"Well, let's have a rest after dinner. Of course, we can't relax our defense." Zhao Chengfeng didn't expect mengke to listen to it all at once. He had to take his time. For mengke to manage jintari, it was just like a labor Pang.

Frankly speaking, Munch is not a qualified manager, but it is much easier to manage a city than a mercenary regiment. Mercenaries are very single, but a city has too many people, occupations are too scattered, and everyone's needs are different.

It's like selling umbrellas hoping for rain, while farmers waiting for grain harvest hope for sunny weather. Let alone Munch, God doesn't know whether it's time for rain or the sun.

"Boss, I know." Monk answered and left thoughtfully.

"I don't know if Pang Hu will come back soon. I can't wait all the time." After dinner, Zhao Chengfeng went to the city wall again and looked around, feeling a little heavy.

Yesterday, the Mafia used 40 fire to carry out a series of indiscriminate bombing, which did not cause too much damage to the city wall. However, for the sake of safety, Munch still arranged for many workers to inspect and repair. And the gate of the city wall also increased the intensity of the investigation, and the whole city of jintari was heavily guarded.

"Gentry is an ordinary city after all. What if it's a tank?" Mengke's arrangement is right, but Zhao Chengfeng is more worried.

The sudden appearance of a few people on the African continent is not easy to detect. However, the Mafia brought two or three hundred people with lethal weapons, but they were not detected. This is enough to show that the mercenary reconnaissance ability of the iron grinding mercenary regiment is average, or that the enemy is hiding too well. It's just that the Mafia didn't expect that the city wall of jintari would be so difficult to conquer.

However, it does not mean that the city of jintari is as solid as gold. On the contrary, it makes Zhao Chengfeng see the most fatal short board and the short board that can not be improved.

Without a complete and scientific defense system, what if the enemy comes back with more powerful weapons?

"It seems that we need to find a new place." Zhao Chengfeng mumbled, feeling inexplicably heavy.


While Zhao Chengfeng was thinking, a jeep came from the distance of jintari, and it was ah long who came down from the jeep.

"Ah long, up there." Standing on the wall, Zhao Chengfeng shouts and waves to ah long.

A few minutes later, ah long went up to the city wall and stood side by side with Zhao Chengfeng, looking into the distance.

"What's up with ficaman?" Zhao Chengfeng asked.

"The situation has stabilized, and the reconstruction work has begun. The high-level officials of Huaxia have also given material and personnel supplements, and at the same time, they have put the Mafia on the blacklist." Ah long gave a brief introduction to the situation of the fikaman garrison.

Zhao Chengfeng nodded. Looking back, he found that ah long's face was still dignified and asked, "what's the matter? What's on your mind? "

"It's not that I have something on my mind. It's just that it's too difficult for us to do something on the continent of Africa, which is almost no matter." A long said his own point of view, "the local government is incompetent and does nothing. We want to receive refugees, but we can't help them all the time, which is a great consumption for us."

"Go on." Zhao Chengfeng is quiet, but he secretly praises ah long.

Many people think that China is a powerful country. It's nothing to help these refugees. What they give is nothing good. Food and water are just things. At most, one or two T-shirts are not worth much.

Yes, it doesn't matter if there are only one hundred, one thousand, even ten thousand. Zhao Chengfeng can afford it, but what about hundreds of thousands of refugees?

Before, Zhao Chengfeng felt that mengke was not a qualified city manager because he did not understand people's livelihood. In other words, these people have their own problems. They don't want to make progress.

Zhao Chengfeng once read a news report that in a city on the African continent, a Chinese boss saw that the refugees on the African continent were poor. He supported food and water, including clothes, pants and umbrellas. At the beginning, the boss was very popular, and he thought it was very meaningful. The money was spilled out, but he was very happy.

However, there are more and more refugees coming, and the boss can no longer offer anything to help these refugees. These refugees refuse and rush into the boss's shop. After a while, the boss's goods are damaged and he has lost all his money.

In the final analysis, refugees are caused by the government and their own laziness. They are not willing to struggle. Shouldn't a lazy person be poor?

Refugees are hateful, but pitiful.

"On the one hand, refugees are a bottomless pit." A long continued: "due to the spread of the Murphy virus, many refugees have gathered in the fikaman area. Although the disease has been cured, these people do not leave, stay and do nothing. They sit outside the fikaman canteen all day waiting for food. You say, it's better to raise hundreds of pigs."

Smell speech, Zhao Chengfeng burst out laughing, "you this metaphor is very appropriate."

"I don't mean to insult the refugees. I just look down on the refugees who can't support themselves but are idle." Ah long corrected.

"On the other hand, defense." "Feikaman oilfield is so important that even if there is a regiment stationed, it is impossible to defend. Next time, if the enemy takes a suicide attack, will it light up the oil depot again?"

Zhao Chengfeng nodded slightly, "then what do you do?"

"There is no way. At present, the only effective way is to strengthen defense and management. If we want to be thorough, we can only get rid of the refugees, so that the possibility of fishing in troubled waters is almost zero. "

"But if someone sneaks on the way, the consequences will be even worse." Ah long has another worry.

"You'll be in charge of ficaman and jintari in the future. I'll say hello to them. By the way, you'll also be in charge of an arsenal. You can do it yourself. I only have two requirements!"

Zhao Chengfeng didn't comment on a long's words and said: "first, protect the safety of ficaman and jintari, including your own safety; Second, I don't care about the feikaman oilfield, but the iron mercenary regiment and the ordnance factory have to make money for me. Can you do it? "

"Yes A long is tiny a Leng, immediately understand come over. Zhao Chengfeng wants to take control of everything on the African continent.

Zhao Chengfeng really has this plan. Apart from a long, Zhao Chengfeng can't think of a more suitable person. Mengke and youduri are really good, but they only want to strengthen themselves and the nation, but they don't know how to manage at all; Pang Hu and Cui Hongjun are both good, but Pang Hu is young after all, while Cui Hongjun is a soldier General of Miao Hong, who is too honest to be good.

"Well, I'll come to investigate in a year. If I'm not satisfied, I'll let you go." Zhao Chengfeng said with a smile, but also to the pressure of a long.

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