
With Jack's roar, the gunfire broke out.


However, to everyone's surprise, Zhao Chengfeng did not dodge, with a mocking smile on his face, and let the bullet hit him. Strong air surging, after a bullet shot out, see will hit Zhao Chengfeng, but seems to be blocked by an invisible wall.

"Ah?" The ferocious smile on Jack's face suddenly stopped. Instead, it was fear, fear from the bottom of his heart!

"Well, how is that possible?" Oxdor was not killed by a sword, but also saw this amazing scene.

Hundreds of bullets were fired continuously, but it was a pity that they could not cause even the slightest damage to Zhao Chengfeng.

"My God, is he, is he a devil?"

Alice in the distance was also very surprised. She widened her eyes. For a moment, she felt that her brain was not enough. Alice couldn't think of how a person could be so abnormal?

It's estimated that even if the Lord himself does it, he may not be able to subdue him.

"Have you had a good fight? Now it's my turn. " Zhao Chengfeng suddenly a ghost smile, right hand suddenly under wave!

When Jack and others didn't understand what was going on, the gunfire rang out again.

"Pa Pa Pa!"

The sound is different from the rifle, the gunshot is not continuous, but every time the sound sounds, there is always one person down.

"No, there's an ambush!"

"Run away!"

At this moment, Jack finally knows the power of Zhao Chengfeng. He is extremely powerful. Even if the four major magicians join hands, he is not his opponent. Facing the bombardment of machine gun and artillery, he is still intact. He is just a monster.

And he is not a person in the fight, but also with people ambush around, the hateful thing is, his people did not even half aware before.

"Run away!"

Jack makes a quick decision. The gunfire from all directions makes Jack despair. This time, the strangulation is a complete failure. It's not to strangle Zhao Chengfeng, but to be killed!

"Dada... Dada..."

However, without waiting for the crowd to run too far away, the sound of daddada's rifles rang again. The deserters who just rushed out fell down like pieces of harvested wheat.

For a moment, the sounds of gunfire, abuse and pain were intertwined.

In less than three minutes, there were only twenty or thirty people left with Jack. Even oxdor and dolondo had died under the merciless fire.

"We surrender, damn it, don't fight!"

Jack can't run at all. Looking at the fallen soldiers and brothers, and looking at Zhao Chengfeng with a faint smile in front of him, Jack's heart sank to the bottom of the valley in this moment.

He is too strong. He and others are not his opponents at all. They are just looking for abuse.

"Surrender? Ha ha, it's very interesting. " Zhao Chengfeng was a little stunned, but he soon recovered as usual.

Surrender shows that Jack still has brain, but also in the face of a powerful enemy of a kind of powerless struggle, to put it bluntly, is to live, in order to live, understandable.

"Come out."

Zhao Chengfeng said in a loud voice. He didn't listen very much. He had a strong penetrating power. He could hear Zhao Chengfeng's voice in a radius of two or three kilometers.

As Zhao Chengfeng's voice falls, many people suddenly appear in all directions, slowly closing the circle, little by little, and Jack's pressure also increases.

"They all surrendered. Why don't you let your men put down their weapons? Do you have to get a shot to be happy? " Zhao Chengfeng smiles faintly, but his eyes are cold.

Zhao Chengfeng is not stupid. Although the Mafia is a underworld gang, it is also a ruthless role. If Jack and others are caught dead, Zhao Chengfeng may not be affected. At most, they are stabbed with a few swords, but youduri leads ordinary soldiers. Although these soldiers are ordinary, they are all raised by Zhao Chengfeng with silver, let alone dead one, Hurt a Zhao Chengfeng feel meat pain incomparable.

"Put down your weapons. We are surrounded." Jack a face of weak depression, a moment as if a lot of old, no longer before the arrogance.

If the Mafia are not reconciled, they can only lay down their arms and see what others are prepared for. There are ten men in a combat group, with 40 fires, snipers and riflemen. You know, people's 40 fire has not been used yet.

"Master, you are still very good. It's almost effortless to clean up these bastards." Pang Hu came over with a smile, and his heart was filled with admiration.

Especially in the moment of Zhao Chengfeng's "splitting Huashan", Pang Hu almost fell on his knees. Even though he was far away, Pang Hu could still feel the power of the sword.

Moreover, Pang Hu has seen Zhao Chengfeng use this move many times in the past, but this time it is more powerful and more lethal. This shows that his master has become more powerful.

How can Pang Hu not be proud of his master?

"Don't talk nonsense. Control all these bastards. Anyone who resists or disobeys orders will be killed." Zhao Chengfeng didn't have time to listen to Pang Hu's blind comparison, so he gave the order directly.

Frankly speaking, Zhao Chengfeng also thinks that this time of action is quite smooth. To be honest, Jack's magicians are still very powerful. Ordinary people would have been scared to pee for a long time. Apart from that, Pang Hu might not be able to resist the joint attack of the four just now!

Unfortunately, they met a more powerful Zhao Chengfeng, can only say that their life is not good.

Soon, the remaining 30 or 40 members of the Mafia were all under control. They were all tied up and strong. However, Jack, Feng, Alice and Zhao Chengfeng are not tied up because they are all magicians. If their own people get close, what will these bastards do?

"Tell me, how are you going to die?" Zhao Chengfeng is ready to set off a cigarette in his spare time, with a banter smile at the corner of his mouth.

The Mafia is just like that. The myrrh monk said that it is so powerful. Isn't it true that the Mafia people are controlled by themselves again?

"Zhao Chengfeng, we are all down. What else do you want?" When Jack heard that he was going to die, he got upset and made a final fight.

There is only one life. If it's gone, it's gone. Who doesn't cherish it?

"You don't have to go to jail. I don't care about those bullets. I have plenty of money and I can afford them." However, the irony on Zhao Chengfeng's face is even more profound.


Jack was almost angry to death when he heard this. Frankly speaking, this guy didn't intend to let his party live at all, and it was just a joke before he died, just like a cat catching a mouse and not biting it to death.

"How on earth are you willing to let us go?" Jack took a deep breath and tried to suppress his anger. He gritted his teeth and said, "I admit you are very strong, but if you kill us, you won't come to a good end..."

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