Yuan family is the eternal pain in Yuan Shanshan's heart and the only pain.

As the last blood of the yuan family, Yuan Shanshan wanted to rely on her own ability to reproduce the glory of the yuan family. However, Yuan Shanshan is more concerned about the safety of Zhao Chengfeng.

There are too many powerful opponents hidden in the secular world of the earth. Zhao Chengfeng is in a hurry to deal with them. He is busy all the time and has to bear huge risks.

Zhao Chengfeng is not only yuan Shanshan's husband, but also yuan Shanshan's family now. Having lost almost all her relatives when she was young, Yuan Shanshan no longer wants to taste the pain. Compared with the glory of the yuan family, Yuan Shanshan now cares more about Zhao Chengfeng's safety.

"Why?" Hearing this, Zhao Chengfeng frowned slightly and said, "although I have a little trouble entering the inner door now, I will deal with it soon. Don't worry, i..."

"A little trouble, what trouble?" Yuan Shanshan asked.


Zhao Chengfeng suddenly Leng on the spot, secretly scolded his quick mouth, how to jump out of anything?

"Well, actually... Well, I'd better tell you the truth." In the face of Yuan Shanshan's sharp eyes, Zhao Chengfeng simply said: "the passage to the inner door has been destroyed by a force, so for the time being, I can't get in. I'm afraid I'll miss the inner door Dabi!"

"If you miss it, you can miss it. It's also life."

Yuan Shanshan didn't feel good in her heart, but in this way, her heart was not so tangled. It's not that I don't care about the yuan family, but I can't care about it now.

"Shanshan, don't be sad. Don't worry. I'll find the way to the inner door." Zhao Chengfeng is afraid that the woman is not happy, quickly guarantee.

Not only for yuan Shanshan, but also for Zhao Chengfeng himself.

"Do you think I look sad?" Yuan Shanshan gently smile, soft voice: "fate is a very strange thing, since there is no that life, we will not fight, let it be.". Even if they miss the Neimen Dabi, even if the yuan family is removed from the Neimen family, how can they not recognize the yuan family's status if one day the yuan family becomes strong again? "

"To say the least, it doesn't matter whether others admit it or not, as long as you are strong. Besides, isn't Siyuan still young? When she grows up, let's add luster to the yuan family. " At the end of the speech, it seemed a little witty.

Zhao Chengfeng said with a bitter smile: "can you really think that our daughter is still suckling, so we can set such a big goal for others?"

"It's good for her to set up a lofty ambition."

"Forget it, I can't say you."

Zhao Chengfeng quickly admitted defeat and said, "this is the end of the matter. I won't say anything else. If I have a chance to enter the inner gate one day, I will take back everything that Yuan's family lost for you."

"Chengfeng, why don't you listen? I don't know..."

"Shanshan, I know you are worried about me, but you have to trust your husband." Zhao Chengfeng interrupted: "men should face the difficulties, otherwise, how can you keep out the wind and rain?"

Yuan Shanshan is silent. Some people dream of a peaceful life, but how can the reality be so satisfactory? Zhao Chengfeng's idea is not unreasonable. He wants to make himself strong and respond to changes with constancy.

Only the strong will not be afraid of any change!

"Well, since you've made up your mind, I won't advise you. Anyway, you should pay attention to safety. We'll wait for you all the time." Yuan Shanshan's bright eyes looked at Zhao Chengfeng with infinite tenderness.


Zhao Chengfeng nodded heavily, and took out a cigarette, ready to light.

"Stop smoking." Yuan Shanshan snatched the lighter and said, "go in and say goodbye to Siyuan. Then go ahead and do your own business. Maybe you can't sit still now. Take the time to get busy. "

"Well, I'll listen to you." Zhao Chengfeng put away his cigarette and went in with the woman. At this moment, the child was lying asleep in the cradle, while Fubo sat by quietly, with a loving smile on his face.

"Here you are, young master." In a low voice, Fubo quickly stood up and offered his seat to Zhao Chengfeng.

Zhao Chengfeng held down Fu Bo and said in a low voice, "sit down and see Siyuan. I'll leave. I have important things to do."

"So soon again?" Phoebe was a bit surprised. He was in a hurry.

"Well, there's something wrong with the African continent. I'll have to go and have a look." Zhao Chengfeng answered, touched Siyuan's chubby little hand and said softly, "Siyuan, dad is going to be busy for a while. You and mom are at home. Wait for Dad to come back, Bo!"

With that, Zhao Chengfeng kisses the white back of his child's hand, and his heart is very sweet.

Only at the moment of looking at and touching the child can we know the wonderful feeling of being a father.

"Come on, don't kiss me. My face smells of smoke." Yuan Shanshan gave Zhao Chengfeng a push and turned his eyes around. "Let's go now. No matter how late we are, we won't be able to catch the plane. When you're at home, the smoke in the room is twice as strong. "

"Hey, hey." Zhao Chengfeng smiles and is not angry.

It seems that Yuan Shanshan is blaming herself. In fact, Zhao Chengfeng knows very well that a woman is just afraid that she will stay at home for too long. Instead, she becomes dependent and reluctant to leave.

"OK, I'll go first."

"Let's go, let's go. Everything is fine at home. You can earn money outside." Yuan Shanshan said and picked up the baby from the cradle.

"Young lady, I'll see the young master off." Fubo said hello and quickly followed Zhao Chengfeng's steps.

"Young master, I'll see you off. You've just come back, and you're not hot yet. You're going to leave. This..." Fubo felt a little guilty. He knew that Zhao Chengfeng was going to leave so soon, so he should bother to make some delicious food at noon.

Zhao Chengfeng waved his hand and said with a smile, "no, I'm such a big man. Can I walk away? It's just that if there's time in the back for someone to drive the car back from the airport, I won't rush there. "

"That's no problem. Just leave your car at the airport and pick it up at the back." Fubo said quickly, "young master, be careful all the way."

"By the way, fauber."

Zhao Chengfeng just started the car, then put down the window and asked, "well, you really don't know where the old man has gone?"

"Young master, do you think it is necessary for me to cheat you? I really don't know. " With a wry smile on his face, Fu Bo asked again, "young master, do you have anything to ask the master? First tell me. Maybe I know something."

Zhao Chengfeng thought that he had lived for most of his life. He had seen a lot of things. He had been with Lao BU for so many years, and it was not surprising to hear something.

"Have you ever heard of a magician?" Zhao Chengfeng asked.

"The magician?"

Hearing this, Fubo twisted his brows and shook his head. "No, I haven't heard of it at all. Isn't this something that's only in TV dramas? Young master, why do you suddenly ask this? "

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