"Interesting." One side of Zhao Chengfeng a little Leng, immediately the corners of his mouth with a smile, also do not intervene, while smoking, while watching the two farce.

It's good for internal strife, which also gives Zhao Chengfeng a breakthrough!

"If I can, I want to kill him. He destroyed all my dreams." Alice was still growling.

"But don't forget, if it's not the Lord, you have nothing now, and you're not a magician. You know, magicians are very noble..." Jack explained.

"I Pooh!"

Alice sniffed at the words and said with a sneer, "yes, among the Mafia, the magicians are really very advanced and excellent, but now look at you, do you still think you are very noble?"


On hearing this, Jack's face was red and ashamed.

Yes, the magician is awesome, but so what? Isn't he still a prisoner? With a gesture from Zhao Chengfeng, he will be beaten into a sieve.

Perhaps, in the eyes of Zhao Chengfeng, the magician is not even bullshit.

"Dear Mr. Zhao, my name is Alice. Before that, I was also a Mafia magician, a middle level magician." Seeing that Jack was speechless, Alice turned to Zhao Chengfeng and said respectfully, "I hate the Mafia, the magician and the Lord Missibi. So I want to confess to you. I hope you spare my life and I will take you to the Mafia headquarters."


Smell speech, Zhao Chengfeng eyebrow a Yang, obviously has a trace of interest.

"Mr. Zhao, please spare my life. I won't let you down." Alice's attitude is very sincere, also very clear, Zhao Chengfeng is too strong, he is not his opponent.

Now Alice doesn't want to deal with Zhao Chengfeng. Instead, she wants to follow Zhao Chengfeng. Maybe she can kill MIBI and avenge herself!

"I'm not sure if you'll let me down, but now, I'm sure your head will rest on your neck for a while." Zhao Chengfeng took a puff of his cigarette and said, "of course, don't be happy too soon, because I can't trust you, so I'll have you locked up."

Hearing this, Alice looked a little ugly, but she said, "I'm sure you'll know my sincerity one day."

"Until that day."

Zhao Chengfeng is noncommittal, wave a hand way: "take these people all away, who if revolt, kill directly!"

In this way, a team of people came back to jintari, and when it came to jintari, Aron opened the gate and went downstairs to meet him.


Ah long hugged the crowd with a smile.

"Go ahead and talk about it." Zhao Chengfeng waved to the crowd, and all the prisoners were put into custody. "We should pay attention to keeping a certain distance between the two magicians, and let the caretakers be more careful."

Zhao Chengfeng asked two more words. If they are ordinary warriors, Zhao Chengfeng has a way to seal their strength, but there is no good way for the magician Zhao Chengfeng. The only way is to kill them!

But now Zhao Chengfeng is not in a hurry to kill Jack and Alice. Both of them are high-level figures in the Mafia and should know a lot of Mafia secrets.

After everything is arranged, everyone goes back to the headquarters and takes Jack and others. They see some smiles on their faces.

"Boss, this time the action is really smooth, almost no effort to catch this group of bastards, it is too fast." It's monk speaking.

Munch is really happy. After all, his brother was burned to death the other day. It was a terrible scene. After the war, not only avenged for the dead brother, but also knew the weakness of the magician.

To be sure, magicians are really weird, but they are not invincible. On the contrary, their defense is too weak. Even if Zhao Chengfeng doesn't fight, mengke and others are sure to kill him in this battle. At most, it will cost more bullets.

"It's mainly Mafia people who are crazy." Zhao Chengfeng didn't take it too seriously. He said solemnly, "Jack and others take us too lightly, and they think they are very powerful, so they have no defense. Or they overestimate their own abilities. "

"Boss, what are you going to do next?" Asked uduri.

"Say what you want." Zhao Chengfeng glanced at youduri and said faintly.

Youduri was a little stunned, then said: "boss, I think we should torture them immediately, kill them all in the Mafia nest, so that they can die forever!"

"The Mafia is deeply rooted in Europe and has a wide range of implications. If our weapons are to be sold to Europe in the future, there will be conflicts with the Mafia. Instead of this, we'd better start early and take it by surprise! "

"Moreover, we'll kill and catch these people. Once the Mafia headquarters can't contact them, it's very likely to launch a second sneak attack on us. Even if we don't do it, it's very likely to do a good job in defense. I'm afraid it's too late for us to do it."

Zhao Chengfeng nodded slightly. Youduri's worry naturally occurred to Zhao Chengfeng, but some things are easier said than done. After all, the African continent is too far away from the European omelette country. When we get to the omelette country, we are really not familiar with the place of life, no matter what we do. It doesn't exist on the African continent. It has its own power and the local government also gives it face. It's really no good. The motherland will not abandon itself. It can send reinforcements at any time.

"Well." Zhao Chengfeng nodded and said: "youduri and panghu will interrogate the prisoners. Ah long and mengke will do a good job in defense and post-war work. All right, break up

With that, Zhao Chengfeng took the lead out of the command room. Although Zhao Chengfeng is calm on the surface, he thinks about it in his heart. Youduri seldom talks, but he does more things. As a result, Zhao Chengfeng didn't particularly understand yuduri's thoughts. Today's remarks prove that yuduri still has a brain, at least much better than mengke.

"Didi... Didi..."

However, shortly after leaving the command room, the phone in Zhao Chengfeng's pocket rang.

"Hey, Yan'er, what are you doing? Do you miss me? " Zhao Chengfeng asked with a smile.


Shangguan Yan'er scolded: "if I don't call you, you won't call me, will you? Isn't it true that you are very smart outside, and you can't think of yourself anymore, can you? "

"Look what you say." Zhao Cheng wind way: "I have business here in Africa, how natural and unrestrained?"

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