"Munk and uduri, I don't want to say anything else. The ficaman oil field is indeed your natural resource in Africa, but babulu voluntarily transferred it to me."

Zhao Chengfeng looked at youduri and mengke and said: "some people may think that we Chinese people have taken advantage of you, but I want to tell you that as long as you local governments in Africa can sincerely cooperate with us, the future will be bright."

"Boss, we believe what you said, and we don't mean to blame you." Mengke grins bitterly. He really doesn't think Zhao Chengfeng has taken advantage of it.

"Yes, boss, you are good to us. How can we not force us to count?" "Without you, I would have lost my life to west point," yudhry said with emotion

"It's best if you think like this. Just wait. The African people will surely have a good life in the future." Zhao Chengfeng patted his chest and assured that he was quite confident about this.

If it's too far away, won't the people of jintari have a good life now? There is no need to worry about food and clothing, as well as free school and medical care. If you work harder, you can support your family.

It is true that the natural climate of the African continent is bad. But the most important reason is not how barren and desolate the land is, but the leader.

For example, it was the same in Huaxia. If Lao Jiang wanted to rely on the power of the four consortia, he could only protect the interests of the four consortia. For the sake of the interests of the four consortia, he had to offend the common people of Huaxia. The common people didn't even have food to eat. Would he please?

Let's look at the current leaders of Huaxia, who are dedicated to serving the people. This is the truth that water can carry and overturn a boat. How can the people not unite if they take the people's affairs as a major issue?

What kind of difficulties can't be overcome as long as we unite as one? What kind of enemy can't be defeated?

However, the governments of the African continent obviously lack the strength to do so, and they do not know how to take care of their own people. They allow their countries to be poor and backward, and others to bully and invade them, but they dare not give a fart. How can they avoid riots?

Zhao Chengfeng's next plan is to set up a factory in the African continent and arrange a job for the poor people in the African continent. It's too far to say that he can still pat his chest to ensure that his employees have enough food and clothing.

"Boss, I thank you on behalf of you, I..." yuduri was moved by the speech, and his eyes were red.

"Don't say thank you. Thank you."

Zhao Chengfeng quickly interrupts, but he is a little frustrated. An African black man is crying. How many people are there. People who don't know think they are not responsible for what they do.

Ah bah, not to mention African black friends. Even if they are African black girls, Zhao Chengfeng can't do that.


Zhao Chengfeng digs off the topic and is about to say something, but ah long's mobile phone rings abruptly.

A long is about to hang up the phone, but a look at the caller ID, made an apology to Zhao Chengfeng gesture, or pick up.

"Hello, chief Cui... What?"

Ah long's face changed, so he stood up and said, "how can this happen? How about the casualties? Did you catch anyone? "

"OK, we'll send someone right away. Pay more attention to your safety!" Ah long finished quickly and put down the phone.

"Boss, there's something wrong with the feikaman oil field!" When he put down the phone, ah long didn't care much about it. He said straight away: "chief Cui called. The oil depot of feikaman oilfield was set on fire. There were many casualties. Now it's being rescued..."

"Gather the brothers and set out at once, quick!"

Zhao Chengfeng seems to be burned buttocks like, a force to run outside, the back of the venture Teng looming murderous.

Five minutes later, a huge motorcade drove to the feikaman oil field, rolling up bursts of yellow dust. However, when Zhao Chengfeng and hundreds of people arrived at the feikaman oilfield, the fire had been put out and the whole feikaman oilfield was in a mess.

"Brother Chengfeng, here you are." Cui Hongjun looks dejected. He looks at the burned oil depot and the burned corpses. He is in a panic and wants to shoot himself in the head.

What a failure!

"Don't think about it too much. Please pacify the brothers first." Seeing this scene, Zhao Chengfeng also gnashed his teeth, hoping to tear up the enemy's flesh and chew their bones one by one.

How hateful!

"The medical team should seize the time to treat the wounded. Youduri, you take people to set up temporary tents for everyone, distribute water and food, do a good job in defense, and be alert." Zhao Chengfeng rushed to the line behind him.


More than 100 people brought to work quickly, treating the wounded, setting up tents and living in an orderly way. However, Cui Hongjun's heart is still heavy.

"Brother Chengfeng, I..." Cui Hongjun was grateful.

"Don't say anything."

Zhao Chengfeng handed Cui Hongjun a cigarette and said, "who did it? Do you know? "

"I don't really know that."

Cui Hongjun reproached himself and said, "yesterday, the next company commander reported to me that there was a refugee coming, so I said take him in and send him back when I have time. I don't know how the refugee got close to our oil depot. Then he didn't know how to spray a flame with his hands. The flame soared and the whole oil depot was on fire. Fortunately, there wasn't much oil in it, so... "

"Wait a minute!"

Smell speech, Zhao Chengfeng brow twisted into a knot in one's heart, ask a way: "do you mean this person hands spurt out flame?"

"Yes, the fire from both hands ignited the oil depot..."

"Mafia, Lao Tzu and you are at odds!"

However, without waiting for Cui Hongjun to finish, Zhao Chengfeng's eyes were red first, and his whole body was cold. Isn't this the fire magician of the Mafia?

"Mafia? You mean the Mafia did it? " Cui Hongjun asked.

"They did it 100 percent!"

Zhao Chengfeng felt guilty and said, "I'm sorry, chief Cui, you've been implicated. The Mafia people originally came to me. I have a grudge against them. This time, you'll..."

"This is for me, Huaxia!"

Cui Hongjun almost opened his voice and roared, "don't let me know where these bastards are hiding, or I'll peel them alive one by one, damn it!"

After finding the enemy, Cui Hongjun was not as depressed as before. Like Zhao Chengfeng, he was all over, as if every pore was full of killing intention!

"This account will come back sooner or later!" Zhao Chengfeng clenched his teeth, his pupils shrank and his eyes narrowed slightly. This time, Zhao Chengfeng really moved his heart.

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