In the old house of Zhao family in Beijing, Yuan Shanshan has been full of confinement. The setting sun is warm and shines on the children. Yuan Shanshan looks at the child in her arms and shows a warm smile.

Maternal love is always one of the greatest love in the world.

"Siyuan, sleep well, eat well and sleep well, then you can grow up quickly." Yuan Shanshan whispered.

At this time, Fubo brought fresh fruit from the room, put it on the table beside yuan Shanshan, and said in a low voice, "young lady, please have some fruit."

"Thank you, fauber." Yuan Shanshan said with a smile.

In the Zhao family, Yuan Shanshan realized the rare warmth of her family, which she had lost for decades. Yuan Shanshan cherished the warmth of her family.

"Siyuan has grown up a lot. She looks like a young lady." Fubo sat down and said with a smile. He was very happy for the Zhao family.

Although the young master is the only child in his generation, the third generation of the Zhao family is prosperous. Now there is a boy and a girl, and the rest of the young men have at least ten children.

Maybe it's up to these children to save Chinese football.

"I feel more like her father. Look at the mouth." Yuan Shanshan chuckled, and her heart was filled with warmth.

After suffering too much, Yuan Shanshan believes that her good luck is coming. In the future, only happiness is waiting for her, all happiness!

"Ha ha, that's the young lady, you love the young master, I..." Fubo said with a smile.

"Dong Dong... Dong Dong..."

But just then, the door was knocked.

Fu Bo frowned and was very unhappy. Didn't he know that this was the gate of the Zhao family? Who has the courage to knock on the door with such strength? However, because Siyuan was sleeping, Fubo didn't scold her, just whispered "coming".


Fubo opened the door and was about to get angry when he was suddenly stunned, "young master, how can it be you? You, how did you come back? "

"How do you say that? This is my home. Can't I come back? " Zhao Chengfeng frowned and felt that Fu Bo's words were a little strange.

"No, young master, you misunderstood."

Fubo knew that he had lost his word and quickly explained: "the main reason is that you knocked so loud just now. I thought it was someone else knocking at the door, so..."

"Forget it. Don't explain. Go ahead and help yourself." As soon as Zhao Chengfeng enters the door, he sees yuan Shanshan in the garden, and his mood gets better.

"Chengfeng, are you back?"

When Yuan Shanshan saw the man, her face looked like a peach blossom in full bloom, rippling with a happy smile, "why don't you give a notice in advance? Siyuan and I are going to meet you at the airport. "

"To what? You've just been out of confinement, and you haven't fully recovered. Your child is also very young. Who can rest assured when you go out? " Zhao Chengfeng shook his head and continued: "I'm an old man who can eat and sleep. Do you need to pick me up?"

"But I miss you with my children." Yuan Shanshan's face is slightly red, but her bright eyes fall on Zhao Chengfeng, affectionate.

Before Zhao Chengfeng, it was not a simple love, but family love! Yuan Shanshan is no longer shy. Miss is miss, love is love, what can't say?

"I miss you too, just, you know my situation..." Zhao Chengfeng embraces the woman's shoulder, and his heart is full of guilt.

When Yuan Shanshan gave birth to her baby, she was still wandering outside, didn't take care of her baby for a day, and didn't change her baby's diaper once. As a husband, Zhao Chengfeng felt that she was unqualified.

"Don't say it. I know it, I understand it, but I do." Yuan Shanshan blocked Zhao Chengfeng's mouth. This sentence almost broke Zhao Chengfeng's heart.

At that moment, Zhao Chengfeng really wanted to put down everything, no matter what, ask nothing, just hold yuan Shanshan all his life, all his life together!

"Shanshan, I..."

Zhao Chengfeng hugged the woman, speechless, a sour nose, almost tears. Not sad, but moved, but also remorse.

In the past, Zhao Chengfeng only knew that it was his duty to protect the country, but ignored the women around him. When he was with them at that time, none of the promises he made were fulfilled.

What vows, what withers, but now? When the child is born, I don't have the consciousness to be Lao Tzu, leaving only orphans and widows. It's a failure and a jerk!

"Chengfeng, you are my husband and my man, but you not only belong to me, not only to us, but also to the whole China." Yuan Shanshan raised her head, looked at Zhao Chengfeng and said with pride: "you are the military God of China. Your duty is to defend the motherland!"

In the past, Yuan Shanshan thought that Zhao Chengfeng was an asshole, a lecherous asshole, at most a lecherous asshole who could fight. But after meeting with Zhao Chengfeng, especially recently from her father-in-law and mother-in-law, as well as some senior officials who came to visit, Yuan Shanshan just realized how great Zhao Chengfeng was.

Any woman will be proud of such a man.

"It's my honor for yuan Shanshan to be your woman and have children for you." Yuan Shanshan continued: "you don't have to worry about our mother and daughter. Do your own business."


Zhao Chengfeng was very moved. He touched his nose and said, "how can I feel that you are driving me out? I just got home

"I didn't turn you out. I just told you not to blame yourself. You think too much." Yuan Shanshan gently smiles, shakes the sleeping child in her arms, and whispers: "Siyuan, wake up, dad is back, dad is back to see you."

Children sleep sweet, and did not wake up.

"By the way, why didn't you see them Zhao Chengfeng asked, did not mention the Baiyunshan thing, for fear that Yuan Shanshan suspicious.

Yuan Shanshan doesn't say it, but Zhao Chengfeng knows that women want to fight for Yuan's family. Just for their own safety, just shut up.

"My parents went out early in the morning. I don't know where they went when they said they were going to travel." Yuan Shanshan said.

"Travel? I left in the morning? "

As soon as Zhao Chengfeng's mind turned, he suddenly understood.

"Damn it, I'm not dead. I'm so fuckin 'scheming!" Zhao Chengfeng cursed repeatedly in his heart. In a moment, he knew that he was playing with himself. That phone call obviously cheated him back.

Now people come back, knowing that Zhao Chengfeng is going to make trouble, Zhao Feilong is good. He is missing. How can you drop him?

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