The night passed and nothing happened.

"Boss, this is the result of the investigation. Dozens of people are suspicious and have been isolated. Look..." when Zhao Chengfeng was having breakfast, monk handed over a small book.

"Don't look." Zhao Chengfeng waved his hand at will, but he didn't mean to take it.

Mengke was dull for a moment. He felt that he had been busy all night. He was looking door to door with a panda's eye on his head. His feet were almost blistering. Why didn't the boss check his labor achievements?

"Because there are no spies among these people, they have already run away." Zhao Chengfeng said casually.

Hearing this, monk felt even more confused.

"Boss, how do you know that the secret agent has already run away? Do you know who the mole is? " Munch didn't understand. He couldn't figure it out.

"It's easy."

Zhao Chengfeng finished his last bite, wiped his mouth and said: "yesterday when you started to check your household registration, the traitor noticed it. In order not to be caught, he slipped out long ago. It was dark earlier yesterday. It's not unusual that you didn't notice it."

"Well, didn't I work all night for nothing?" Munch was a little annoyed and even a little reproached Zhao Chengfeng.

You know everything. Why don't you let me have a good night's sleep? Isn't that the whole thing?

"No work in vain."

Zhao Chengfeng patted mengke on the shoulder with a smile and said, "you think, the population survey is the most important thing for you, the city master. You just work overtime to finish it. How can you be regarded as a busy job in vain?"

"What's more, think about it. There are tens of thousands of people, not mercenaries. It's very difficult to find the spies in more than ten hours among tens of thousands of people. In fact, you are trying to frighten people by looking for them door to door in the city. I didn't expect to catch the spies, but I wanted to drive them out of the city, so that we could ensure their safety. "

Hearing the speech, mengke suddenly realized that Zhao Chengfeng still had such a meaning. He thought the boss was too simple.

"Munch, since you are the Lord of gentry, you have to deal with all the affairs in the city. It's a dereliction of duty to be the Lord of gentry for so long without any democratic investigation." Zhao Chengfeng criticizes: "you have to take the people seriously, others will convince you, understand?"

"I'll change it later," monk said with a smile

"And the most important point!"

Zhao Chengfeng said solemnly: "if anyone enters the city in the future, even if they are refugees, they should register well. In the future, children's going to school, changing their names, and people's death should be recorded in a book. Next time I come here, I will test you. If you are not a qualified city leader, I can only replace you and lead my soldiers to fight honestly. "

"There are so many things to do when you are a city Lord." Monk wiped his forehead with sweat, and suddenly felt that he was not the material.

"What do you think?" Zhao Chengfeng turned a big white eye, but he had a deep understanding in his heart.

Just look at Tang Aotian and Tang Weiguo. In the eyes of ordinary people, they are all powerful national leaders. They are all bodyguards when they go out. Before going to the toilet, people check whether the toilet is qualified. The car they ride is a luxury car that ordinary people can't imagine in their lifetime.

Is that true?

Not necessarily, many people only see the superficial scenery of being a leader, but they can't see the worries in their hearts every day and night. On the one hand, it is necessary to stabilize the country, and on the other hand, it is necessary to resist the enemy. For example, the reputation of China, a simple medical problem.

A lot of people are saying that ordinary people in China can't afford to be ill, and even treat minor diseases as serious diseases. When to learn from others, medical treatment is free, education is free, and so on.

Is it possible? Is it realistic? It's not that the leaders don't want to, it's that the base is too large. Especially sick this matter, no matter who you are, this life dare not pat chest said: "I have not been sick, I have not been into the hospital!"

It is estimated that there are 1.4 billion people in China, but there are more than 280 billion people who have caught cold four times a year. What a huge amount of money does the National Treasury have?

What's more, there are many serious diseases in life. Not to mention hundreds of dollars, tens of thousands of dollars are not necessarily cured, such as leukemia, how free? As for free education, it is even more impossible.

Medical treatment and education can not be free, but there are certain concessions. For example, for serious diseases, a part of them can be exempted, and for special poor families, a certain amount of them can be exempted.

As for the nine-year compulsory education, it has been free for a long time, but the policy above is very good, but the implementation below is not smooth. Many parents of students are complaining that the tuition fee is gone, but now the teachers start to charge for make-up courses, and the cost of living is more expensive than in the past. Even today's teachers are becoming lazy. They don't correct their homework. They give it to their parents to print and explain their homework. And in the hands of the teacher, there is only one word at the end of these assignments - read.

The character "Yue" written in a big red pen looks like the ancient emperors' correcting memorials with high spirits. This is a problem that leaders do not want to see, but it is not unreasonable for teachers to do so.

Many parents of students are tired of making money all day long and neglect the growth of their children. Some parents go too far and even don't know what grade their children are in or which class they are in.

In this way, parents are forced to correct homework and explain homework, which brings the relationship between parents and children closer, and also allows parents to know more about their children.

However, there are advantages and disadvantages in everything. It depends on how to weigh them.

"The road is long. If a country or a nation wants to be strong, how can it be accomplished overnight? How can a country be really strong if it is strong militarily and economically? " Zhao Chengfeng patiently said: "the key is culture, the key is a tenacity in the bones."

"I thought how powerful Britain was, but it was trampled on the ground almost overnight. Although the United States is shameless, why can it remain a world power for decades? Because the American people know self-respect, self-improvement, but also have enough self-confidence. In addition, the American people advocate human rights and attach great importance to everyone's life, regardless of the high and the low. "

"But not on the African continent. Your government often doesn't care about your life and death. You don't care about each other and are not united. How strong is the country? How does a famous family prosper? "

At the end of the day, Munch was red and ashamed, and he wanted to put his head in his crotch. This is the main reason why Africa is poor and backward.

"Boss, I know. I will do my best in the future."

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