The atmosphere of the command post suddenly became tense. People could clearly feel that the air around it had dropped several degrees.

"Remember this account first, and they will pay it back." Zhao Chengfeng clenched his teeth, opened the card and glanced at it. His eyebrows twisted up. His face was too black to be any more.

As soon as we saw Zhao Chengfeng's expression, we didn't dare to say anything. Zhao Chengfeng's expression is the rhythm of killing people.

"Damn, I can't understand it."

Zhao Chengfeng scolded and threw the invitation directly on the table, looking depressed.


When they heard the words, they took a long breath. They thought it was something important.

"Boss, this is the language of a small country in Europe. It's basically out of circulation. It's reasonable that you don't know it, but I can translate it for you." Yudhury took the card.

"Wait a minute!"

Zhao Chengfeng had a flash of inspiration in his head and frowned: "do you think this is the writing of a small country in Europe?"

"Yes, it's the word for a country in southern Europe called the omelette country." "Because I spent several years in omelette country when I was young, I was familiar with their writing," uduri explained

"I didn't mean that."

Zhao Chengfeng shook his head and said, "I mean, the invitation given to us by the Mafia does not use English or the local language of Africa. Instead, it uses the language of omelet country. Does that mean that the headquarters of the Mafia is in omelet country?"

"It's possible!"

Ah long's brain turned quickly and said: "they should be used to using the words of the omelet country, so that's why they are like this. Of course, it doesn't rule out that Mafia people deliberately mislead us. "

"Immediately send someone to the omelet country for in-depth investigation, and report to the headquarters as soon as you find anything." Zhao Chengfeng immediately made a decision and would never miss any chance to eradicate the Mafia.

Many years of experience in fighting on the battlefield tells Zhao Chengfeng never to be kind to the enemy. Being kind to the enemy means being cruel to himself. As long as it's the enemy, we must root it out!

Mafia is different from a country, even if Zhao Chengfeng with the army to destroy it, others can not find fault.

"I'll arrange it now." Pang Hu answered and quickly went out to arrange.

Different from the bounty hunters in the past, Pang Hu now has more aggressive temperament, and gradually matures, without that tender.

"Yuduri, you go on, what does it say? How to fight? The kid only gives me a general idea." Zhao Chengfeng pointed to the book of war in yuduri's hands, puffing with smoke.

"Five days later, the Mafia mage asked you to have a decisive battle in the mine 300 kilometers south of the city of gentry. It's said that it's a decisive game." "And don't take too many people with you," uduri said

"That doesn't say how many of them?" Zhao Chengfeng frowned and felt a little fucked.

"That's not true." Uduri shrugged.

"Isn't that bullying?" Munch was not happy when he heard this. He swore, "why don't you let the boss take more people? I have so many people that I am willing to take them with me, OK

Although a long didn't speak, he thought it was unfair.

"Boss, you'd better not fight." Yuduri tentatively said that he was also worried about Zhao Chengfeng.

It's not that I don't trust Zhao Chengfeng's ability. It's just that magicians are a new field for everyone. God knows how powerful they are. What if they encircle and suppress Zhao Chengfeng and use sea of people tactics?

"Don't fight? No way

Zhao Chengfeng refused very simply, shook his head and said: "is it going to make people laugh? No, no, we have to fight. "

"But..." uduri was still worried. "This is an unfair duel at all," he said. "We can't suffer for face."

"What's the problem? Ha ha. "

With a noncommittal smile, Zhao Chengfeng digs off the topic and says, "it seems that they have taken a huge advantage of each other's demands, but it also exposes their fatal weakness."

"What weakness?" Ah long doesn't understand, youduri and mengke also look at Zhao Chengfeng with a puzzled face.


Zhao Chengfeng puffed out a cigarette ring, changed a comfortable posture, and said with a smile: "if I go alone, it shows that they are guilty and afraid. Before coming back to jintari, I learned about these so-called magicians through some special channels. Their advantage is very obvious. They can attack the enemy in a long distance and in a wide range, but they have almost no defense ability, even weaker than ordinary people. "

"To put it simply, if we find their hiding place, maybe a 40 fire will hit them and kill them."

"But we didn't find their hiding place." Ah long said with some chagrin: "after the Mafia's war, our investigators sent out a lot. Not only that, but yudhury also communicated with the local government. Unfortunately, he still didn't find anything."

"No, it's not normal?"

However, Zhao Chengfeng was not angry at all. He said, "if they understand their weaknesses, they will cover them up. And it just reflects that Mafia mages are not powerful. As long as we have good defense, we can easily kill them. "

"Boss, do you mean to fight alone?" Asked monk.

"Well, I'll fight alone, and you'll meet on the outside." Zhao Chengfeng said: "the reason why they choose the mine in the south is that it is open and you can see our people clearly. If you follow, the enemy will run away. How can you catch them?"

Mengke was surprised, but after Zhao Chengfeng's analysis, youduri and others looked much better.

Since the Mafia magician came to the end of the war, the whole jintari can be said to be in a panic. No one has seen the magician. That kind of fear spreads from the bottom of his heart. This is why everyone cheers when Zhao Chengfeng comes.

Zhao Chengfeng is the backbone of Jintai! As long as there is Zhao Chengfeng, no matter how much wind and rain can carry in the past.

"By the way, what's going on with ficaman? No one's been bothering me lately. " Zhao Chengfeng asked again, since they are all here, I still have to go and have a look when I have time. It's the army of China.

"All is well with them, commander Cui!"

A long said: "I went there some time ago. Because of the Murphy virus, the local government is very friendly to them and provides free labor to help them build. Now high walls have been erected around the feikaman oilfield, and the defense force has been strengthened a lot."

"That's good, that's good." Hearing this, Zhao Chengfeng was completely relieved that the outbreak and spread of the Murphy virus was not a good thing, but it also made the local governments in Africa see who is the friend and who is the enemy.

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