The news of the avalanche has spread all over the snow city at daybreak. At the same time, it also caused a great disturbance on the Internet. As Zhao Feilong expected, the first news after the avalanche was the rise of global temperature. Then many scientists and experts spoke one after another, calling on the general public to take good care of the environment and choose a green way of travel.

In this regard, Zhao Chengfeng has only one sentence "paralyzed" to say.

It is true that the over exploitation of ecological resources has a great impact on the living environment, but it is inevitable for social development, and no one can change it. The so-called green life, green travel, is not to develop the carriage ox cart, eat simply don't light a fire, directly eat raw OK?

To protect the environment, there must be an effective way. At least, Zhao Chengfeng disagrees with experts and scientists on the Internet.

"Boss, this piece has been completely sealed. There is nothing in front of it. Let's not go in." Standing outside the blockade line, Hua Xiaobao is worried.

This time, Zhao Chengfeng didn't insist. He nodded and said, "go back."


When Hua Xiaobao hears the speech, he is stunned on the spot. He doesn't come back for a moment. Zhao Chengfeng's attitude is different from that before. He had to go in to have a look before. Now how can he change his mind?

Now, I've prepared a lot of words to dissuade Zhao Chengfeng from entering. I've saved them all.

"Don't be stunned. Let's go." Zhao Chengfeng glanced at Baiyun Mountain. Although he had regrets in his heart, he was far away from last night's despair.

Maybe it's all because of the old phone.

Know your son better than your father!

At the moment of another avalanche in Baiyun Mountain, Zhao Feilong expected that Zhao Chengfeng would be crazy, so he contacted Zhao Chengfeng for the first time and told him that there were other channels. Zhao Chengfeng's despair turned into hope in an instant, so he naturally didn't worry or worry.

"Oh." Hua Xiaobao answered. Although he was confused, he didn't ask much.

"Hua Xiaobao, you can go directly to musley island and wait for my notice. I'll contact you when I find the access to the inner gate." At the airport, Zhao Chengfeng orders Hua Xiaobao.

As a matter of top priority, Zhao Chengfeng wants to go back to the capital and find out the way to the inner gate face to face.

"Well, I'll wait for your news." Hua Xiaobao nodded and answered. He agreed happily, but Hua Xiaobao didn't think much of Zhao Chengfeng. Is it so easy to find the inner passage?

Hua Xiaobao thinks that the best way is to wait. When the experts in the inner door find that the channel is broken, several experts join hands to repair the channel. Hua Xiaobao didn't dare to say this, for fear that Zhao Chengfeng would worry too much.

"After I go back, I'll practice hard. Next time I see you, I'll examine you." Zhao Chengfeng has put some pressure on Hua Xiaobao, otherwise, who will be responsible for his slackness?

The inner gate is not in the secular world. Hua Xiaobao is a rare master in the secular world. But when he comes to the inner gate, it is estimated that everyone dares to bully Hua Xiaobao.

"Boss, I wrote it down. Don't worry." Hua Xiaobao red face should be a, took the ticket, then directly on the plane.

Before getting on the plane, Zhao Chengfeng contacted Xia Muxi. Originally, Zhao Chengfeng planned to go to Jiangzhou city to accompany Xia Muxi after the Baiyun Mountain affair was over.

However, at present, Zhao Chengfeng is unable to catch up. There are more important things waiting for him to do.

"Muxi, I'm sorry, I have something urgent to go back to the capital, so..." Zhao Chengfeng's face was full of guilt, and even his voice was quite low.

In this life, Zhao Chengfeng's greatest success is that there are countless women who are desperate to follow them, and the biggest regret in this life is that they can't accompany them all the time.

"Chengfeng, you and I don't have to say sorry."

Xia Muxi interrupted Zhao Chengfeng and said in a soft voice, "I'm very happy when I'm with you, but men attach importance to their career. Go and work hard. I'll always stand behind you. As long as you need me, I will appear in front of you for the first time."

Smell speech, Zhao Chengfeng is moved do not want, how sensible sister ah.

"Thank you, Muxi. It's a blessing for me to meet you in my last life."

"Come on, be quiet."

Xia Muxi interrupted: "back to the capital, you look at sister Yan'er. Before you were in the police station, I really had no choice, so I called sister Yan'er. Her tone seemed not very happy. She should be angry. You can comfort her. I can see that sister Yan'er is sincere to you, and you can't let them down."

"I'll go. You called Yan'er?"

Zhao Chengfeng brain door son a pat, finally understand before Shangguan Yan son so big jealousy, Zhao Chengfeng always thought it was Tangwei informer, how to know is actually xiamuxi said.

"Muxi, why do you say you have nothing to do? Call her for help. Can Huang Fei be my opponent?" Zhao Chengfeng grins bitterly and can't blame Xia Muxi. After all, women are for their own good.

"Oh, aren't they worried about you? I don't want to Xia Muxi is a little embarrassed.

Zhao Chengfeng shook his head slightly and said, "forget it. It's over. Don't mention it. By the way, what's the situation of liruo's restaurant? Are you being bullied at school? Did Ouyang Mengmeng not appear in front of you? "

For Ouyang Mengmeng, Zhao Chengfeng is very annoying.

"Ouyang Mengmeng has left the school. As for whether to leave Jiangzhou city or not, I don't know. Anyway, he didn't appear in front of us, and no one bullied me in the school." Xia Muxi said: "Oh, by the way, it's said that Sima shangyun disappeared from the hospital. He left quietly. Now Sima's family are looking for him like crazy, but there is no trace."

"That's good." On hearing this, Zhao Chengfeng was relieved.

I can't help it. Xia Muxi is so beautiful. Let alone others, Zhao Chengfeng can't control herself. What if a bad person moves his mind?

"You don't have to worry about Li ruo's business. It's booming now. Yesterday, the girl was almost cramped when she was able to count money. President Qian also sent someone to negotiate and cooperate with her, saying that we should integrate all aspects of this area and build a modern commercial street or something." Summer wood Xi more say more excited, praise a way: "become wind, you can really fierce."

"Well, you don't want to see whose husband I am?"

Zhao Chengfeng is not without complacency way: "we no matter be on the bed or under the bed, all fierce don't want, or next time we fight 300 rounds to try?"

"What bed? Go to bed... Chengfeng, you, you rascal, I ignore you." Xia Muxi, who suddenly came back, hung up the phone.

"Ha ha ha..." Zhao Chengfeng gave a barbell like laugh.

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