Zhao Chengfeng clearly remembers that he took the Mafia's home and killed the boss. How can they revive? It's all bullshit!

"Boss, I don't believe it, but it's true. The Mafia are not dead. They still have a lot to do!" The kid said in a deep voice: "the war note was sent to me last night. For the sake of safety, I intruded into the surveillance of the other party's city and made a special investigation. I really found the trace of the Mafia. Moreover, they seem to be more powerful than before."


Hearing this, Zhao Chengfeng felt even more incredible.

"What do you mean? To be specific. " Zhao Chengfeng noticed that he was a bit out of his way. He put down his chopsticks and went directly to the garden outside. Don't let yuan Shanshan worry about herself.

"Boss, there are some magicians in the Mafia. They are too powerful, just like magic. When the sky is clear, there are dark clouds and torrential rain. Even some powerful magicians can't let the guns fire, they can only wait for the enemy to kill them, but they can't fight back." The voice of the kid on the other end of the phone is more dignified.

"Damn it, it's so awesome!"

Hearing this, Zhao Chengfeng could not help but burst into a rude remark. However, he felt as if there were waves in his heart, which could not be recovered for a long time. The magician, who only appeared in TV dramas and movies, actually appeared in his own life.

Fatally, these weird magicians are still their own enemies! For a moment, Zhao Chengfeng had a headache. A wave is not even, a wave is rising again, the matter of going to the inner gate passage is not settled, the damned mafia has come to revenge again.

"Boss, the Mafia challenged us. Do you want to take it or not?" The kid asked in a deep voice. After listening to the voice, he knew that the kid was very worried.

It's not that the kid is timid, but the magicians he sees from the intelligence are too terrible. They can be called abnormal.

You know, at the beginning, Zhao Chengfeng almost killed the Mafia headquarters alone and killed the Mafia leader. At that time, the mafia has been silent. Later, they all feel that the Mafia is nothing more than that.

However, this time, the Mafia's comeback is to revenge Zhao Chengfeng, the dragon scale group, and even China.

The mafia has been in Europe for thousands of years and has a solid foundation. In the eyes of the Mafia, they have no national boundaries, and there is no country they dare not provoke. Once, the Mafia released a video about the brutal massacre of American people, which spread to the Pentagon of the United States. The president of the United States was shocked. At that time, he spoke to the whole world and said that he wanted to destroy the Mafia.

Unfortunately, the president did not live long and died in a strange car accident. Although there was no direct evidence to prove that it was the Mafia who did it, there was no taboo about it at that time, and almost no one dared to mention it.

"Yes, why not?" Zhao Chengfeng lit up a cigarette and took a few puffs. More than half of it was gone. The smoke came out of his nostrils and mouth, covering his face.

Now that the Mafia is in the afternoon of war, regardless of whether Zhao Chengfeng takes it or not, the Mafia will eventually come to their home. It is even very likely to retaliate on Zhao Chengfeng's relatives and vent their anger on China. Once these weird guys enter China, the consequences will be unimaginable.

"Boss, these guys are not easy to provoke, are you sure?" The kid warned.

"Not easy? Hum

Zhao Chengfeng snorted heavily and said with a sneer, "they are not easy to be provoked. Am I Zhao Chengfeng a bully? If I can kill the Mafia for the first time, I can kill it for the second time! Magician, I'll go to hell. I'm still a Taoist in Maoshan. "

Zhao Chengfeng is full of pride and arrogance.

"Er..." the kid was stunned for a moment.

If you think about it carefully, yes, the Mafia is very powerful, but is the dragon scale group a general force? You know, each member of the dragon scale team has unique skills, especially the boss Zhao Chengfeng, who is known as the "terminator" and can be called the God of death.

In addition, the dragon scale group is also powerful. In Africa, there is a group of iron grinding mercenaries, and in the island of Musri, there is a holy religion! All the members add up to at least 30000!

30000 people, on the table, standing for you to kill, can let you kill soft!

What's more, there is a powerful country behind the dragon scale group - Huaxia!

"When is the engagement time? Where is it on the African continent? " As soon as Zhao Chengfeng threw his cigarette end, he felt a strong sense of war in his heart.

Don't you want to challenge yourself? Come on, who's afraid of who!

"It's going to be a showdown near gentry, five days later." The kid said.

"Didn't you say it was a single fight or a group fight?" Zhao Chengfeng asked again.

If it's a single choice, Zhao Chengfeng is really not afraid. It doesn't matter whether you are a Mafia, a white-handed party or a magician. In the face of absolute power, it's all in vain.

"They didn't say that, but it should be single fight and group fight."

"Make it clear before you report it to me." Hearing this, Zhao Chengfeng is a little angry. It's not the first time he has done intelligence work. How can he convey such vague information? It's a mistake!

"Yes, boss." Aware of Zhao Chengfeng's unhappiness, the kid even busy.

"Wait a minute!"

Zhao Chengfeng added: "don't hang up and listen to me."

"Well." The kid answered and said he was listening.

"Time is pressing, so you and Yan'er will have a heavy task these days." Zhao Chengfeng said in a deep voice: "before the decisive battle begins, we need to collect intelligence. We need to know exactly how many people there are, what weapons there are, how many magicians there are, and what level of experts they are. In addition, after sending someone to look for the real Mafia nest, I suspect that I carried a fake Mafia nest last time. "

"It's really a heavy task." Smell speech, kid wry smile unceasingly, again way: "need to inform return to life with blood monk return to a position?"? If the other side dares to fight in the afternoon, there must be a lot of people. "

"Well, notice!"

Zhao Chengfeng was silent for a long time and said, "let them put down what they are doing for the time being and do a good job in the defense of the capital and Beihai. As for the African continent, they will not go."

"Boss, you are..." the kid didn't understand.

"It's not just us playing, the enemy is not stupid." Zhao Chengfeng took a deep breath of his cigarette and sighed: "our Sun Tzu's art of war has long been memorized. We have to guard against it."

On hearing this, the kid suddenly realized.

"Boss, I see what you mean. I will increase the monitoring of Mafia." The kid patted his chest and assured.


Zhao Chengfeng nodded and suddenly said, "by the way, do you have any news from the king of heaven?"

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