"They took me to a completely strange place, I was afraid, I was afraid, but slowly, my heart was numb, because like me, there were hundreds of children who were abducted, and every day there were people fighting, but every day there were children who were killed by them because they were not obedient, some had no hands, some had no feet, and some even had their tongue cut off..."

Alice fell into a painful memory, tears falling silently.

Zhao Chengfeng did not interrupt the latter meaning, just lit a cigarette, slowly smoked up, listening to the sad story.

It turned out that Alice was just one of the captives, and more than half of them died with disabilities. After all, magicians need certain talents, not everyone can become a magician.

"No wonder you say that you hate missisby. If it were me, I would hate him, too." Half an hour later, after listening to Alice's story, Zhao Chengfeng actually believed it.

Anything can be camouflaged, but the hate in the eyes can not be camouflaged.

Even at this moment, Zhao Chengfeng sympathized with Alice. When I was young, I had to train and select because I had no food to eat. Finally, I grew up and became a magician. I also secretly found my family, but I was threatened by the Mafia. If I didn't listen to the Lord, I would kill her relatives!

Cruel, bloody, inhuman!

"So, if you want to use my hand to avenge you, it's the same as saving your parents and relatives, right?" Zhao Chengfeng asked.

Alice nodded and said, "yes, I do think so."

"Your abacus is very good."

Zhao Chengfeng suddenly laughed and said: "first, I will go to verify your words, that is to say, I will not listen to your one-sided words. At present, you will still be detained here; Second, why do you want me to avenge you? You know, now you are my enemy and my prisoner. What qualifications do you have for me to help you? "

"I..." Alice was stunned on the spot, as if she had been splashed with cold water.

When Zhao Chengfeng saw that Alice didn't speak, he stood up and patted his ass, turned around and left.

"Wait a minute!"

Zhao Chengfeng just walked two steps, Alice behind suddenly opened her mouth and stopped Zhao Chengfeng.

"Do you have anything else to say?" Zhao Chengfeng asked, looking back, "what are you doing? Put on your clothes quickly... "

Zhao Chengfeng was so confused that he didn't even dare to see Alice. NIMA, it's ocean horse. It's too unrestrained. The woman took off her clothes directly.

But I'm in a fuckin 'good shape.

Delicate skin like water, and the towering snow mountain


Zhao Chengfeng swallowed his saliva and quickly said, "well, what? You put on your clothes quickly. If you have any words, let's talk about them well. Don't take off your clothes."

I'm afraid I can't hold it, so Zhao Chengfeng doesn't go too far and subconsciously clips his crotch.

"It's my only capital."

Alice didn't mean to wear clothes. She seemed very satisfied with Zhao Chengfeng's reaction. Then she said, "as long as you help me, I'll be your man."

"No way."

However, this time, Zhao Chengfeng is firm shaking his head, even at this moment adrenaline soars, some parts of the body have obvious reaction, Zhao Chengfeng still refused Alice.


Alice frowned as if she had heard something wrong. "Am I not pretty enough?"

"No, you are very beautiful. I can hardly control you." Zhao Chengfeng said frankly: "but I'm a man, not a beast. I won't be rescued by beautiful women. Maybe you mafia have investigated me and know that I have a lot of women, so they think I am a licentious and romantic man, right? "

Alice nodded slightly. That's right. This is the result of the investigation of Zhao Chengfeng.

"Ha ha, but I don't want all kinds of women. If I don't have feelings, I'm still in bed. It's not love, it's a good match." Zhao Chengfeng shakes his head, turns around and goes.


Alice was in a hurry and wanted to stop Zhao Chengfeng. At last, she squatted on the ground silently, put on her clothes, wriggled slightly at the corner of her mouth, and murmured to herself, "it's really a special man."

"Master, what's the matter? Have you asked?" As soon as Zhao Chengfeng left the prison, Pang Hu came forward and asked.

"Never mind!" Zhao Chengfeng waved his hand and started a cigarette with depression.


On hearing this, Pang Hu immediately said, "master, if you don't give her some cruel means to scare her, take off her mother's clothes, and then March and demonstrate..."


Smell speech, Zhao Chengfeng a burst chestnut knocked in the past, no good airway: "nonsense what? We are soldiers. You are talking about bandits and robbers. Can you think of something? "

"That..." Pang Hu touched his forehead and lost his temper.

"Lock up for the time being, don't embarrass her." Zhao Chengfeng believed Alice's words seven or eight points, but still said: "do the investigators we sent to omelet country have any information to send back?"

"No Pang Hu shook his head.

"These bastards are hidden deep enough." Zhao Chengfeng took a puff of his cigarette and was very depressed.

This time there was a lot of noise. Zhao Chengfeng was able to annihilate the Mafia in one fell swoop. He would never suffer from it again. He didn't have much time to play with them.

"Take the time to investigate. Besides, Alice will let her live in it and try to meet her requirements. She may be useful to us." Zhao Chengfeng ordered a, and said: "go, look at Jack that bastard how to say, this guy's mouth must pry open!"

"Well." Pang Hu nodded and followed Zhao Chengfeng to the other end of the prison. They were held separately to ensure safety and prevent each other from confessing.


However, when Zhao Chengfeng and Pang Hu just got to the prison, youduri ran out with a look of chagrin.

"Well? What's the matter? " Zhao Chengfeng noticed something was wrong.

"Jack is a tough bastard. He doesn't fight any kind of torture, but he does something unimportant. He just killed himself by biting his tongue when I didn't pay attention to him." Yuduri lowered his head, "boss, I'm sorry, I..."

"I'll go to that one!"

When Zhao Chengfeng heard this, he didn't want to go to prison. He didn't mean to blame youduri. He said, "then deal with the corpses. When people die, check their address book to see if they can dig out some valuable clues."

"Yes, boss!"

Youduri turned and went to work. Zhao Chengfeng shook his head helplessly and turned out of the prison. He was somewhat depressed.

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