"Cut the crap!"

Shangguan Yan'er said: "it's said that the suppression of the Mafia is very smooth. You have brought back a beautiful prisoner this time. Why don't you be smart? You've never had any immunity to beautiful women. "

"Damn, who the hell let out the secret?" As soon as Zhao Chengfeng heard this, he subconsciously looked behind him. He was depressed and didn't want to. This kind of feeling of being monitored was very uncomfortable!

"Who betrayed Laozi? Damn, how dare you spy on me

"Come on, don't scold!"

On the other end of the phone, Guan Yan'er didn't have a good way: "no one is monitoring you. Don't be suspicious. I just saw through the monitoring that you arrested people back, so I'll call you. You're very brave. You're really a beautiful woman. Do you plan to give them to me again


Zhao Chengfeng wiped sweat on his forehead and said with a bitter smile, "Yan'er, what do you say? What's not? How vulgar? Am I the kind of person who has no emotion? "

"Zhao Chengfeng, you really want to cheat, don't you?" On hearing this, Shangguan Yan'er was itching at the end of the phone and yelled, "Zhao Chengfeng, I tell you, Lanxin hasn't been found yet. If you dare to mess around, I'll cut your crotch. Do you believe it?"

Hearing "Lanxin", Zhao Chengfeng immediately lost his mind of joking. Shangguan Lanxin is Zhao Chengfeng's pain.

"Forget it, no kidding."

Zhao Chengfeng said: "that woman's name is Alice. She is a middle-level water system magician of the Mafia. She is really a beautiful woman. However, today, she gave up her arms and said she would submit to us. I can't believe it. She was directly locked up. At the moment, youduri and panghu are being interrogated separately."

"Really?" Shangguan Yan'er is still not at ease.

No way, this man is too erotic, as long as it is a beautiful woman, it seems to have fate with him.

"Why do I lie to you? Is that necessary? " Zhao Chengfeng some speechless, his character is so bad?


Shangguan Yan'er snorted: "I don't care what you're doing outside. I'm calling to tell you that you haven't found Lanxin yet. You can do it yourself."

With that, Shangguan Yan'er put down the phone directly.

"Hello, Yan'er, I..." what else did Zhao Chengfeng want to say, but the voice of "dududu" came from the phone, and he couldn't help sighing bitterly.

Beauty, Zhao Chengfeng really likes it. But now Zhao Chengfeng really has no heart to talk about love, let alone Lanxin not found, even if it is found, the women around him are enough to serve him.

What's more, there is a Xia Bingbing who has no news!


With a long sigh, Zhao Chengfeng lit a cigarette and began to clap and frown.

"Master, master, here you are." However, before Zhao Chengfeng finished smoking a cigarette, Pang Hu ran over.

"Well, what can I do for you?" Zhao Chengfeng frowned and asked.

Pang Hu was a little annoyed and said, "master, that Alice wants to see you. She says that she will do anything as long as she sees you. We ask her, but she doesn't say anything. Look at this..."

"This girl really needs beating. Aren't you good at interrogating prisoners?" As soon as Zhao Chengfeng heard this, his brows tightened. Do I have to go to battle in person to interrogate the prisoners?

"Master, Alice is a woman. What do you want us to do? Can't you give her up? " Pang Hu looks embarrassed.

Zhao Chengfeng a little Leng, heart said is also ah, so a beautiful woman, how to start ah? If they were Japanese, they would send people to make them strong, but Zhao Chengfeng couldn't do such a thing.

It's normal for men and women to go to bed. There's nothing wrong with normal men wanting to sleep with beautiful women. But if you don't have feelings and just take off your pants, it's not a thing, it's a beast.

"Master, look at this..."

"Well, let's go. I'll go with you." Zhao Chengfeng thought that he had nothing to do anyway, so he might as well go and have a look. Maybe there's some good news.

Jintari's cell is different from other cells. Frankly speaking, jintari's cell is very dry and cool, because jintari's cell is the basement, which is much cooler than the room on the ground, which is a bit dark.

However, it's much better now. With a generator, there's no need to worry about power.

"Here you are, Mr. Zhao." Alice was very excited when she saw Zhao Chengfeng.

Zhao Chengfeng looks back at Pang Hu. Pang Hu nods and turns to leave.

"Come on, what do you want me to do? I'm busy and I don't have time to talk nonsense with you." Zhao Chengfeng said without expression, but his eyes turned around Alice unconsciously.

Let's not talk about face, just Alice's protruding figure, Zhao Chengfeng can play for a year.

"Mr. Zhao, please believe me. I'm really a water system magician of the Mafia, and my skills are also taught by Lord mibibi himself. In your Chinese words, I'm a" legitimate disciple. " Alice said eagerly, "I just want you to believe me. No other idea."

"Why should I believe you because you are a woman, a beautiful woman?" Zhao Chengfeng asked.

"No, I didn't mean that."

Alice said, "I just want you to do something to them as soon as possible, or you may not be able to find MIBI once he goes into hiding. Moreover, he will revenge you, even if you are very powerful, but what about the people around you? Are all the people around you as powerful as you? "

Smell speech, Zhao Chengfeng pupil suddenly a shrink, "you are threatening me?"

Zhao Chengfeng is very upset, usually the threat of their own people have no good end!

"It's not a threat, it's a reminder, it's a fact." Alice was a little scared by Zhao Chengfeng, but she said, "it's not the first time you've played with the Mafia. Don't you know their style? They're like you. They'll take revenge! "

"What a man! He who has a grudge will get revenge!"

Zhao Chengfeng took a deep breath and said, "but I'm still saying that. Why should I believe you?"

"You may not believe me, but I still want to say that I can't control how you choose in the end." Alice took a deep breath. Seeing that Zhao Chengfeng didn't object, she said slowly, "when I was ten years old, I was a carefree student. I had loving parents, caring brothers, and many friends. I thought I would live happily all the time, but just before my eleventh birthday, I was abducted, And the people who took me away were the Mafia people... "

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