"You are always welcome to check." A long zhengse Road, looking directly at Zhao Chengfeng eyes, not afraid.

"It's good to have confidence, but it's not easy. You have to learn to get along with them." Zhao Chengfeng looked up at a group of black people and said, "these black guys, their thoughts are too simple and barbaric. You have to be prepared."

Ah long nodded, full of confidence.

"Well, you've been working hard all the way back. Go eat something and have a good sleep. Maybe the battle will start soon."

"Well, you can call me anything." With that, ah long went down to have a rest. It was really hard all the way, but he didn't sleep in the feikaman station.

Looking at a long's back, Zhao Chengfeng suddenly shows a meaningful smile. Muttered to himself: "since you have this heart, it depends on your ability."

Ah long's words really surprised and even surprised Zhao Chengfeng. It is true that the most important role of Zhao Chengfeng in letting ah long come is to take charge of the African continent. After all, ah long's strength lies there.

On weekdays, ah long is also silent. Most of his thoughts are spent thinking about how to break through and how to make himself stronger. Unexpectedly, ah long has a unique view on management. In this case, Zhao Chengfeng simply let ah long do it.

At present, the jintari and ficaman oilfields are on the right track, and they are ready for logistics, safety assurance and transportation. But it's not easy to make every person and every part work exactly like a machine. Many people think that as a manager, he is the most natural and unrestrained. If he is not happy, he will wave his hand!

But in fact, people are gone, what do you manage? It's like a general who doesn't know how to protect his soldiers. All the soldiers are dead. Is it interesting for you to be a general? Are you still a general?

Neutralization and balance are the mentality of a manager.

"It seems that the Mafia will not make trouble today. Go to bed first." After wandering around the city wall, the bored Zhao Chengfeng got into the house and fell asleep.

Not only was there no movement on this day, but there was no movement on the Mafia for the next three days. It was like the evaporation of the world, without any trace.

"Boss, tomorrow will be a decisive battle. Are you really going alone?" In the evening, a group of people sat in the command post, talking about yudhry.

After dealing with the problems in the feikaman area, youduri and others will come back.

"Well, I'll go alone." Zhao Chengfeng nodded his head and said, "it's not a great event. Won't it be a decisive battle? Who have I been afraid of for so many years? "

"This time it's totally different." One side of a long frowned: "magician, we have never played, attack how, no one is clear, rashly act, just afraid of improper."

"Master, we can't be too honest. We say we can choose alone. I don't know how many of them are." Pang Hu, haha, the thief said with a smile, "why don't we ambush them and beat them unprepared. It's a lot of trouble to single out. According to me, let's take dozens of elites to ambush. As soon as the Mafia people show up, no matter what kind of sorcerer he is, I'll blow him to death with a big bang! "

Pang Hu was born as a bounty hunter, but the so-called bounty hunter is actually a killer. The killer never cares too much about his work, just wants to kill the target, no matter what way he uses!

"Pang Hu, you are so shameless, but I like you!" Zhao Chengfeng said, laughing.

Pang Hu's method is really shameless, but he really wants to go with Zhao Chengfeng. It has nothing to do with the rules of the world. After all, the Mafia is not a gentleman. There is no need to tell them the rules.

Moreover, many people have died in the ficaman area, which can't be ignored.

"It turns out that master, you have a plan for a long time, which makes us worry." Pang Hu was a little stunned and immediately began to laugh.

Zhao Chengfeng took a puff of his cigarette and said to himself, "I don't want to have many hearts. I'm afraid I'll be killed long ago.". In recent years, people who have the ability and ability do not necessarily live long. They have to think fast.

"I need 20 elite fighters, six snipers, six riflemen, and eight soldiers to carry 40 fires." Zhao Chengfeng changed a comfortable posture. As soon as he pinched the cigarette end, a fierce color appeared in his eyes. He gritted his teeth and said, "this duel has changed. It's not a duel, it's not a single fight, it's revenge!"

People seem to be aroused by Zhao Chengfeng's emotion. Yes, think about the people who died in the fire. Why don't they take revenge? Why do I have to tell you about the morality of the river and the lake?

"There's a problem. I've checked the area over there. It's deserted and uninhabited. It's flat everywhere. You can see the end at a glance. How can our people ambush?" Ah long expressed another worry.

In recent days, no trace of mafia has been found in either the Scouts of the millstone mercenary regiment or the kids, which shows that the enemy is very hidden and even has a great influence in the African continent.

"It's a problem, but it's not impossible." Zhao Chengfeng lit up a cigarette again, took a swig, and said: "our soldiers have to go to the battlefield to sharpen. What they need to learn is not only killing people, not only shooting, but also strategy and how to hide. Especially the sniper, a sniper who doesn't know how to hide, is equal to other people's live target. "

When they heard the words, they nodded.

In particular, Zhao Chengfeng's existence, frankly speaking, spoils these guys. He always thinks that there is an extremely powerful boss, and there is nothing they can't defeat. He is proud, but he also has a certain degree of dependence.

"Pang Hu, teach them your secret skills. You're a bounty hunter. You're an expert in this area. I won't rob you of your part!" Zhao Chengfeng continued: "ah long guards the iron grinding mercenary regiment, while youduri and mengke each take 100 people to surround the fierce wasteland for 30 Li, except for our personality!"

"Especially ordinary people who look calm without any weapons should be more cautious. They are likely to be magicians!" Zhao Chengfeng warned.

I'm not afraid of magicians, but these ordinary soldiers can't do it. If an ordinary fireball hits me, I can't escape even if I die! It's worse than his mother's crematorium.

"Don't I have to go?" Ah long frowned slightly, a little unhappy.

Don't you take part in such a big battle?

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