"You're gone. What if another team of them sneaks on the millstone mercenary regiment again?" Zhao Chengfeng asked.

"This..." a long is tiny a Leng, immediately didn't utter a word.

At this level, ah long really didn't expect that. Before, ah long wanted to see how strong Zhao Chengfeng is now, and even more wanted to see how powerful the legendary magician is.

"When you think of attacking, you should also be cautious about defending." Zhao Chengfeng glanced at ah long and continued: "now the enemy situation is not clear, we have to make two plans."

"Don't worry, people are in the city." Ah long nodded heavily.

"Well, let's make our own arrangements. We'll start tomorrow morning and yank the wasteland." Zhao Chengfeng thought about it again, determined that there was nothing else to do, and waved his hand to send them away.

Seeing that Zhao Chengfeng was thoughtful, they quietly withdrew from the command post.

"Didi... Didi..."

However, as soon as they quit the command post, Zhao Chengfeng's phone on the desk rings. It's the kid who calls.

"Hello, any news?" Zhao Chengfeng asked.

"Sorry, boss!"

The voice of kid's apology came from the other end of the phone, and he said dejectedly: "in recent days, I almost didn't catch my eyes, and even invaded the public monitoring network of European omelet country, but there was no trace of Mafia. As for the network, I also found some things about magicians, but most of them are TV dramas and movies, which are useless."


Zhao Chengfeng nodded faintly. Although he was a little disappointed, he was not lost. Before that, the whereabouts of the Mafia had been weird. Now that it comes back, it is bound to be more cautious. If it is so easy to be found, I'm afraid it will be destroyed long ago.

You know, it's not just Zhao Chengfeng who hates the Mafia in the world. Many governments are gnashing their teeth at it. Unfortunately, there is no good way, just because they hide too much.

"Close monitoring is enough. I'm afraid it will be a protracted war this time." Zhao Chengfeng doesn't mean to blame the kid either. He can only place his hope on tomorrow's "decisive battle". If he catches two people alive, he can always ask something.

"Yes, boss." The kid finished and put down the phone in a hurry.

And Zhao Chengfeng also fell into deep thinking, although it was late at night, but Zhao Chengfeng was not sleepy.


When the sun rises from the horizon, a new day officially comes.

"Bon voyage, the others have set out." When Zhao Chengfeng had breakfast and was ready to get on the bus, ah long told him.

Zhao Chengfeng nodded, threw his Xuanyuan sword into the car, turned around and said to ah long, "this time, all the people I'm taking are elites. The possibility of problems is almost zero. What I'm more worried about is the iron grinding mercenary regiment and the feikaman garrison!"

"So, before we come back, your task is heavy." In the end, Zhao Chengfeng's tone was dignified.

"Well." Ah long nodded, without any guarantee, but now he is full of firmness and ruthlessness. Ah long is also a fierce man who has been on the battlefield. He used to be the captain of Long Ya. The most important thing in his heart is his ruthlessness.


Voice down, Zhao Chengfeng driving car quickly left, rolled up bursts of yellow dust.

Ah long looked at Huang Chen, his mouth wriggled twice. He didn't know what to say. He went back to the city and ordered people to guard against him. He went to the observation post of the city wall himself.


Yanla wasteland, endless, all wasteland, occasionally a few grass, but has dried up, in the scorching sun, as if in an instant can be lit up.

It's a miserable day. However, in a slightly depressed depression of Mengla grassland, dozens of people gathered together, but there was no uncomfortable feeling at all. The most amazing thing was that in the area of dozens of square meters where dozens of people concentrated, there was a light rain, which brought dry and hot air.

"Oh, Alice, you are so beautiful and capable. Because of you, we won't be burned by the sun like those big black ones." In the crowd, a middle-aged man with a head like appearance praised a blonde.

Alice, the woman with golden curly hair, is a middle-class water system magician. She is tall and white. She is a rare beauty. Unlike the magician's name, the woman's dress doesn't look strange. A pair of light blue skinny jeans are wrapped with plump and sexy long legs, and her upper body is a white shirt. A pair of proud chests are coming out, Almost squeezed out the buttons.

This is a top beauty!

"Jack, Alice is our only water wizard. It's absolutely wise to take her with us this time." Next to another person also followed the praise, however, these men's eyes are more focused on the woman's chest and the round buttocks.

For beauty, no man can refuse.

"Don't praise me. Captain Jack's fire magic is more powerful. My water magic has no lethality. I can only remove the fire and cool you down." Alice gave a faint smile, but her blue eyes were full of disgust.

"Well, fire magic is also good for our holy bishop."

Hearing the words, Jack looked upright and said, "if it wasn't for the Lord, we might have died in the refugee camp long ago. All this was given by the Lord. In order to repay the Lord, this time, the five of us must work together to kill Zhao Chengfeng and go to see the Lord with his head."

"Yes, if there is no God, there will be no us."

A few people nearby answered one after another, but Alice was absent-minded. Some people were grateful to the Lord, but others were resentful and hateful. That's what Alice was like.

Alice didn't come out of the refugee camp. She was a middle school student. She should have a bright future. Unfortunately, she was taken away by the Mafia. She was forced to learn water magic, or she would die! As like as two peas in training camp, they are the devil in order to commit all sorts of people to training as killer.

Alice wanted to fight, but she couldn't.

Jack, the fire magician in front of him, is the leader of this operation, and also the elder martial brother of these people. He is most loyal to the Lord because Jack was picked up from refugee camps and slums. He can have a good life with the Lord. Although the training is cruel, it's better than not having enough to eat.

"Boom boom!"

However, just as a group of people were complimenting the Lord, a car from afar came and came in a fierce way.

"Captain, here comes Zhao Chengfeng!" A man nearby yelled.

People's faces suddenly darkened down, Jack waved his hand, his face appeared a grimace, "this bastard really dares to come."

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