"You mean I'm not sensible?"

Green clothes Eye Bead son is a stare again, willow eyebrow upside down, a pair of eyes that have quite lethality son, dead stare at medicine monk.

"No, I didn't mean that." Monk Yao quickly admitted his advice and corrected: "I mean, that trend is more sensible than in the past."

"You're smart!"

Smell speech, green clothes face anger a little bit retreat, turn around and say to Zhao Chengfeng: "Chengfeng, fight with the magician, green clothes aunt also have no experience to teach you, but if you need help, don't be polite, we 731 is your mother's home, understand?"

"Thank you, aunt green." Zhao Chengfeng nodded, his heart filled with bursts of warmth.

Zhao Chengfeng has never been a hypocritical person, but 731 really makes Zhao feel warm and warm at home.

"What are you talking about? Do you need to say thank you? " Tsing Yi pretends to be alive.

Zhao Chengfeng simple and honest smile, did not answer, but thought in his heart, if it is not the old relationship, green clothes will take care of themselves?

"Aunt Qingyi, time is pressing, so I won't stay any more. I have to rush to the African continent as soon as possible to do some understanding and investigation." Seeing that it is getting late, Zhao Chengfeng is ready to leave.

Qingyi stood up and said, "it's good that you know yourself and your enemy, and you can win a hundred battles. It's good that you can pay attention to your enemies. Remember, don't act rashly. You can advance, attack and defend. Do you know what I mean? "

After carefully tasting the green clothes, Zhao Chengfeng seldom blushes. It's a woman in the end. Her mind is so delicate that she breaks her own shortcomings.

Many times, Zhao Chengfeng also knows that he is reckless, but he just can't control himself. If the enemy is weak and small, it doesn't matter. You can directly crush the friction; But what if the enemy is extremely powerful?

"I wrote it down. I'll go first." Zhao Chengfeng nodded heavily and turned to leave.

"Oh, wait a minute!"

Who knows, Zhao Chengfeng just walked two steps, green clothes called Zhao Chengfeng.

"Aunt Qingyi, is there anything else?" Zhao Chengfeng asked suspiciously.

However, Qingyi didn't answer directly. Instead, she looked back at monk Yao and said with a straight face, "old monk, it's not easy for people to come back. Now they are going to fight again. Don't you say so?"


Yao Heshang said: "Chengfeng, be careful all the way..."

"Don't pretend!"

Green clothes eye a stare, have no good airway: "still don't take out your pill? What to wear? Do you need to care about it? "


Monk Yao has an innocent face. Even if he is a monk, he has the impulse to curse his mother at this moment. However, monk Yao can't argue with Qingyi. Is she a woman or her boss.

In desperation, monk Yao took out a small porcelain vase from his pocket and prepared to pour out a few. He didn't know that Qingyi was so quick that he snatched them all at once.

"Come on, Chengfeng. Take it. Be careful on the way." Qingyi shoved the pill to Zhao Chengfeng, then turned back and scolded the monk: "I'm tens of years old. Look at your stingy, no wonder I can't get a daughter-in-law in my life..."

"I'm a monk, why do I want my daughter-in-law..." monk Yao was depressed.

However, Zhao Chengfeng and Qingyi left one after another, and monk Yao could only stare in the same place.

"Well, we have to refine it again." The medicine monk is extremely painful.

On the other hand, after seeing some of 731's friends, Zhao Chengfeng left 731's secret place in a hurry. As soon as he got out of the secret place, the kid's text message came over and confirmed the ticket information. Zhao Chengfeng went directly to the airport, ate something at the airport, and then got on the plane.

After the Murphy virus incident on the African continent, the African people once again expressed their gratitude to China. Zhao Chengfeng got off the plane. When several black stewardess heard that Zhao Chengfeng was a Chinese, they were so excited that they took the initiative to lead the way for Zhao Chengfeng, and even sent free drivers.

"The African people are so enthusiastic."

When Zhao Chengfeng got on the bus to jintari, he lit a cigarette happily and said with emotion: "well, it's a little black, rough skin and thick flesh..."

"Didi... Didi..."

At this time, the phone in Zhao Chengfeng's pocket rang quickly. Zhao Chengfeng felt it out and picked it up.

"Well, you old man, as soon as I arrived in the African continent, you immediately appeared. You are trying to avoid me, aren't you?" When Zhao Chengfeng answers the phone, he scolds. That's right. It's Zhao Feilong, Zhao Chengfeng's father, who called.

"Son of a bitch, what nonsense you are."

Zhao Feilong's tone is suddenly dignified, no good way: "is it necessary for me to avoid you? Can you turn the world around? "

"Damn, you took dynamite, you cheated me back from the snow city, but you didn't see anyone. How can you say that?" Zhao Chengfeng feels strange in his heart, but he is unforgiving.

In the past, no matter how crazy Zhao Chengfeng is, Zhao Feilong will not be angry. Today's tone is not right.

"Your mother and I had very important things to do, so we left in a hurry." Zhao Feilong explained casually, then asked: "listen to Fubo, are you asking about the magician?"

"You know the magician?" Zhao Chengfeng suddenly became interested.

"Nonsense, I don't know. Will I call you?" Zhao Feilong is a little proud.

In fact, Zhao Feilong does have arrogant capital, because he doesn't know how many years he has lived, but he knows a lot of secrets that others don't know.

Like the magician!

"Then what else do you sell? Say it quickly." Zhao Chengfeng urged.

I'm so anxious!

"Magicians are not so terrible. They are just weird. With your strength, ordinary magicians can't help you. It's as easy as killing chickens if you want to kill them." Zhao Feilong on the other end of the phone has great confidence in his son.

On hearing this, Zhao Chengfeng was overjoyed, "really?"

"Really, but it's only limited to ordinary magicians. If you meet high-level magicians, you won't be so good."

"Damn it

Zhao Chengfeng just ignited the passion, instant by a basin of cold water to douse, can't help but scold: "you too much, can't you say it all at once?"

"You're too impatient."

Zhao Feilong sighed: "don't you know what listening is? Can't you just listen to me? "

"You're the only one with a lot to do!" Zhao Chengfeng holds the phone, gnashing his teeth with hatred.

It's not that Zhao Chengfeng is timid, but he is a little confused about a new field, because he doesn't understand it at all. Even more than to enter the door also let Zhao Chengfeng panic.

"Impatient, isn't it? OK, I'll go to the bathroom first... "

"You're so constipated, aren't you?" Zhao Chengfeng's face turned green.

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