiaobao seems to want to vent his anger all these years, cursing repeatedly, and even kicking from time to time.

Zhao Chengfeng doesn't say a word, and he understands Hua Xiaobao very well, just like some autistic children in the orphanage, because they are orphans. Their grandmother doesn't care for their uncle. They are in a bad mood. With the stimulation of their peers, they are easy to be autistic. As they get older, this kind of autistic will gradually ferment in their heart, Burst at a certain point in time!

Once it breaks out, the consequences will be unimaginable, and it is very likely to go on the road of violating the law and discipline. This is also the reason why Zhao Chengfeng unconditionally supports Chen Shuxian to set up a welfare home. It is not only that Zhao Chengfeng loves Chen Shuxian, but also that he is helping those orphans. I can't say how much contribution these orphans will bring to the country in the future, but at least don't make trouble for the society.

Hua Xiaobao is almost the same. He was bullied too hard. This day finally broke out. Unfortunately, Wang Jian became the first object of Hua Xiaobao's resistance.

It took Wang Jian a long time to react.

"Hua Xiaobao, you can get back at me today, but if you don't kill me, I will pay you back one hundred times one day!" Wang Jian stares at Hua Xiaobao and grits his teeth.

As the core disciple of Wuji sect, Wang Jian also has self-respect. Even if he is beaten by Hua Xiaobao, he will not give up and beg for mercy.


Hua Xiaobao didn't have a good way: "at this time, do you think you can still live? I'll torture you slowly, kill you at last, let you taste being bullied, and then leave the world! "

"How dare you kill me?" Wang Jian's face wiped a trace of panic, "you know, I'm going to die, the Wuji gate will tear you to pieces."

"Ha ha, do you think wujimen will know you died in my hands? I'll cut up your flesh one by one, and then take it out to feed the dog, so that you can die in pain! " Hua Xiaobao almost roared, and the grimace on his face made people feel terrible.

At this moment, Wang Jian finally realized the seriousness of the problem and seemed to be doomed.

"Hua Xiaobao, do you really want to kill me? Don't forget, we grew up in a village, you... "At this time, Wang Jian had to bow his head.

Think about it, if you are really cut one by one, that kind of pain, tut tut

"I Pooh!"

Referring to this matter, Hua Xiaobao slapped him and scolded: "you son of a bitch, do you mean we are from a village? Since I was a child, I had no father or mother. I lived in a thatched shed at the east end of the village. I didn't have enough food and clothing. Every day, I was not as good as the wild dogs in the village. At that time, instead of helping me, you bullied me and beat me every day. "

"Later that winter was very cold, because I robbed a bone, and then your dog chased me. I beat your dog, you son of a bitch, even if you beat me and let your dog bite me, but you didn't let me go. You almost burned me in the middle of the night, you bastard, How can you say that we are from the same village? I killed you son of a bitch

Thinking of the unbearable past, Hua Xiaobao's chest was burning with anger. He grabbed the sword on the ground and waved it.

"No..." Wang Jian's pupil suddenly enlarged.

However, everything was too late. The next second, Wang Jian's head had fallen to the ground, and the scene was in a mess.

"I'll go. You're too fast. I haven't had time to interrogate him." Zhao Chengfeng, who was on the other side, was also stunned. He intended to let Hua Xiaobao beat the bastard and get angry. He didn't know that Hua Xiaobao was more and more angry. He finally killed Wang Jian because he didn't pay attention.

In this way, is not Zhao Chengfeng busy for nothing? I want to know more about the inner door. Now it's good. It's all over.

"Boss, I..."

Seeing Wang Jian's head and the blood all over the ground, Hua Xiaobao calmed down.

"Forget it, people are dead. It's useless to say anything." Zhao Chengfeng waved his hand and said, "you can deal with it here to save the trouble. It's not a small matter to die. I'm in the next room. Come back to me after you've finished cleaning up."

Zhao Chengfeng is a little depressed, but he is not angry with Hua Xiaobao. In fact, after listening to Hua Xiaobao's experience, Zhao Chengfeng feels that Hua Xiaobao is pitiful.

In this world, there are too many helpless, some people want to work hard, can always be calculated, Hua Xiaobao is one of them. It can be said that Hua Xiaobao's previous decades were a tragedy. Growing up in bullying and humiliation, it's not easy to live to the present.

"Yes, boss, my side will be ready soon." Hua Xiaobao answered and quickly picked it up.

Zhao Chengfeng to the next room, first give Shangguan Yan'er back a phone call, explain the situation of the snow city, is ready to call Xia Muxi, who knows, Hua Xiaobao has come in.

Hua Xiaobao is already familiar with the world. He works very fast and cleanly, leaving no sequelae.

"Sit down and make yourself at home." Zhao Chengfeng said and handed Hua Xiaobao a cigarette.

Although Hua Xiaobao doesn't smoke, he takes it. It's polite.

"Is everything done?" Zhao Chengfeng took a puff and asked.

"It's all dealt with. Nothing can be found." Hua Xiaobao nodded.

"Tell me about Wang Jian. He was your enemy when he was young? Then I went to Wuji gate, right? " Zhao Chengfeng is more concerned about this problem, because it is said that the Wuji gate is quite powerful in the inner gate.

However, to be frank, Zhao chengfengbing didn't think Wang Jian was very powerful. He slapped his hand and flew away. It's too much to order.

"Yes, he is my enemy. He bullied me from the first day I was sensible!" Hua Xiaobao nodded, but he didn't look as sad as before. At least he took revenge.

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