"Chief Cui, you don't need to intervene in this matter for the time being. If you have to intervene, lend me your scout." Zhao Chengfeng clenched his fists, and now he just wants to find a place to vent and kill these bastards!

"What can I borrow? If you want to use it, just take it, but I have one condition! "

Cui Hongjun also gnashed his teeth and said angrily, "take me with you when you take revenge. I'm not as good as you, but I have to make a sudden move to get rid of my hatred."


Zhao Chengfeng readily agreed not to let Cui Hongjun take revenge. He was afraid that he would have a knot in his heart, and Zhao Chengfeng also wanted to give him an account in front of Cui Hongjun. This time, the feikaman garrison took the blame for himself and got the fire for himself.

I have to admit that the Mafia came prepared this time. I'm afraid they have already found out the relationship between Zhao Chengfeng and the millstone mercenary regiment as well as the feikaman garrison. This is the downfall.

"Team leader Cui, if you don't talk about it, I have to go back to jintari first and make some arrangements." Before he left, he said, "I suggest that the oil field should be temporarily suspended in the near future. First, he should do a good job in defense. If necessary, he can send troops from China."

"Well, I'll punish myself." Cui Hongjun said.

"Chief Cui, you are so thoughtful." Zhao Chengfeng patted the latter on the shoulder and said, "I don't mean to blame you, and it won't blame you. The enemy is too cunning to take advantage of our kindness to sneak attack. However, we should protect the property of China and the lives of our brothers. "

Cui Hongjun nodded heavily.

"Well, I'll go first!" Zhao Chengfeng didn't say hello to Pang Hu and dealt with everything. They would come back naturally. Zhao Chengfeng drove back alone.

"Kid, how's the Mafia investigation going? Did you find out where they were hiding on the African continent? " Zhao Chengfeng controls the car while calling the kid. His voice is low and dignified. He can feel Zhao Chengfeng's anger through the long telephone line.

The kid hears speech a surprised, weak weak way: "boss, what's the matter?"


Zhao Chengfeng took a deep breath and said: "it was a fire magician who sent the war letter. He burned our two brothers alive on the spot. Just a few hours ago, it was a Mafia fire magician who set fire to the ficaman oil depot. He was killed and injured more than 100 million people and lost more than 100 million people..."

"These bastards!"

The kid took a cold breath, gritted his teeth and said: "boss, don't worry, even if I don't sleep, I will find out these bastards, brute!"

"If only you knew!" Zhao Chengfeng answered, and said: "in addition, you should inform the blood monk and Huisheng, let them do a good job of defense, later I will call the leaders above, let them strengthen the audit of entry personnel."

Now Zhao Chengfeng is very angry, but Zhao Chengfeng is more worried. God knows how many Mafia people there are and how many magicians there are? How much damage can it cause?

To be honest, this time the oil depot was ignited. Fortunately, it happened on the African continent, with a vast area and few people. If it happened at a gas station in China, you can have a try. It will definitely kill and injure a large area, and the explosive force will never be smaller than the shell.

"Well, I'll inform them first." The kid didn't dare to delay, so he told Huisheng and others to go.

Zhao Chengfeng also calls Tang Weiguo and Tang Wei, and even calls Fubo, asking Fubo to protect yuan Shanshan. If their mother is going to have a problem, Zhao Chengfeng will force them to dig the Mafia's ancestral grave.

"Mafia, mafia, we're not going to die." After a round of phone calls, Zhao Chengfeng's anger burns up, and the car rushes to jintari in a roaring voice.


"Dada... Dada..."

"Boom boom!"

However, at this time, gentry was under heavy artillery attack. There were at least 200 people on the opposite side. The 40 fire bombardment was loud!

"Damn it, Arthur, get out of here. This city is too strong for us to break through. Our 40 fire can't break into the wall. If we get closer, our people will be killed by them!" A middle-aged man with golden hair said to another man.

The man named Arthur clenched his fist and scolded: "Damn, such a good opportunity has been missed. I thought I could kill more people for revenge."

"Arthur, there will be more opportunities for revenge in the future. We don't care about that. Let's withdraw. In a moment, Zhao Chengfeng's army will soon come back. At that time, we can't withdraw. That's the God of China!" Said the man with golden hair.

"Jinmao, don't be such a big motherfucker. He's too ambitious to destroy his prestige."

Arthur was very upset when he heard this. He snorted and said, "we've got a lot of distinguished magicians this time. With them, even if Zhao Chengfeng comes, it's a dead end!"

"Don't look down on our enemies." The golden man is not happy. Isn't the golden man a dog?


Arthur's mouth screamed fiercely, but he was still unwilling to wave his hand. The army left quickly, leaving only the smoke that had not been dispersed, which was diffused in the air.

And the residents of the city of jintari are obviously scared. No one dares to rush to jintari for a long time. What happened this time?

"Deputy commander, do we want to pursue?" Seeing the enemy retreat, a soldier looked at munch.

Mengke looked at the scattered troops in the distance, shook his head and said: "don't chase them for the time being. The enemy's firepower is too fierce and well-trained. We are afraid that even if we catch up with them and kill them, we will lose a lot. We'd better wait for the boss to come back and make plans."

"Yes The soldier answered.

"Send a few people to follow up quietly and report to the headquarters as soon as there is news." Again, monk.

Not with you, does not mean that you let go, but to find a more appropriate time to revenge!

"Thanks to the foresight of the boss, if the boss hadn't had the foresight to reinforce the city wall, it would have been very dangerous for him this time." Mengke said with emotion that Zhao Chengfeng had been regarded as a God and man in his heart.

At the beginning, mengke only felt that Zhao Chengfeng was very powerful, but he didn't know that Zhao Chengfeng's strategy was excellent, and his predictability was also excellent. It's not worth mentioning when compared with Zhao Chengfeng.


Just at this time, there was the roar of a car in the distance. Monk glanced at it with his telescope and went down to meet it. Isn't it Zhao Chengfeng who came back?

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