"Because magicians really exist, but I don't understand them, so I ask you." Zhao Chengfeng sighed, feeling a little depressed.

It's not that Zhao Chengfeng is afraid of Mafia magicians. He just doesn't know about it. It's no harm to know more about it. It's the same as marching and fighting. If he doesn't know anything, or even the enemy's weapons and equipment, rushing into the battlefield rashly, doesn't it mean he's looking for death?

"If you don't ask the master, he has a lot of knowledge. Maybe..." before Fubo finished, he met Zhao Chengfeng's white eyes.

Fubo laughed awkwardly. "Well, I'll ask him when the master comes back. I'll tell you what happened at the first time." Fubo also felt that he was in a daze. If he could get in touch with the master, would the young master ask his master's whereabouts?

"Well, that's it." Zhao Chengfeng had no choice but to drive away. While driving to the airport, he called the kid and ordered a ticket to jintari.

"Today? Don't you have five days left? " Kid, it's a little unexpected.

"There's no harm in planning early." Zhao Chengfeng suddenly thought of a thing, and said: "you book me a ticket for tonight, I have something to do temporarily."

"OK, I'll contact you after the ticket is reserved." The kid didn't ask too much. Ma liu'er went to work.

Don't look at the kid. He is just like an idle boy. He really has to be busy. He is more serious than anyone. He can stare at the computer for three days and nights.

"Maybe they know something, maybe nothing." As soon as Zhao Chengfeng turned the steering wheel, he drove into the suburbs and went up the mountain.

And half an hour later, Zhao Chengfeng suddenly appeared in the secret place of 731, sitting opposite is now 731's helmsman Qingyi and medicine monk.

"Chengfeng, what are you busy with recently? Why are you thin?" Seeing Zhao Chengfeng, Qingyi seldom smiles, and her face is full of love without her old indifference and loneliness.

Seeing Zhao Chengfeng, Qingyi can always see the shadow of that person. Decades later, Qingyi still can't let go of that feeling, but it's too old to pursue love, without the impulse of that year.

As long as you see Zhao Chengfeng, you seem to see the man who made you desperate.

"Where have I lost weight? Isn't it fat?" Zhao Chengfeng touched his stomach with a smile, not to mention that he has gained a lot of weight these days.

I can't help it. Zhao Chengfeng is very comfortable in recent days because he is looking for a way to relieve the heart biting poison. Several women around him are waiting on him every day. They are delicious and delicious. Not to mention how cool it is. A few days ago, he was with Xia Muxi again. He ate and played every day. After enough playing, he ate and slept. Can he not get fat?


Green Yi shakes her head and laughs, and then says, "by the way, I heard that the heart biting poison in your body has been relieved. Is that true?"

"It's over. It's all right. You don't have to worry." Zhao Chengfeng even busy way, in fact quite touched.

Aunt Qingyi didn't say anything. Because of her old age, Qingyi wanted to leave all the good things to Zhao Chengfeng. Especially when 731 was attacked by Qin Yuzi, Chen Yidao and Chiba Zhou zuocheng, Qingyi even protected herself with her own life. Zhao Chengfeng always kept this friendship in mind.

The medicine monk is also very good. He loves medicine as much as his life. But when he learns that he is haunted by heart biting poison, he takes out his most precious Tibetan medicine.

Every time he returned to the 731 army, Zhao Chengfeng felt like returning to his mother's home.

"You're so lucky!" The medicine monk has to admire.

It's said that Gu Shi has been extinct for a long time. I don't know if Zhao Chengfeng has found him. I can't refuse.

"Ha ha, good luck." Zhao Chengfeng laughed and said, "I remember the care and worry of my two elders. But you know I can't sit still. I'm busy running around every day and seldom come back to see you. Don't be angry..."


On hearing this, monk Yao hurriedly said, "come on, what do you want to do when you come back to our 731 this time? Anyway, I have no medicine for you now. Don't give me any advice! "

Monk Yao looks like a miser and stares at Zhao Chengfeng warily.


Green clothes white one eye medicine monk, no good airway: "medicine no can continue refining, refining refining refining, maybe you refining technology up again, this is for you."

"Do you know that speaking for this boy, I make medicine for myself?" Monk Yao retorted: "let's not talk about the number of 731 people. You also know that the leaders around us are busy with official business every day and don't have time to take care of themselves. They need my pills at any time. They all let this boy take them away by himself. What should other people do?"

"You just make it up. Don't think I don't know how much private goods you have hidden. Hum." Green clothes and white eyes are turning around.

"I..." monk Yao was so worried that he blew his beard and glared, "I gave all my private goods to this smelly boy before. I don't believe you ask him..."

"Well, don't argue!"

Zhao Chengfeng can't laugh or cry. They quarrel like children, which makes people speechless.

"Master Yao, I'm not here to ask you for medicine this time. Don't cover your pocket. Besides, even if I need pills now, I can get back to life."

Smell speech, medicine monk suddenly realized, yes, that smelly boy's skill of refining medicine is not worse than himself.

"Do you hear me? I don't want your medicine. Look at your strength." Green clothes still don't forget to scold the medicine monk.

Monk Yao is still very angry. He is always depressed. On weekdays, Qingyi doesn't talk so much and doesn't talk to people. Even if she is angry, she scares people away.

Every time I see Zhao Chengfeng, I can't close my mouth. Ah, monk Yao can't see through the feelings.

"Aunt Qingyi, in fact, you misunderstand me. Elder Yao is quite generous to the boy." Zhao Chengfeng said with a smile, "it's always pretty good."

"That's the truth." The medicine monk looks good.

Qingyi wanted to stimulate the monk again, but she finally gave up. She turned her eyes to Zhao Chengfeng and asked, "Chengfeng, are you in trouble when you come back this time? Do you need help?"

"The trouble is not so much. It's mainly because I'm a little confused. Today I'm here to ask for Tao." Zhao Chengfeng didn't hide it either. He said: "I killed the European Mafia before, but this time they came back from the dead, stronger than before. Didn't they just give me the battle book? It doesn't matter what happened in the afternoon, but now there are more powerful figures in the European Mafia. "

"Who is it?" Green clothes asks curiously.

"The magician." Zhao Chengfeng said, looking at their expressions.

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