"I was almost killed by him, but I survived strongly. I thought, when I grow up and have strength, I can get revenge. However, he actually joined the Wuji gate, but the Wuji gate didn't want me because I didn't have talent, so I joined Huazong

Hua Xiaobao fell into a long and painful memory.

"However, when I entered Huazong, all my hopes turned into jokes. On the first day in Huazong, I was bullied, and it was the humiliating bullying that made me drill their crotch..."

Zhao Chengfeng doesn't interrupt Hua Xiaobao. Everyone has gone through the dog's past for a while, but Hua Xiaobao is too miserable. It's not that Hua Xiaobao is not self-motivated, but he has been beaten down all the way, making him totally unable to resist and strengthen himself.

For more than half an hour, Hua Xiaobao ended his memory.

"That's it?" Zhao Chengfeng lit another cigarette.

Hua Xiaobao nodded, "finished, boss, let you laugh."

"It's not funny."

Zhao Chengfeng shook his head, said: "everyone has the past, there are lows, but your trough is too long, but now I can be very responsible to tell you, you have begun to slowly enter the peak, because you have met me."

Zhao Chengfeng seems very confident.

"Boss, thank you. Although you bullied me, you made me stronger. Thank you for letting me take revenge! " Hua Xiaobao stands up and bows to Zhao Chengfeng.

This time, Hua Xiaobao is from the bottom of his heart. When I think about it at this time, Zhao Chengfeng's bullying at that time was a better spur.

"If you want to say that, I'm a little embarrassed. I said that you are my brother. There's no reason why I don't help my brother. In the past, the little friction between you and me just didn't understand each other."

Zhao Chengfeng waved his hand and said, "besides, I know your ability, and you have done a lot for me. When I was seriously injured in the isolated island of borodo, you had the chance to leave alone, or even kill me, but you did not. Instead, you fought with them to resist. From that time on, I thought you were my brother. "

"Musili island is full of aura, but you are not clean, and your mind is all on women. That's why I left you to practice in musili island. It turns out I'm right. Your strength has improved, though slowly. "

Hua Xiaobao shook his head with a bitter smile and said, "boss, you are wrong. At that time, I forgot that I wanted to take revenge. And even if I do it again, I dare not attack you, even when you are weakest. "

"Why?" Instead of getting angry, Zhao Chengfeng laughs. At least Hua Xiaobao is honest.

A true enemy is more acceptable than a false friend.

"Because I can't see through you." Hua Xiaobao took a deep breath and said, "I've met many people in the years when I was blinded and bullied. I dare not say that there are countless readers, but you are the only one I can't see through. Even on the island of borodo, when everyone thinks you are dying, I still believe that you can stand up! "

"You are praising me. Should I be happy?" Hearing the speech, Zhao Chengfeng was happy.

Who knows, Hua Xiaobao is a serious way: "boss, if I say half a lie, I would rather hit five thunder, I go out..."

"Don't say that, it's not necessary!"

Zhao Chengfeng quickly interrupts, and says again“ I have no other meaning, just think of you and my acquaintance, think this is also a kind of fate. No matter what unpleasant things happened to you and me before, now I'm your boss and I think you're my brother, so I won't let others bully you. You can rest assured that I have nothing else to ask of you, just a little - practice in peace of mind and be strong as soon as possible! "

"I can protect you once or twice, but I can't protect you every time. It's not that I give up on you, but that I may not arrive in time!" Zhao Chengfeng sighed: "whether it's the inner door full of experts or the secular world, experts are everywhere. Many times they don't know what's going on. They may offend an extremely powerful enemy. Therefore, you should learn to protect yourself and strengthen yourself!"

"Boss, I remember. I won't let you down!"

Hua Xiaobao nodded heavily, and her heart was full of energy.

"No one on earth can suppress you, and very few people can suppress you, so this is your chance to fight, not to have fun. Do you understand?" Zhao Chengfeng has a serious face. To be honest, Zhao Chengfeng is really afraid of Hua Xiaobao's laziness.

To be sure, Hua Xiaobao's past is undoubtedly tragic, but this tragic experience is an extremely precious wealth at some times. If you always remember the shame of the past to push yourself forward, this is the best motivation.

I'm afraid that Hua Xiaobao is too powerful in the secular world. He doesn't pay attention to anyone and neglects cultivation. In the end, instead of making progress, he is beaten by others. That's humiliating.

For example, when Zhao Chengfeng first met Hua Xiaobao, Hua Xiaobao knew how to eat, drink, whore and gamble. How could he know how to practice?

"Boss, from now on, I will practice hard. I will never disgrace you!" Hua Xiaobao has a firm face.

"I wish you knew."

Zhao Cheng calmed down and said, "by the way, tell me about Wang Jian. I just heard him say that he is the core disciple of Wuji sect. But I don't think his strength is strong. Isn't Wuji sect very powerful? Why are the core disciples so weak? "

"Boss, it's a bit bullying when you say that."

Hearing this, Hua Xiaobao laughed bitterly and said, "you think Wang Jian is weak because you are so powerful. Of course, you think he is weak. But in the eyes of ordinary young disciples, Wang Jian is quite powerful. Few people can defeat Wang Jian except those talented disciples."

"But isn't Wuji gate very powerful?" Zhao Chengfeng still does not understand and is not complacent because of Hua Xiaobao's praise.

The world is so big that no one knows how many powerful characters there are!

"Boss, the core disciples can only show that Wang Jian is the core strength of Wuji gate, not that Wang Jian is the most powerful among the younger generation of Wuji gate." Hua Xiaobao patiently explained: "among the Wuji gate, the most powerful one of the younger generation should be nameless, and their strength should be in the realm of magic martial arts. A long sword dances well. It is estimated that three or five Wangjian are not his opponents, and nameless is also the representative of Wuji gate in the future."

"Oh, that's it."

On hearing this, Zhao Chengfeng looked dignified.

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