After chatting with each other for a while, Zhao Chengfeng gives Hua Xiaobao a few pills, and then asks Hua Xiaobao to go back to his room to have a rest. After talking to Xia Muxi again, he falls asleep.

"Dong Dong... Dong Dong..."

However, after Zhao Chengfeng had just slept for a while, the door of the room was knocked.

"Boss, open the door. No, something's wrong!" Outside the door came Hua Xiaobao's urgent and anxious voice.

"What's the matter?" Opening the door, Zhao Chengfeng sees Hua Xiaobao in untidy clothes, anxious and worried.

"Baiyun Mountain avalanches again. I'm afraid the passage has been completely destroyed. We may not be able to go to the inner gate!" Hua Xiaobao was a little annoyed. He was humiliated in the inner door. He wanted to practice his skills well and kill him. But he didn't know that there was no way out.

Smell speech, Zhao Chengfeng's complexion also becomes ugly, no road, how to go? Can't help yuan Shanshan realize her dream, more can't ask Chiba world news.

What about Xia Bingbing?

"You'll have a rest in the hotel. I'll go to Baiyun Mountain to explore the situation." Zhao Chengfeng pondered a little, and then he had a decision in his heart.

"I'm afraid I can't get in."

However, Hua Xiaobao had no choice but to shake his head and said with a bitter smile: "at the moment of the avalanche, I saw that the government sent a lot of people in the past. It should be closing the mountain. It's too dangerous."

"The government has to close the mountain!" Zhao Chengfeng has a tough attitude.

Baiyunshan is Zhao Chengfeng's only chance to enter the inner gate. He can't let it go!

"Boss, I can't go." Hua Xiaobao stopped in front of Zhao Chengfeng, looking a little worried, and dissuaded him: "now there is an avalanche, and people are in a panic. Moreover, if it is an ordinary avalanche, it's nothing, but this time it's different. There are two huge avalanches in a row, and the avalanches have collapsed for more than one fifth. Think about it, what if there is another avalanche in Baiyun Mountain? You can't take risks! "

Zhao Chengfeng stops and clenches his fist. He suddenly feels very subdued. Why are there so many obstacles when he decides what to do?

"Boss, I can understand your mood, but I can't be impulsive at this time. Impulsivity is the devil!" Seeing that Zhao Chengfeng's attitude was relaxed, Hua Xiaobao continued: "the reason for the avalanche is that there is a huge energy fluctuation on the other side of the channel. According to Wang Jian, the last time there was an avalanche, it was mainly because several waves of them started fighting, which probably touched the space energy. This time, I don't know what's going on. It's too dangerous to move forward rashly. Let's wait until the situation stabilizes. "

"All right!"

With a long sigh, Zhao Chengfeng smashed his fist on the door, feeling more dignified than ever.

If the passage between the earth and the inner gate is permanently closed due to the avalanche, Zhao Chengfeng will regret it all his life.

"Boss, don't worry. I will pay attention to it. You'd better have a good rest in the hotel." Afraid of Zhao Chengfeng's impulsivity, Hua Xiaobao decides to go to the outskirts of Baiyun Mountain to explore the situation, so as to avoid Zhao Chengfeng doing stupid things.

It's true that Zhao Chengfeng is a rare Super Master in the secular world. But the power of nature is too strong. Who can resist the body? Once the avalanche occurs, more than tens of thousands of tons of snow fall together, even the body of steel can not carry it.

Let alone Zhao Chengfeng, Hua Xiaobao estimates that even the leader of Huazong may not be able to carry it.

"Well." Zhao Chengfeng nodded, habitually lit a cigarette and took a puff. He let the smoke around his lungs and slowly spit out. His melancholy face was completely covered by the smoke.

Hua Xiaobao didn't say a word, but retreated quietly.

"Didi... Didi..."

Zhao Chengfeng had just taken two puffs of a cigarette, but the phone rang suddenly. When he felt it out, the word "old immortal" appeared on the phone. Zhao Chengfeng hesitated and picked it up.

"What's the matter?" Zhao Chengfeng picked up, but the tone was unprecedented dignified, even with a trace of depression.

"I'm fine, but I think if I don't call you, you'll be fine."

Zhao Feilong's voice came from the other end of the phone.

"What do you mean?" Zhao Chengfeng doesn't understand. Is the old man deliberately angry that he has come?

"It's not interesting."

Zhao Feilong took a puff of smoke on the other end of the phone and said in a deep voice: "you must have known about the avalanche in Baiyun Mountain?"

"I'm in the snow city. I'm going to Baiyun Mountain." Zhao Chengfeng did not hide, and asked: "do you think the avalanche is very strange?"


Zhao Feilong said: "Baiyunshan snow mountain has been formed for more than ten million years, and the black ice is as hard as iron. How can an avalanche happen? Don't listen to the experts on the Internet talking about global temperature rise. It's all bullshit! I tell you, there is no avalanche in Baiyun Mountain without super strong external force. "

"What do you mean by external force?" Zhao Chengfeng frowned and said that the old man is really not an ordinary person. This sounds like Hua Xiaobao.

"There are many kinds of external forces, and I can't make it clear for a moment." Zhao Feilong said: "I'm just calling you to tell you two things. First, this external force is not something you can resist, it's a dead end; Second, although the passage has been temporarily destroyed, there are many ways to enter the inner gate, not only on the white clouds. "

Smell speech, Zhao Chengfeng suddenly came to spirit, busy ask a way: "do you know other access to the inner door?"

"Of course I know." Zhao Feilong is not without complacency: "do you want to know?"

"Nonsense, of course you want to know. Come on, let me know."

"Ha ha, you want to know, but I won't tell you. I'm so angry with you... Ha ha..." how can I know that Zhao Feilong on the other end of the phone changed his voice, instead of being so dignified and serious as before, he joked with Zhao Chengfeng.

"Damn you..."

Zhao Chengfeng opened his mouth to scold others, but before he finished his words, he swallowed them back. He was so depressed that he didn't want to. He really wanted to screw the old man. Didn't he screw his ancestors?

"Boy, it's not that I don't tell you, but that your strength is too weak now. If one day you can beat me, I can tell you how to enter the inner door." This time, Zhao Feilong was not joking.

"I'll go back to the capital now!" Zhao Chengfeng gritted his teeth.

Zhao Feilong didn't understand for a moment. He said suspiciously, "Why are you going back to the capital?"

"I'll beat you now!"

Finish saying, Zhao Chengfeng "pa" a, directly put the phone down, angry face iron blue, really want to slap Zhao Feilong call in the face, the old man really didn't call wrong.

"Damn, now you dare to play with me. I'll tell my mother about your whoring. If my mother doesn't deal with you, I'll be damned!" Zhao Chengfeng scolds, but his mood suddenly gets better.

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