
Jack did not finish a cruel words, Pang Hu a lunge up, ferocious extremely slap on Jack's face. The clear and sweet voice immediately rang out, only to see Jack's face red and swollen up quickly.

"Cough..." although jack is a middle-level magician, but his body is very weak, this slap makes Jack dizzy, and his brain is buzzing.

"Son of a bitch, don't you believe me to castrate you?" After a slap, Pang Hu gritted his teeth.

For Pang Hu, Zhao Chengfeng is his God. How can Pang Hu allow his God to be threatened?


Jack was slapped, and he was honest. Jack thought he was cruel all the time. Because he was a magician, he had excellent talent and was highly respected by the Lord. He was in charge of the criminal law in the Mafia. If he didn't obey, he would have no good fruit.

But compared with Pang Hu, Jack thinks he is too childish. In just a few minutes, more than half of his own people died, and even dorondo and oako were destroyed. Just now, two of his subordinates were disobedient and were directly shot on the spot. They didn't say a word more.

"What are you doing? You idiot Pang Hu's eyes glared.

"Come on, introduce yourself first. If you can be more obedient, maybe the way of death will be different." Zhao Chengfeng is smoking and smiling.

It's not that Zhao Chengfeng pretends to be a bully, but he suddenly feels that this time the Mafia appears again, and he's making a fuss.

"My name is Jack. I'm the leader of this operation." Jack is not willing, but can only bow, nothing is more important than to live.


Zhao Chengfeng nodded and said, "tell me about your boss. What's his name? Where is it? "

"This..." Jack smell speech, all of a sudden alert, but also a little surprised, don't say Zhao Chengfeng also want to find the Lord revenge?

No, I can't betray the Lord!

"What is this? Say it Pang Hu glared again and put his hand on the dragon scale sword at his waist.

"Can't say!"

This time, the wind roared, red eyes: "Jack, can't sell the Lord, absolutely can't sell the Lord!"

"Oh, there is a hard bone. Well, I like to chew hard bones!" Pang Hu sneered, pulled out his sword and walked slowly to the wind.

Feng was not afraid. He stared at Pang Hu and said, "if you have the ability, you will kill me. I will not betray the Lord. Do you dare to give me a good time?"

"Happy? You think so

Pang Hu shook his dragon scale sword and said with a smile: "I will not give you a pleasure, but I will give you pain. Do you want to try?"



Without waiting for Feng to speak, Pang Hu's wrist trembled and his sword air surged. He suddenly waved down, only to see feng's right arm fall to the ground, and his blood gushed out.


The sword was too fast. The wind felt the pain when he saw his arm fall on the ground for a long time.


One side of the Mafia people scared to take a breath, what is the devil? This is the devil!

"Too hard, too hard." Jack was shivering and sweating.

"Cruel? Ha ha. "

Hearing Jack's words, Zhao Chengfeng was dumbfounded and asked, "aren't you cruel? As the saying goes, if the two countries fight each other, they will not cut the emissary. You'd better send someone to kinteri to burn my men to mummies in the afternoon; Then he sent a fire magician to feikaman oil field and burned the oil depot directly, killing and injuring hundreds of people. Your brother just broke one arm. Do you think I'm cruel? "

"Zhao Chengfeng, this time we mistakenly estimated your strength. You are really powerful, much more powerful than we thought." Jack clenched his steel teeth and said, "you will defeat the enemy. You can kill us. Now I only want to die. You don't want to know the news of the Lord from us. I won't tell you."

Smell speech, Zhao Chengfeng eyes a MI, light smile way: "is it?"? It's good not to be afraid of death. It's good not to be afraid of death... "


Zhao Chengfeng did not finish, the Xuanyuan sword in his hand came out of the scabbard again, and the red light suddenly appeared.


Only see the wind's head rolling on the ground, blood spilled, diffuse, all people's hearts are straight hair, what is a smiling tiger? This is the smiling tiger. If you don't agree, you can do it!

"You..." Jack opened his mouth wide, eyes wide, not anger, but fear.

Jack has seen the dead and killed a lot of people, but he never thought that the distinguished magician would also be killed. You know, in the Mafia, besides the Lord, the magician is the highest and most noble. Only the magician can kill others. How can he be killed? Moreover, Zhao Chengfeng cut off his head!

The scarlet blood tests Jack's loyalty!

"Now, are you going to say something?" Zhao Chengfeng looks back at Jack with a smile. The light of Xuanyuan sword converges instantly. It's still plain black. It's strange that there is no blood on the sword.

"I..." Jack felt a little dry in his throat.

"I said

But this time, just as Jack opened his mouth, Alice came back from her panic and said, "I say, I say everything, as long as you don't kill me!"

"Oh?" Zhao Chengfeng was a little stunned. He glanced at Alice and flashed a different light in his eyes.

Tall and plump, delicate and full of exotic face, blue eyes, high nose, extremely sexy. This is a very beautiful woman, but, Zhao Chengfeng is very curious, she looks very general, very ordinary, why will be involved? Is it Jack, or someone else's woman? That's dog day.

In Zhao Chengfeng's opinion, Alice's appearance condition is excellent. It's not too much to describe it as "absolutely beautiful". Moreover, the woman's skin is very good, tender and smooth, adding a few different styles in the sunshine.

"Alice, are you going to betray the Lord?" Jack gritted his teeth. His eyes were red with anger, as if he were going to eat people. It's extremely ferocious!

"You die first!"

Alice raised her hand and hit a big water ball on Jack's face. Although the water didn't have much attack power, this water ball seemed to contain all the anger in Alice's heart and hit Jack's face hard.


Water polo break, although no substantial damage, but also hit Jack dizzy, that power is no less than Pang Hu's slap.

"You're his dog, I'm not!" Alice scolded angrily: "that damned man took me away at the beginning and made me suffer a lot. Since then, I have no friends or relatives. I have no gratitude to him, only hatred!"

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