
The kid shook his head and said, "since the battle of the island of borodor, the king of the broken sky and the remaining evils of the broken sky have disappeared out of thin air, and nothing can be found."

"Well, if I had known that, I should have left one or two alive." Zhao Chengfeng is very upset.

At that time, he was also red eyed, but he didn't care much about it. He only knew that he was going to destroy the whole broken sky. But in the end, the king of broken sky ran away, leaving only a rosefinch.

Zhuque is very willing to help Zhao Chengfeng, but Zhuque is not very happy in potian. She just seeks a place for quiet cultivation, but never asks about the internal affairs of potian.

"However, although the news broke, I found a problem." At this time, the kid said: "before, didn't we always envy the intelligence system of Po Tian? This time, the reason has finally been found

"Well? Why? " Smell speech, Zhao Chengfeng came to interest immediately.

For this matter, Zhao Chengfeng has always been on the mind, also has been thinking about it. You know, kid is the number one hacker in the world, let alone ordinary intrusion. At that time, he even intruded into the system of the Pentagon of the United States, but he only stayed less than five minutes. The United States noticed something and cut off the network directly.

After that time, the United States strengthened the firewall, and it was not so easy for kids to re-enter.

But with such powerful technology, the intelligence work is not as good as breaking the sky, which makes Zhao Chengfeng very depressed. At that time, Zhao Chengfeng always felt that he was running naked under the eyes of Po Tian. What posture did he use? The other side knew the same. He was very upset!

"It's because they have a lot of satellite systems. Of course, it's not that poten has its own satellite systems, but they have their ports on many satellite systems." Fearing that Zhao Chengfeng would not be able to understand, the kid continued: "it's just like we are using Huaxia's satellite system, which is very advanced and powerful. Kebotian's intelligence system has at least more than ten satellite system ports, among which there is a U.S. satellite port. In other words, the sky breaking satellite system can cover more than one third of the world! "

"Damn it

Hearing this, Zhao Chengfeng was shocked again. No wonder the intelligence system of Botian is so powerful that it used to occupy the satellite system ports of other countries. This is rape.

"That's the reason. It's also the most terrible place in the past, although their hackers are ordinary." The kid said.

Zhao Chengfeng nodded. No matter how powerful the software is, if the hardware can't keep up, it's all in vain.

"Can you control these ports now?" Zhao Chengfeng's eyes suddenly brightened. If the kid could control the satellite network port in the past, the intelligence system of the dragon scale team would be countless times stronger overnight.

To put it mildly, the love movie that can collect adult action all over the world overnight is still the Blu ray HD version.

"I can't guarantee that for the time being. I can only try it." The kid explained: "if these ports are sent to Botian by the United States and other countries, it's more difficult for us to control them. If they are stolen, maybe they can still be used."

"Try as much as you can. One more thread will lead to another way out." Zhao Chengfeng said with emotion.

If the dragon scale team has such a developed intelligence system as po Tian, how can it be controlled by Po Tian?

"OK, I'll do it when this meal is over." Imp said, in fact, even if Zhao Chengfeng does not say, imp will try. As the world's number one network hacker, imp has rarely encountered difficult things.

This is also a breakthrough for myself!

"Oh, yes."

When he wanted to hang up, Zhao Chengfeng suddenly said, "what's the reaction of the United States and Japan now? Are you honest? "

"Well, I'm honest. I didn't find fault for us." "The kid should say:" at least I didn't see what's wrong

"If something goes wrong, there must be a demon!"

Zhao Chengfeng naturally continued his cigarette and said with emotion: "the Japanese are cruel and vicious in nature, not only to the enemy, but also to themselves. They will not give up the idea of dominating the world, and they will not give up the idea of occupying China. "

"As for the Americans, they always think that they are the masters of the world. So many people died in the delta army, how can they give up? "

At the end of the speech, Zhao Chengfeng once again asked: "these are two hungry wolves. We should keep a close eye on them at any time and never take them lightly."

"I remember, boss." The kid nodded solemnly.

"In addition, there is a power called manor in the United States, which is very secret. You should also pay attention to it and let me know as soon as you have any news." Zhao Chengfeng said again.

Until now, Zhao Chengfeng did not dare to imagine what kind of organization could make the king bow to his throne.

"Well, I see." Seeing that Zhao Chengfeng had no other instructions, the kid put down the phone.

"There's a lot of shit going on!"

Looking at the phone being hung up, Zhao Chengfeng took a puff of smoke, feeling inexplicably heavy. After destroying the sky, Zhao Chengfeng once thought he was a bull, but in fact, now he seems to be a fool and arrogant.

I always thought that after entering the inner door and realizing yuan Shanshan's dream, I could live a carefree life with all the girls, just like a fairy. Now it seems that everything is just thinking about it.

Let's not talk about the Mafia and the damned magician who came out of thin air. It's hard to deal with the harassment of Japan and the United States alone. A lot of times, Zhao Chengfeng also wants to be ruthless, and even dreams of destroying the whole Japanese nation, but is it possible? Is it realistic?


It's not that Zhao Chengfeng doesn't have that ability, and it's not that Huaxia doesn't have that strength. It's just that, if you really want to do that, what's the difference between Huaxia and Japanese?

Chinese people don't have that kind of ruthlessness in their bones. They always pay attention to humility. Even if someone offends them, they always follow the way of "persuading others with virtue" and never kill them all.

It's just that the compassion of Chinese people is really used in the wrong place at some times.

"Well, I have to be busy again." Zhao Chengfeng took a swig and put out his cigarette. He said in his heart, "the Chinese government doesn't want to be a villain. That villain can only do it by himself."

"Chengfeng, are you doing something?" However, at this time, Yuan Shanshan came out and looked at Zhao Chengfeng. Her beautiful face was full of worry.

Yuan Shanshan knows very well that if a man is angry, something big must have happened. Otherwise, a man would not be so angry.

"What's the matter? You think too much, I..." Zhao Chengfeng said with a strong smile.

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