"Well, I can understand that." Zhao Chengfeng nodded, for perception, Zhao Chengfeng is not surprised, even knew very early.

At that time, he indulged in the bar. Ye Changfa invited a killer, and the bullet hit Zhao Chengfeng's heart. At that moment, almost everyone thought that Zhao Chengfeng was going to die.

But the old man sensed it dozens of kilometers away. In the shortest time, he saved Zhao Chengfeng's life with the dragon ball. It was at that time that Zhao Chengfeng focused on cultivating his perception.

Perception doesn't seem to play a big role. In fact, it has great beauty. It can save people's lives when it's critical. Just like on the battlefield, whether the enemy has ambush, where the ambush is, within the range of perception, there is no escape.

"But our perception can't control people, but super magicians can." Monk Yao's face suddenly became dignified. "Magicians have amazing perception, because their spiritual power is so powerful that they can influence other people's thoughts, make people magic, and even let people slap themselves in the face and jump off a building to commit suicide."

"Is there such a cow?"

Zhao Chengfeng is very surprised, also very doubt, the magician really have so cow force?

"It's not a cow, it's weird." Monk Yao continued: "it's not surprising that the magician in the TV series gets a fireball or a water ball. It's real. Magicians can be divided into five types: wind, water, fire, thunder and electricity. In short, thunder magicians can release thunder and lightning through magic. Do you think that ordinary people can withstand thunder and lightning? "

"Isn't the magician invincible?" After listening, Qingyi was moved.

Qingyi is also a well-informed person. Although she has lived in seclusion for many years and rarely appeared in public, she has been famous for a long time and knows a lot about the past, but Qingyi has never heard of a magician.

"Yes, if I really want to say that, don't I have to kowtow and apologize to the Mafia? Or you'll be killed. " There is a cold sweat behind Zhao Chengfeng. Magician, what a high-end atmosphere and high-grade existence.

You don't have to do anything. You have to dare to beep, recite a mantra in your heart, and then "cross the gap", a flash of lightning falls, and directly chop it into a roasted whole sheep. You also have to fight a fart, so just admit defeat.

"Don't worry. Listen to me and finish slowly." Monk Yao then said: "in addition to these five types of magicians, there is a more powerful one, that is..."

"Shit, what's worse?" Hearing this, Zhao Chengfeng couldn't help but burst into a rude remark, and suddenly found that he was too weak to want.

After taking the whole old nest, Zhao Chengfeng always thinks that he's still a bully. He doesn't know that now there are more powerful mafia and magicians.

"Yes, one of the more powerful magicians is the spiritual magician I explained to you before. Their spiritual power is super powerful. They can control people's thoughts, even directly change people's thoughts and become their puppets." The medicine monk's face was dignified, but he still said, "but you can rest assured that there are few spiritual magicians, and it's hard to become strong."

"Why are there so few magicians? It's not scientific. " Zhao Chengfeng did feel relieved, but he also had more questions in his heart.

It's just like the United States building aircraft carriers. We all know that aircraft carriers are powerful. The United States can develop and manufacture them on its own. In order to frighten other countries, it has made great efforts to build aircraft carriers and widen the military gap with other countries.

"Do you think the magician is a Chinese cabbage, you can buy it if you want?" Monk Yao turned his eyes and said, "I just told you about feng shui, fire and lightning. They need to match their attributes to practice. As for spiritual magicians, they are even more scarce. Where can I find so many talented people?"

"Oh, so it is." Zhao Chengfeng suddenly realized that he had a lot of balance in his heart.

Zhao Chengfeng thinks that it's quite good for a young man like himself to become an ancient martial arts expert. At least he is a strong man in the later stage of the magic martial arts realm. His real strength is released, and even forces the experts in the Xuanwu realm to be even better!

All of a sudden, several magicians are more powerful than themselves. How hard they are hit.

"How can we defeat these magicians? Monk Yao, since you know the origin of magicians, you should also know how to deal with them. " Qingyi asked again, especially concerned about this problem.

Not only for Zhao Chengfeng, but also for the security of China! In the field of magicians, the history of China is almost blank.

"It's very simple. You just need to be stronger than your opponent to defeat them..."

"Can you speak?"

Smell speech, Zhao Chengfeng almost didn't live to death, paralyzed, Laozi want to be able to ensure that they are stronger than, still ask you so much nonsense? What are you talking about? You don't think brother Feng is depressed enough, do you?

"Monk Yao, do you want to smoke?" Green clothes are also angry face, apricot eyes round stare, gas do not want.

"Well, there's nothing wrong with that." Monk Yao feels aggrieved.

"Say it or not? If you don't tell me, believe it or not, I'll smash your medicine stove? " The green dress is ferocious to threaten a way.

"No, I said, I said!"

Monk Yao's face changed greatly, and he said, "it's easy to say something."

"Hum!" Green apricot eyes round stare, heart said don't give you some color to see, you don't know.

"In fact, although magicians are weird, they are not particularly terrible. All magicians have a very fatal weakness. They have little combat effectiveness, or their defense ability is very poor. Once you get close, there's almost no way out! " Medicine and Shangdao.

"But how can I resist their magic? Do you want me to be physically Mine Resistant? " Zhao Chengfeng is more concerned about this problem. It's no problem for him to carry water and resist the wind. But fire and lightning are more difficult. After all, Zhao Chengfeng is just a body.

Monk Yao said: "I can't help it. I haven't dealt with the magician. I really don't know how to deal with the enemy."

"Don't you talk so much nonsense? You've been nagging for a long time and you don't know anything. " On hearing this, Qingyi immediately became angry.

Monk Yao was so miserable that he said: "Qingyi, I really don't know. What I just told you was from an ancient book when I was in the temple, but I didn't fight with the magician."

"Aunt Qingyi, you can't blame the elder medicine!"

Zhao Chengfeng was still furious when he saw Qingyi. He said: "it's very good that master Yao told me so much information. I think that whether the specific magician is strong or not will be clear only after contact. Some things have to be tried by themselves after all. "

"Right, Chengfeng, you're so sensible." Monk Yao felt a little more comfortable. Someone finally spoke for him.

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