"Not only dare to come, but also a person came." Next to the ray department wizard oako gnashing his teeth, "Jack, let's prepare to kill him, I think a ray will kill him!"

"I'll electrocute him!" Just like the explosive head cut by thunder, the middle-aged man angrily said, and he was duolongduo, the magician of the electricity department.

"Prepare to fight!"

Jack has no extra words, just a wave of his hand, hundreds of people behind him quickly surrounded up, forming a huge circle, people surrounded up in the future.


With a squeak, Zhao Chengfeng opened the door of the SUV and walked down from the car with a cool look, as if he didn't see more than 100 people carrying guns.

Zhao Chengfeng's physical strength is very high today. Ordinary bullets, even 40 fires, can be resisted. Only the biological bullets developed and manufactured by Botian may pose a threat to Zhao Chengfeng.

"Zhao Chengfeng, you are here at last." Jack stares at the young man in front of him, gnashing his teeth. His eyes seem to be able to emit sparks. He stares at Zhao Chengfeng.

Zhao Chengfeng's photos have long been in their minds. They dream of killing him. Today, they finally have the best chance.

"You're a bunch of Mafia bastards?" Zhao Chengfeng lit a cigarette, with a faint smile on his face, without any fear and confusion. Zhao Chengfeng believed in his strength and his teammates.

He is now pointed at by the muzzle of a gun, and Jack and others are not pointed at by the gun?

"Damned bastard, you dare to talk big when you are dying. Do you believe me to blow you to death with a thunder?" Oako is hot-blooded. He is typical of frying at a little bit and gnashing his teeth. He seems to want to eat Zhao Chengfeng's meat and drink his blood.

"I don't believe it." Zhao Chengfeng gently shakes his head, and a banter smile rises from the corner of his mouth.

Today, Zhao Chengfeng's perception is very strong. Although the magician is magical and weird, after seeing the magician with his own eyes, Zhao Chengfeng doesn't feel any pressure, let alone smell danger.

"You Oako was so angry that he blew his beard and glared. He recited the mantra in his heart. Suddenly, there was a black thing on his palm. It was the size of a football. Although it was not big, it contained a huge amount of energy.

Zhao Chengfeng glanced, can clearly feel the power of the black ball, the corner of the mouth that disdain is more obvious.

"I thought magicians were so great that they could play with these magic balls?" Zhao Chengfeng shook his head disapprovingly and said: "frankly speaking, this power is not as powerful as 40 fire."

"Damn, you dare to look down on me and see if I don't kill you!"

The black thunder ball flies to Zhao Chengfeng as soon as he raises his hand.


Although Zhao Chengfeng doesn't like the magician, it's the first time for him to fight. He doesn't dare to be careless. He raises his hand and pats the palm wind. The palm wind and the black thunder ball are on the trigger, making a deafening sound, just like real thunder.

"Kick, kick, kick!" Oxdor didn't expect that Zhao Chengfeng would beat back his thunder ball. The huge impact made him step back and turn pale.


"Are you all right, oako?"

Jack, dolondo and others are shocked. You know, among all the magicians, oxdor is the most powerful one. It can be said that his attack power is very strong. Unexpectedly, Zhao Chengfeng defuses him with one blow.

Looking back at Zhao Chengfeng, it seems that nothing happened.

"Damn magician, that's all." Zhao Chengfeng clapped his hands. The more ironic he was, the more he understood the magician in this round.

As Zhao Chengfeng said before, the power of the black thunder ball can't even compare with 40 fire, and the speed is too slow. Zhao Chengfeng can choose to avoid it or fight it back. There are many ways to deal with it.

"Zhao Chengfeng, you are too arrogant. Today, we want you to die without a burial place!"

Jack was so angry that he stamped his feet and suddenly roared, "oxdor, dolondo, Feng, let's join hands and let this Oriental boy taste our magician's power!"

"Come on, who's afraid of who? If we don't kill you today, how can Lao Tzu's dead brothers close their eyes?" Zhao Chengfeng eyebrows pick, kill intention surging.


At the moment when Xuanyuan sword came out of its sheath, Zhao Chengfeng seemed to have changed into a man in a short time, brilliant and heroic!

"Electricity, thunder, wind, fire!"

Jack and his party also dare not neglect. They surround Zhao Chengfeng in a strange situation. They don't know what to say. For a moment, the wind blows and the fire comes out. The black thunder ball in oxdor's hand appears again, which is a few points bigger than the previous one.

The most bizarre thing is duolongduo, a magician of electricity department. His palms are opposite each other, with electric current passing through, but duolongduo is not affected at all.


Oxdor took the lead in attacking, and the thunder ball as big as a basketball went through again, faster and fiercer!

"The wind blows!"



All of a sudden, Jack and the other three hands together, suddenly, the venue becomes gorgeous, especially Jack's "hell fire", under the effect of the wind, the more fierce he wants to burn, Zhao Chengfeng feels a burning sensation from afar!

"To split Huashan!"

However, in the blink of an eye, Zhao Chengfeng, like a shell, shot into the air, dodged the thunder, holding Xuanyuan sword in both hands.

The Xuanyuan sword is full of red light. It's three feet long. At that moment, it seems to be able to compete with the sun in the sky. Although it's red through half of the sky, it's a pity that it's a sword without temperature!

"Oh my God..." Alice, who was watching from a distance, almost knelt down to worship when she saw Zhao Chengfeng in the air.

Is this, is this still human? How can he fly so high?

"Forget it, I'd better stay away." That's what Alice thought and did.


Zhao Chengfeng waved hard, his hands smashed down heavily, and his sword fell down.

"Boom boom!"

As if Mars hit the earth, huge waves of sound and air rose together. In the middle of the sky filled with yellow dust, four human figures were seen flying out, and pieces of fishy red were scattered in the air.

"With this ability, you can call yourself a magician?" Yellow dust gradually dispersed, only one person is still standing, that is Zhao Chengfeng.

It is strange that there is no dust on Zhao Chengfeng.

"Keke..." Jack got up from the soil, pale as paper. Looking at Zhao Chengfeng in front of him, a grim smile appeared on his face, "son of a bitch, you go to die, shoot!"

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