
However, as Zhao Chengfeng's voice fell, monk Yao's expression changed greatly, and his incredible expression appeared on his face.

"Monk Yao, do you know the magician?" At least, the soldiers in green clothes don't know the magician, but the magician does.

The magician put it bluntly. It's all a cover up and a cover up. It doesn't exist. Especially now, many magicians choose to use high technology to perform.

But the magician Qingyi has never heard of it.

"Old master Yao, you..." Zhao Chengfeng is also a joy, and finally someone knows about the magician.

"I do know the magician."

This time, monk Yao didn't tell the truth. He frowned and asked, "how did you have a problem with the Mafia? And destroyed their headquarters? "

"There's no way." Zhao Chengfeng shrugged his shoulders and said: "the European Mafia is extremely arrogant. Their evil hands have reached out to our Chinese territory, and they have killed many of us on the African continent. This revenge must be avenged. At that time, I wanted to eliminate the root of the Mafia, so I took a chance to kill the Mafia in Europe, and let me kill the laoshizi leader. "

"Boy, you are a new born calf, not afraid of tigers."

With a serious face and shaking his head, monk Yao asked: "do you think the European Mafia is really so easy to be destroyed? Are you a little too proud? "

"Cough, I was a little proud at that time." Zhao Chengfeng dry smile, truthfully back.

At that time, in Europe, after killing the laoshizi leader, Zhao Chengfeng was very happy. He thought that the Mafia was nothing more than that. Now it seems that he is too young and takes the problem too lightly.

"You may only destroy a small branch of the Mafia. In other words, you may only destroy the apparent leader of the Mafia. It doesn't hurt the foundation of the Mafia at all." "The European mafia has been handed down for thousands of years. Until now, few people know which country the Mafia belongs to. They only know that the Mafia belongs to Europe, but they don't know which country in Europe and who founded it."

"So, master Yao, do you know that?" Zhao Chengfeng asked. Now I think I was a little impulsive. I really don't know about Zhao Chengfeng. I only know that the European Mafia is the largest Mafia in Europe.

"A little bit..."

"Don't talk nonsense. If you know it, you can tell it quickly. What's the point?" Green clothes can't help but white medicine monk one eye.


Monk Yao was a little embarrassed when he heard that he really wanted to show off just now. He didn't know that he was seen by Qingyi.

"The European Mafia was a Mafia organization in Great Britain in the early days. You should know that Great Britain was once known as the Empire of" Never setting sun ". Even the United States was afraid of three points. It is said that at that time, the parliament of Great Britain was controlled by the Mafia. In your current words, it is powerful and not necessary. "

On hearing this, Zhao Chengfeng can't laugh or cry. When is it, this old guy is still selling cute. Can you stop teasing me? It's just a big living treasure, an old monk. It's very fashionable.

"That's a lot of crap." The green clothes have no good facial expression, the eyeball son keeps staring.

"It's not nonsense. Can't I start from the beginning to the end?" Monk Yao shook his head and did not dare to fight against Qingyi. He continued: "the essence of the Mafia is actually the underworld. The difference is that they wanted to interfere with the political leaders of Great Britain at that time. You all know how powerful Britain was at that time. So it's not surprising that the Mafia can grow up rapidly. You know, Behind it is a powerful country! "

However, Zhao Chengfeng frowned and said, "no, didn't the kingdom of Great Britain decline? How did the Mafia survive? And it's no longer in Great Britain. "

Zhao Chengfeng knows something about the kingdom of Great Britain. The highest palace of the nine story demon tower mercenary is in the territory of Great Britain. However, the nine story demon tower was destroyed by Chen Yidao.

"That's something you don't know."

Monk Yao explained: "it's said that the mafia boss in those years was named mibibi. He was a wizard who could do magic. That's what you call a wizard. This guy occupied the palace of Great Britain at that time. In order to practice his magic, this guy killed many people. The queen of Great Britain can't read it any more. She saw a way in the ancient books and seriously injured mississibi. "

"In this way, Missibi fled from Great Britain, and then took his own people to hide in all parts of Europe, and made a fire. That's why the queen of Great Britain is very respected, because the first queen of Great Britain saved almost the whole country

"That's even more wrong."

Zhao Chengfeng frowned and said: "according to what you said, the mafia boss MIBI has been seriously injured. Great Britain should be more powerful. How can it get weaker and weaker?"

"You, you are wise and confused for a while. Do you think people like mississie will not take revenge?" Monk Yao shook his head with a wry smile, and then said, "the Mafia is ferocious after all. With the strange magic of mississibi, the palace of Parliament of Great Britain was almost captured. In the end, her majesty stood up and defeated mississibi with some unknown method. The Mafia was defeated, but Great Britain suffered a heavy loss. At that time, the United States took advantage of the opportunity, The kingdom of Great Britain quickly stepped down from the altar of "no more than the sun."

"And the mafia has been surviving in Europe, continuing to work in the underworld, and its power has been expanding and growing. Maybe it's because I'm afraid of the queen of Great Britain. MixBy has never retaliated against Great Britain again. "

Hearing the speech, Zhao Chengfeng looked more dignified and said: "so the Mafia was quite fierce. At that time, they could fight against the most powerful country in the world."

"It's not the Mafia that's strong, it's Missibi's Witchcraft that's strong!"

Monk Yao corrected: "the so-called wizard is actually the same as the magician. There is no difference in essence. And they all have extremely strong spiritual power. To put it more easily, they can control people's thoughts. "

"Controlling people's thoughts, isn't that weird?" When Zhao Chengfeng heard that Yan's face had changed greatly, he suddenly became nervous.

If we can control people's thoughts, won't the controlled people become the puppets of magicians?

"It's not weird, it's real!"

Monk Yao once again said, "just like us warriors, when we reach a certain level of cultivation, we have a certain sense of the vitality around us. Just like I close my eyes, I know you are in a corner of this room."

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