"It's a good attack. It's good!"

After listening to mengke's report, Zhao Chengfeng smiles instead of anger. Instead, he shouts "yes" three times. However, mengke feels that Zhao Chengfeng's smile is very dangerous.

"Boss, I've sent someone to follow up quietly, because you've taken a lot of troops before, and we have to take care of the people in the city. We didn't fight, we just defended." Munch whispered, but there was a murmur in his heart.

Will the boss get angry because he is as timid as a mouse and dare not fight?

"You did a good job."

Zhao Chengfeng didn't get angry. Instead, he nodded his head and said: "as a defender, the main task is not to attack the city and pull out the stronghold, but to do a good job in defense. This battle lasted for more than an hour, but you achieved zero casualties, with very little ammunition to repel the enemy, which is very good

Hearing this, mengke was relieved. Now mengke dare not offend Zhao Chengfeng.

"But what if the enemy sneaks in at night?" Without waiting for mengke to be proud for a long time, Zhao Chengfeng raises another question.

Mengke was stunned. He organized his language and said: "boss, we have done some research and deployment on the enemy's sneak attack at night. First of all, the weak defense at night is due to the fact that soldiers are easily sleepy and their vision is blurred. Therefore, we have strengthened the searchlights, guarded the post every hour, and strengthened the mobile sentry and infrared monitoring. "

"What if there's a spy in the city?" Zhao Chengfeng is calm, but his heart is a little angry.

It's hard to manage a city!

A few hours ago, Zhao Chengfeng and more than 100 elites, such as ah long, rushed to the fikaman area for rescue. After that, jintari was attacked secretly, and a fool could see that there was a spy.

During the day, the traitor dare not do it, because there are many people and many eyes, but at night?

"Boss, this..." mengke suddenly numb, don't say how to deal with this problem, frankly speaking, mengke had never thought about this affair before.

"Immediately organize personnel to register all the people in the city of jintari, ensure that each person has one name, investigate and register their gender, occupation, etc., and isolate them immediately if they are suspected."

Zhao Chengfeng seemed to have known for a long time that mengke could not answer, so he issued a series of orders, "if there are rebels, they should be directly detained or even killed. It's cruel, but it has to be done for the safety of the whole Kingsley

"Yes, boss!"

Monk nodded heavily. He didn't know the seriousness of the problem until now. If there were no spies, how could the time of the enemy's sneak attack be so coincidental?

"Go ahead and try to finish the registration before dark. Report to me as soon as you have anything. Hurry up!" Zhao Chengfeng sent mengke to stand alone on the wall with smoke, frowning and heavy heart.

The Mafia came prepared and aggressively attacked the feikaman oil depot and then attacked the city. It was obviously showing its muscles. At the same time, it also showed how much the Mafia hated Zhao Chengfeng.

"Since you want to play, I'll play with you and kill you!" Zhao Chengfeng's face was smeared with a trace of fierce color. He didn't know how long he stood. Until Tang Wei called, Zhao Chengfeng just drew back his eyes and picked up the phone.

"It's tough over there?"

The woman's voice is very soft, just like the wind blowing, gently brushing her face, instantly dispelling a lot of resentment in Zhao Chengfeng's heart.

"Still in control." Zhao Chen took a deep breath and said, "there's no big problem. It can be solved in four or five days at most."

"Do you want me to come?" Tang Wei's voice rises again, and the man says it's easy. But Tang Wei knows that the problem is not so simple, because the sudden appearance of the mafia has disrupted the battle.

Even if Zhao Chengfeng has enough strength to cope with, it will cause great harm. An hour ago, Cui Hongjun had called to tell Tang what had happened here.

Tang Wei cares about men and dials them directly.

Guoan is a very good job. It's a job arranged by the leader himself. But compared with the safety of men, it's really insignificant.

"No, don't you believe me?" Zhao Chengfeng asked.

"It's not that I don't believe it, it's that I don't want you to bear too much alone." Tang weirou said: "in other people's eyes, you are not only the military God of China, but also an ancient martial arts expert. The Zhao family has money and status. You are a super rich second generation and a super bull. However, I know how much responsibility you have taken. I just want to take it with you, fearless of wind and rain!"

Tang Wei's voice is not big, like telling other people's stories. Only Zhao Chengfeng can feel it.

At that moment, Zhao Chengfeng really wanted to rush in front of Tang Wei and hold the woman tightly in his arms. He didn't say or do anything but hold her tightly.

"Don't worry."

Zhao Cheng was deeply moved and said: "the Mafia caught me by surprise. Although there were some casualties, they were not enough to defeat us. I will find them in the shortest time and then kill them!"

"I believe you, just, you should pay attention to safety, don't let me worry, OK?" Women are not forced.


Zhao Chengfeng nodded and said, "today, the Mafia played a game of attacking the West and the East for me. They even attacked the fikaman garrison at the expense of China. You should be more careful at home and take care of them for me if possible."

"You don't have to worry about everything at home. I'm here." Tang Wei's words are very simple, but with endless deep meaning.

"Well, then..."

"Don't say thank you to me, I'll be angry." Tang Wei interrupts Zhao Chengfeng.

Zhao Chengfeng Leng Leng, dumbfounded, "OK, wait for me to come back to reward you, Bo!"

With that, Zhao Chengfeng kisses him on the phone, and his depressed mood has improved a lot.

"It's getting dark. I don't know what happened to Cui Hongjun. Don't be attacked by Mafia scum again." Zhao Chengfeng is a little worried. He calls Cui Hongjun again and tells ah long that they don't have to come back. Jintai has his own side. He's going to sneak on him, and it's time to annihilate him!

After arranging everything, Zhao Chengfeng smoked a few cigarettes and went over everything in his mind. After confirming that there was nothing left out, he went down the city wall, ate something with monk, and went to bed.

From Huaxia to jintari, I haven't had a good sleep for more than 20 hours. Even the iron man can't bear it.

"Boss, you have a good rest. I'll call you if you have anything. I'll take someone to check the account first." Said monk, and he was in a hurry again.

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