"If you know, be polite to your Laozi, or I'll pit you!" Zhao Feilong lit a cigarette on the other end of the phone and was very proud.

Zhao Chengfeng gritted his teeth and said, "believe it or not, I'll tell my mother that you went whoring?"

"Your mother won't believe it. You think I'm you. You know how to pick up girls all day. Lao Zhao's family can't live any more now!" Zhao Feilong backhand push, beautiful counterattack.

"Ha ha."

Zhao Chengfeng was not angry either. He said with a faint smile, "there is a saying that the upper beam is not right and the lower beam is crooked. Haven't you heard of it?"

"Damn it

Zhao Feilong immediately admits defeat and gives an honest account. When Zhao Chengfeng arrives at jintari all the way, he knows almost all about the magician. The immortal knows more than monk Yao and is more detailed.

"In a word, the mafia has become powerful because of the existence of magicians. Among the magicians, only high-level magicians are threatening you. However, there are few high-level magicians, and there are even fewer or no top-level magicians." At the end of the speech, Zhao Feilong said, "well, I've told you all I know. That's it."

"Wait a minute!"

Zhao Chengfeng stops Zhao Feilong and asks, "where is the access to the inner door?"

"I will tell you when you have enough strength." With that, Zhao Feilong put down the phone directly.

"Damn it

Looking at the phone that has been hung up, Zhao Chengfeng repeatedly makes rude remarks, but he has nothing to do with Zhao Feilong. The most urgent thing is to solve the Mafia first, otherwise he will always be harassed by the Mafia, which is really troublesome.

"It turns out that magicians have not only attributes, but also levels." Chuai good phone, Zhao Chengfeng muttered a, thinking back to Zhao Feilong's words.

There is no difference between the attributes of magicians and those of monk Yao. The only difference is the level. The magic attack power released by low-level magicians is not big, just like that of fire magicians. The fire magic released by low-level magicians can't even boil a pot of water, and it costs a lot of energy.

Middle level magicians are much better than others, but in addition to fire, thunder and electricity, it's hard to attack at one time and cause damage to people. As for the magic of water and wind, they play an auxiliary role at best, and have no actual combat power.

However, the high-level magicians are more powerful and powerful, and the released magic is more powerful. Take the electric magician for example. The power of one-time release of electric magic is equivalent to the release of 220 V voltage. An adult will die with one blow, and the attack range has increased a lot, which is about 20 square meters.

As for the supreme level magician, he is even more powerful. Anyway, Zhao Chengfeng doesn't dare to think about it. But Zhao Feilong mentioned that the founder of Mafia, MIBI, is a spiritual magician!

"Mafia, mafia, how deep you are hiding." Zhao Chengfeng had an idea suddenly, the corner of his mouth raised an imperceptible bad smile.

"Here you are, boss!"


As soon as they arrived in jintari, monkeyuduri and others came all the way out to meet Zhao Chengfeng. They were very excited to see Zhao Chengfeng, but ah long's face looked a little bad.

"Ah long, what's the matter? Not acclimatized? " Zhao Chengfeng asked.

Ah long shook his head and said, "I'm sorry I didn't lead the team well. This time, you have to solve the problem yourself."

"That's what it is." Hearing this, Zhao Chengfeng couldn't laugh or cry. "The Mafia gave me a letter of war. It's not appropriate for you to fight."

"..." ah long was speechless, but his heart was still weak.

Ah long is a proud man. In the history of Chinese army, he is second only to Zhao Chengfeng, and his talent is also excellent. Especially after learning that Zhao Chengfeng defeated his master Canglong, ah long dreams of defeating Zhao Chengfeng!

However, along the way, instead of being Zhao Chengfeng's opponent, the gap has widened. Now we have to rely on Zhao Chengfeng's guidance to improve our accomplishments. Now I came to jintari to replace Zhao Chengfeng, but when something happened, Zhao Chengfeng had to go out in person, so he had no face.

"Come on, don't think about it. It's all brothers. It's not the same who will fight? It's just that this time I'm going to destroy the Mafia myself. These guys are so annoying. " Zhao Chengfeng gritted his teeth.

If you don't do it, you have to die!

"Come on, let's go in and have a chat." With a wave of his hand, Zhao Chengfeng leads the crowd into the command post.

After the Murphy virus, the city of jintari has made great contributions to the protection of refugees. The local government of the African continent has given certain support and rewards to jintari. Isn't the headquarters of the millstone mercenary regiment renovated?

However, the local government in Africa will not recognize the existence of the millstone mercenary regiment. After all, this is a matter of attitude. Of course, the local government also turns a blind eye.

The existence of the millstone mercenary regiment can resist some invaders and relieve certain military pressure for the local government.

"Master, I've worked hard all the way. Are you hungry?" Pang Hu is very eye-catching. He gives Zhao Chengfeng a cup of hot tea and asks with a smile.

Pang Hu saw Zhao Chengfeng for the first time in jintari. However, as the first bounty hunter in South Vietnam, Pang Hu came to assassinate Zhao Chengfeng at that time. Fortunately, Pang Hu has self-knowledge and knows that he is not Zhao Chengfeng's opponent, so he does not hesitate to change sides and become Zhao Chengfeng's Apprentice.

Only after contacting Pang Hu did he know how powerful his master was. Now Pang Hu is sent to jintari to manage all the affairs on the African continent with others. Pang Hu has a sense of achievement, which is much better than being a bounty hunter.

"Let's get down to business first." Zhao Chengfeng waved his hand, lit up a cigarette and said, "where is the battle book? Let me see. "

"Here it is." Youduri took out the invitation card from his arms and handed it to Zhao Chengfeng. He said angrily, "boss, these bastards are so shameful. They just send the invitation card, but they also killed our two brothers."

"Yes, I burned them alive. It's very irritating!" Mengke also gritted his teeth, clenched his fist angrily, and his eyes were red.

There are not many people killed, but this method of burning people alive is too cruel.

"Fire wizard?" Smell speech, Zhao Chengfeng brow a twist, can burn people alive, at least is the medium level magician ah, but also extremely powerful fire magician.

"I don't know what the magician is, but that guy is really weird."

One side of a long said in a deep voice: "just a push, palm two groups of flames will jump out, kill people, turn around and go, don't give us reaction time."


Zhao Chengfeng scolded, and his resolute face was smeared with a strong sense of killing.

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